UFOS disabling nuclear weapons - national security threat

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Fred Da Head

Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2002
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Call me Daddy, I'm not necessarily saying you're wrong, but you need to get your ducks in a row. You asked where in the Bible it said aliens came down; he delivered. Then, you attack him for mentionning those passages. If you're going to ***** about what someone quoted to refute your arguments, at least don't ask them to quote it in the first place. Maybe you need to read something other than Nietzsche... you do know he was pretty much insane when he wrote his best stuff, right?

Anyway, we're going in circles here. Why don't you guys just drop it already?


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
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Actually, Luke is right. "God" (like "Hell") was an Anglo word that was never used in the original Bible. It's a singular catch-all name that was substituted for various names and references to unknown "heavenly" characters - often plural. But when you go back to the Hebrew versions, it becomes clear that there was not just one monotheistic "God," but many "gods" and "sons of god."
And Elohiym (the "Gods") said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness

And Jehovah Elohim said, Behold, Man is become as one of us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he stretch out his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever ...!
"...The geologist Christian O'Brien argued that these [ancient Hebrew and Sumerian] texts describe a race of beings called Shining Ones - his translation of the Hebrew word Elohim. These beings created modern humans from earlier human forms by genetic manipulation. Some of these beings, called Watchers, mated with humans, and this was considered a crime by the Shining Ones. One of the Watchers was named Shemjaza, and Yahweh was one of the Shining Ones. O'Brien argued that the Shining Ones were superior but mortal beings of unknown origin."
- Richard L. Thompson, Alien Identities
So, these "gods" were an advanced race of beings who lived up in the "heavens" (space). Hmm, isn't that what aliens are?

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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Holland said:
I'm curious. How big is that probability?
The chances of extraterresial UFOs visiting Earth are not particularly likely, more likely to be bludgeoned by Occam's Machete. I might be wrong but until they come swooping down and give their "We come in peace" speech, it's not something to hold one's breath.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
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Luke Skywalker said:
Matthew 24:24 "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."
You mean false prophets? There's plenty of those. Look at Ron L. Hubbard, the leader of Scientology. Long dead, but he is considered their prophet.

I fail to see how this relates to beings from outer space.

II Thessalonians 2:7-11 7. For the mystery of iniquity does already work: only he who now lets will let, until he be taken out of the way.

8. And then shall that Wicked [the Anti-Christ] be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His Mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming.

9. Even him [the Anti-Christ], whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders.

10. And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them who perish because they received not the love of the Truth, that they might be saved.

11. And for this cause God shall send them a STRONG DELUSION, THAT THEY SHOULD BELIEVE A LIE.
Nice. You couldn't have picked anything more vague. This passage says nothing in terms of aliens and extraterrestrial life. Sorry. Try again.

Revelation 13:13-14 "And he does great wonders, so that he makes fire come down from Heaven on earth in the sight of men. And deceives them who dwell on the earth by means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast..."
Interesting. Rain fire on earth... you mean like Napalm? And Nukes? Sorry pal, we already got that.

And miracles, you mean like advanced medicine? I'd qualify that.

Everyone who is not a born-again Christian is following this Anti-Christ.
I would tattoo that on your arm and then walk through Muslim, Buddhist, and Hindu neighborhoods.

I take it that Christianity is the only way.. right? And everyone else mist be wrong and thus is doomed to eternal damnation. I guess Gandhi is burning in hell now.

Revelation 13:8 "And all who dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slaim from the foundation of the world.
Worship who?

the Anti-Christ would be either the leader - or their role would be to support a future deception so powerful that you'd be deceived into believing 2+2=3.
Sorry pal. 2+2=4. Ever taken kindergarten math? No? Your loss.

This is in support that UFO's have prophetical significance in end-time prophecies as supporting a future deception that will serve to give credibility to the Anti-Christ - who will usher in a new era of world peace and safety before starting the worst totalitarian nightmare in history once he gains absolute power - culuminating into the battle of Armageddon, when Jesus returns and destroys him and his armies when returning back on Mount of Olives (Acts & Zachariah prophecies)

Wasn't Jesus supposed to rise from the dead like a dozen times already? And weren't we supposed to be dead at the tick of the millennium?

You religious nuts are completely gone.

You know what the difference between a cult a and religion is?

A: About a few million people.
May 23, 2006
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Call_Me_Daddy said:
You mean false prophets? There's plenty of those. Look at Ron L. Hubbard, the leader of Scientology. Long dead, but he is considered their prophet.
Yup, but there is going to be a 'False Prophet' of false prophets as described in Revelation 13:13. It is this one that singled out here.

Call_Me_Daddy said:
I fail to see how this relates to beings from outer space.
That's just the point, what I'm driving at is not 'beings from outer space' but rather fallen angels and light shows, and a point of view that I'm explaining about here.

Call_Me_Daddy said:
Nice. You couldn't have picked anything more vague. This passage says nothing in terms of aliens and extraterrestrial life. Sorry. Try again.
Again, you've completely missed the point, which is about fallen angels. See it looks like you never even bothered reading my post in the first place.

Call_Me_Daddy said:
Interesting. Rain fire on earth... you mean like Napalm? And Nukes? Sorry pal, we already got that.
That's an illustration. It's going to be literal fire on the earth, or whatever power it has over the 'air'. It's obviously going to be localised. The Anti-Christ legitimises it's claim through these wonders or miracles - Napalm and Nukes will not legitimize any claim since it's already there.

People believe things when they see things happen with their eyes - which is what this Anti-Christ will obviously do.

Call_Me_Daddy said:
And miracles, you mean like advanced medicine? I'd qualify that.
No, miracles as in seeming authority over nature, or over UFO's.

Call_Me_Daddy said:
I would tattoo that on your arm and then walk through Muslim, Buddhist, and Hindu neighborhoods.

I take it that Christianity is the only way.. right? And everyone else mist be wrong and thus is doomed to eternal damnation. I guess Gandhi is burning in hell now.
Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father but by Him. That's stated in the Bible.

Jesus voluntarily gave up His life, after asking the Father, that if it would be possible, He would like to forgo the sacrifice, but it was not possible, because there was no other way. In other words, if there is another way apart from Christ, then Christ would never have been crucified, it's that simple.

I can see the rest of the post you are being sarcastic so I'm not going to waste my time.
May 23, 2006
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wayword said:
Actually, Luke is right. "God" (like "Hell") was an Anglo word that was never used in the original Bible. It's a singular catch-all name that was substituted for various names and references to unknown "heavenly" characters - often plural. But when you go back to the Hebrew versions, it becomes clear that there was not just one monotheistic "God," but many "gods" and "sons of god."
So, these "gods" were an advanced race of beings who lived up in the "heavens" (space). Hmm, isn't that what aliens are?
Nope. Jesus and the Father are interchangably called one. There is also a Third member of the Godhead - the Holy Spirit, and these three are one. Thus, that arguement supports the Trinity doctrine.

Any advance race of beings (Angels) in rebellion are known as fallen angels and demons and what I've asserted is that's what UFO's are as stated here.


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2005
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Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father but by Him. That's stated in the Bible.
Talk about arrogance and ignorance.

Maybe you do need to read some Nietzsche:
This is my way. What is your way? 'The' way does not exist.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
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Luke Skywalker said:
Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father but by Him. That's stated in the Bible.
Uh, what about men who lived before the Bible was written? What about those who never read the Bible? Like all the Native Americans (many ironically slaughtered by Christians)? Or some kid who dies at age 2?

Face it, the Bible was just an ethnocentric, geocentric piece of ancient Jewish propaganda. It was not necessarily meant to apply to everybody or the whole planet 2000 years later or 2000 years earlier.

Which kinda discredits its claim that Jesus is the "only way."
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Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
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Holland said:
Maybe you do need to read some Nietzsche:
Everyone KNOWS Nietzsche was insane.:rolleyes:

Its far better to listen to a 2000 year old book about cyclops, floods that covered planets, seas parting, and people instantaneously being turned into pillars of salt.

And lets not forget the invisible people with wings on their backs. :rolleyes:

Because we all know that is the real truth. Its just these damn atheists with their "logic" and "facts" that are confusing people. Making them think.

We all know that people are not supposed to think, we are supposed to feel and listen to the popes/cardinals/priests. Because after all, isn't that what separates us from the animals?

The mind is the devil!

May 23, 2006
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wayword said:
Uh, what about men who lived before the Bible was written?
Men such as Noah, Enoch, Abraham, all lived before the Bible was written, like everyone else, they were justified by faith in Christ as it was revealed to them.

wayword said:
What about those who never read the Bible?
That's why they have gospel tracts. You can get them at http://www.chick.com .

Seriously, if someone want's to learn about the truth, and has a sincere desire to get to the bottom of all the lies - they will find the truth.

The Bible says 'seek and ye shall find' - Jesus said that. If someone is poor in spirit, and has a hunger for truth and wants to live right before God, they are going to connect with the Truth. That is how the Father draws people to Jesus Christ. I'm sure God is trying to connect with everyone, it's up to people if they want to connect with God.

wayword said:
Like all the Native Americans (many ironically slaughtered by Christians)? Or some kid who dies at age 2?
Kid is below age of accountability and can not be held morally accountability for his/her actions and therefore can not sin. Jesus loves children. Therefore, children are safe with Jesus.

Native Americans ditto - someone wants to find the Truth and is a Native American, then there will be some revelation. Faith in the finished work of Christ isn't necessarily restricted to rote memorisation of the sinner's prayer or viewing a Passion DVD.

wayword said:
Face it, the Bible was just an ethnocentric, geocentric piece of ancient Jewish propaganda. It was not necessarily meant to apply to everybody or the whole planet 2000 years later or 2000 years earlier.
That is just ignorant. I've read the bible, I've connected with the God which inspired the Bible and I understand it as a coherent book that can be applied through any generation.

And, Israel was not above the law. Israel proved that all religions cant work. Religion as a concept is human's effort to obey laws and regulations to please God. So, God gave the Israelites the 10 commandments, and laws to live by. Guess what? They failed miserably and thus a Saviour was needed.

You see that's the point. We are all sinners - and there is no ethnocentric, or geocentric component to sin. No religion can save people, because, the best people that God choose failed miserably keeping the law.

Thus, Jesus' perfect life, being the law-keeper, and not in any point of His life breaking any law, died for our sins, and since that time, God let the Romans destroy the Temple since animal sacrifice was no longer necessary as Jesus had paid the price for all sins and the curse of the Mosaic law was broken.

wayword said:
Which kinda discredits its claim that Jesus is the "only way."
There is nothing that can discredit that claim. Prove it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
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Luke Skywalker said:
Seriously, if someone want's to learn about the truth, and has a sincere desire to get to the bottom of all the lies - they will find the truth.
And you're so far away from its its not even funny.

You are brainwashed. You follow a CULT. You go to church, you listen to sermens, that is brainwashing.

Now I got nothing wrong with FREE minds that choose to read this book of stories and teachings called the Bible. However, I do have problems with church going sheep like you.

Jesus himself disliked the church and organized religion. I think he had it right.

You don't.

Son of God: 1
Luke: -1 (that means you're going te hell for supporting and following an organized religion)


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
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Luke Skywalker said:
There is nothing that can discredit that claim. Prove it.
Islam. The Quaran.

The original word of God. It has not been transcribed or simplified in any way.

The book has been preserved as-is for thousands of years.


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2005
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I agree with a lot of what Jesus said and I really respect the guy, but I think these religious nuts took the things he said in the wrong way.

Seek and ye shall find. I agree with that. Heck, I live that shiit.
My life is fullfilling.

Results tell the truth, mate.
That's the reason people on this site don't take you serieusly, because they know you don't know shiit.

You are here to learn, so the best you could do is stop trying to outsmart people who've got their shiit down. People who've already struggled and conquered. People who are willing to take their time to share their keys to succes with others.
I'm talking about having an open mind towards ALL people on ALL subjects.
I think the Bible has some great stuff, but I don't restrict myself to something that is many years old.

May 23, 2006
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As usual, you must resort to a flame war when you cant rationally rebut or make any useful points. Pathetic.

Call_Me_Daddy said:
And you're so far away from its its not even funny.

You are brainwashed. You follow a CULT. You go to church, you listen to sermens, that is brainwashing.

Now I got nothing wrong with FREE minds that choose to read this book of stories and teachings called the Bible. However, I do have problems with church going sheep like you.

Jesus himself disliked the church and organized religion. I think he had it right.

You don't.

Son of God: 1
Luke: -1 (that means you're going te hell for supporting and following an organized religion)
May 23, 2006
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Call_Me_Daddy said:
Islam. The Quaran.

The original word of God. It has not been transcribed or simplified in any way.

The book has been preserved as-is for thousands of years.
The Quaran both asserts Jesus was crucified and denies it, and thus is not a credible document to disprove what is historically known of the crucifiction and ressurection of Jesus Christ. I am not going to continue this sort of discussion as I think you are being sarcastic and this is just ignorant. I can tell you what is guaranteed is that everybody on here is going to die at some point in the future - the ultimate destiny that awaits everyone - are you prepared to meet God if you died tonight? Nobody knows when they are going to die, it could be tonight, tommorow, a week, month, year, etc... who knows, but the real question is: where will you spend eternity?
Are you just going to think you can reason to yourself that everything is fine without being sure of where you'll end up. What will you say when you stand before a perfectly holy God that knows all your thoughts, motives, intents and hearts since the day you are born, to the day you meet him? What reason will you give that you should go to heaven?


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
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Luke Skywalker said:
I am not going to continue this sort of discussion as I think you are being sarcastic and this is just ignorant.
I'm ignorant?

You claim the Bible is credible?

The Bible as you see it today has been edited and re-edited. Not only that but when it was transcribed from the ancient hebrew to latin, only 3 out of every 4 were (and still are) known for that language. Not only that but it has also been transcribed yet again from latin to the original english. (and then some more times after that).

Alot of its original meaning has been lost. That's what happens whon you filter it through 3 sepratae languages.

I'll take the word of the Quaran over the Bible anyday. At least the Quaran has been preserved. However ancient the words are, they are the same as they were after it was written.

are you prepared to meet God if you died tonight?
Yes. I have nothing to hide and nothing to be ashamed of.

Nobody knows when they are going to die, it could be tonight, tommorow, a week, month, year, etc... who knows, but the real question is: where will you spend eternity?
Are you just going to think you can reason to yourself that everything is fine without being sure of where you'll end up. What will you say when you stand before a perfectly holy God that knows all your thoughts, motives, intents and hearts since the day you are born, to the day you meet him? What reason will you give that you should go to heaven?
Instead of debating facts, you bring up ficticious events that may or may not be possible and philosophize on those. I thought I was ignorant? Maybe you can actually support your "arguments" with facts so that my ignorance may be proven for all to see.

Show that you know better than I. Surely, for you to call me ignorant, you must posses more (and more accurate) information than I. Otherwise you would be a hypocrite. And its not like I haven't heard of that from you before. :rolleyes:

And BTW. How did you hear of this heaven? Surely this infrmation is only known by people who have been spoken to by God and those that have come back from the dead. So which are you?

And no, a 2000 year old fairy tale does not count. The many inconsistencies and fabrications in the entire scripture can deem it a piece of garbage from a factual standpoint.

Its a nice fairy tale with magnificent teachings, but it has no facts and no basis in reality.
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