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  1. W

    Club Pics

    You should be more cautious, she could've eaten you :crackup:.
  2. W

    She dumped me cause of cheating and i never did, now i did this is she gonna call?

    I think you should stop worrying about this sh*t and continue on with your life :up:.
  3. W

    22 Tips to Keep Girls Happy

    Yeah man, this is f*cking horsesh*t. Stupid girls think they have to be treated with a certain status :down:.
  4. W

    Be friendly with the gals!

    F*ck that. You don't need to be friendly with anyone :rolleyes:.
  5. W

    What does a girl do when she likes a guy??

    Here is what a girl does if she likes a guy: SHE KICKS HIM IN THE FACE :up:.
  6. W

    How to make/keep LTR's interesting..?

    But, what if you change the subject to something more positive and she says "I'm trying to tell you something, could you please listen?", what am I supposed to say "Okay" and then steer it to something positive?
  7. W

    Just one of my thoughts...

    Thanx for the reinforcement :up:, things are looking up for me.
  8. W

    Just one of my thoughts...

    I agree with you there, I have *MORE* in common with my guy friends than girls but, then I get surprised because some girls (I know) are interested in some of the same things I am, which is cou'. I don't know, I just have to be happy with who I am and whoever I meet well...we'll see what happens.
  9. W

    Listen to her friends, or just go for it...?

    Yeah, f*ck them and their advice :up:. Just *GRAB* your balls and take charge, you're a man, aren't you?
  10. W

    My nice guy side not again

    I agree, f*ck if the girl is a f*cking chimney I'm not going to stick around for something that will more than likely not be a long-term relationship and risk my health for that sh*t. F*ck that bullsh*t, and, if you are dumb enough to throw your life away (health wise) for some girl thats right...
  11. W

    Just one of my thoughts...

    I just got off the phone with this girl (cute asian) that is in one of my classes @ university, anyway we're just conversing and I occasionally make a C+F reply to some of her comments e.g. "She asks: don't you pamper yourself?" "Me: I work out and play sports, thats how I stay...
  12. W

    dating tips from good and bad looking guys

    Dude...that sh*t doesn't matter :rolleyes:. You need to work on your self-confidence, you don't need to be asking someone else for tips, you need to ask yourself these questions. The answer comes from within *YOU*.
  13. W

    A good hangover cure?

    So far, everyone has there own methods for curing the hang over. The one method that most people will tell you is to drink *PLENTY* of water while you are drinking (drink a bottle of water inbetween drinking) and afterwards before going to bed. *Alcohol is a diuretic*
  14. W

    hay guys, i'm new here. and like some of you i'm tired of being single.

    Yeah but, its a wealth of knowledge :up:. You can also better yourself inside and out by going to the gym (feel good physically & mentally), pick up a hobby/sport, read (you gain a ton of knowledge & become more articulate), and, began to talk to girls in the everyday setting e.g. at the...
  15. W

    How to ask for the phone number in front of her friends? have nothing to lose and everything to gain, the next time you stop to talk with a group of girls and one of them peeks your interest just start up a conversation and if that goes smoothly then just say "We should do __________ sometime, whats your number?"