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  1. G

    It's lonely on the pedestal...

    relax... your self-proclaimed "movie star status" will soon fade, right about the time high school ends...
  2. G

    First date: Movies or Action Date?

    friends may go shoot pool together....but friends dont touch each other, rub against each other or flirt while shooting pool. the action date is the best opportunity for you to bulid rapport with the girl and, get her comfortable with you and your touch and finally kiss her. try going...
  3. G

    Field Report :)

    if you know spanish, there is no language barrier...
  4. G

    is this possible....?

    i suppose its possible....r u from stl?
  5. G

    Translate this please

    nope, she hates you. better get rid of her...:rolleyes:
  6. G

    Foreign Girl: Shy or Disintersted????

    no suggestions?
  7. G

    Foreign Girl: Shy or Disintersted????

    ***Latest UPDATE*** well, here's what happened today... i wasnt planning on bringing up going to the play at all today. as such, i figured the percentage of her bringing it up was close to zero, just based on past experiences with the flakiness of women. so i went to class quite...
  8. G

    Foreign Girl: Shy or Disintersted????

    quick question before i see her tomorrow.... she said to me last time that she'd tell me the next class period whether or not she would be able to make it this weekend. would you advise letting her bring it up to try and gauge her IL, or should i blatantly bring it up in the convo?? thanks!
  9. G

    Foreign Girl: Shy or Disintersted????

    ***UPDATE*** today was the first day i was going to see her since last thursday. to be honest, i wasnt feeling up to much this morning...the class is early as $hit so it takes me a while to wake up. i wasnt worried about talking to her or not; if it happened it did, if not that was cool too...
  10. G

    Luke Warm Approaches

    i wouldnt have asked her out like you did... im pretty sure most people who have some experience wouldnt do it that way. however, you did and it worked. congrats. this only proves that if a girl is into you, you can't really do much wrong. no matter how you would have asked this girl out...
  11. G

    Foreign Girl: Shy or Disintersted????

    thanks guys! i'll let you know what happens next time i see her (tuesday)...
  12. G

    Foreign Girl: Shy or Disintersted????

    Been a while since i posted for advice... This post is gonna be kind of long as i sift through the background info, so bear with me if you would like... girl in my college class. i talked to her a couple times briefly. we've x-changed smiles as i pass her to get to my seat. last time i...
  13. G

    Is She Interested? Help!

    i was involved in quite a similar situation not too long ago... unfortunately the girl i was involved with was not as considerate with phone calls and the such... if i was in your situation, i would give her another chance.... afterall, she seems genuine... tell her you're going to...
  14. G

    Online Girl

    go... you have zero to lose.
  15. G

    Questions for interview with hottest local female radio personality?

    1.) How soon after a guy approaches you do you already have your mind made up as to whether you're interested in him or not? Is your openness to him based on things he does, or things he doesn't do?
  16. G

    How do I fix what this AFC has done?

    blah, blah, blah.... you like julie? tell julie to come out with you. done.
  17. G

    Was this a shyt test?

    no one with interest in you is busy for a month solid...
  18. G

    She hasn't called back her again?

    i absolutely dont think you screwed up by leaving a message...i have had great sucess leaving messeges. you called her she missed it, she called you and u missed it. you called again and she didnt return your call. i would call her one last time saying something like "hey, xxx, i guess...
  19. G

    Still Confident, But In Way Over My Head

    first let me just preface by saying that i think you've been pretty persnickety throughout this this thread, which is uncalled for... you are entitled to think whatever you want as long as it makes you feel better, right... if you learned everything about your "manhood" from the real world...
  20. G

    I hit my girl

    u've shouldnt have hitten her if she didnt hit you first. to droctor evil: don't be a moron. if you a girl hits you with the intent of doing you harm, you have every right to defend yourself and hit her back. i dont understand why people give women immunity when they attack someone. it...