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  1. S

    A moral dilemma - not sure how to proceed

    OP, if she slept with anybody, it’s not your problem, she is not your GF. Never apologise to her because of not giving her time, for the same reason as above. Actually, you having limited time and the other guy a lot gives you an advantage. Things look good, I.e she likes you, set up dates and...
  2. S

    Dating has changed so much in so little time

    I don’t think so, it is only evolution. I am 44 and date women 35-40, which were dating 15 years ago. If they hated texting then, they love it now. I am getting instant responses on texts and delayed on phone :)) Another factor I think is the trend given by the younger generations. They made...
  3. S

    Dating has changed so much in so little time

    Texting (sms, apps) has the advantage of hiding your emotions and giving you the time to react and change your mind. In person interactions make it harder. Works like a charm for women (they have 20 guys texting) instead of meeting 20 guys one at the time. Also works well for men who can text 20...
  4. S

    To text a girl after a first date or not

    All the women I took on dates thanked me either at the end or by message same evening. Most of them payed part of the expenses even. Respect is given by default, in your case OP you have a clear message. If she doesn’t thank for small things, she will never respect you for the bigger things.
  5. S

    She seems to be getting cold and mixed messages

    She liked you a lot in the past and you were not available. Now you are not a challenge anymore by telling her you want something serious. She got over you back then, now she only has closure for the initial attraction years ago. It's not mixed signals now, she is in the process of dropping you...
  6. S

    Girl leaves me alone in hospital after date

    Let's not be hypocrites. There are opinions on this forum that if a girl has problems you should not be her psychologist, emotional tampon, the man should tell her to solve her problems and only support her. Some people say you should next this kind of women or not get involved. In this case she...
  7. S

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    In my case it's the opposite, she pulled away and is silence across social media and messages. I am doing NC to reattract, we didn't break up. I broke NC to text her some important info (we dont have any common friends or aquaintances ), it was a covid test result. She took her time to respond...
  8. S

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    Day 2/60 Things are well, started to forget. Interesting how the mind ****s with you, start the day with no negative stuff, then she comes back into mind one time, two times, then constantly. After a few hours on my mind, the illusion of actions becomes obvious, the little devil on the shoulder...
  9. S

    Help a mature brother decide

    Already set up a date with a hot blonde who wants me badly. OP woman got more distant since last 2 weeks when I told her I will take her someplace in the future and that I am patient with women, letting them come to me instead of chasing. I started today NC, I will not be available anyway...
  10. S

    The *No Contact* Challenge! ( Read this if you just got dumped)

    I am starting today NC. Background: met online, lived in different cities at the time, chatted for a year, she initiated. After one year she asked me out, went ok. Kept contact (still different cities). 2nd date this X-mas, 3rd and 4th January. Kept chatting and calling each other, she was...
  11. S

    Help a mature brother decide

    Update: Since the original post we've had a few action dates, exchanged texts and phonecalls like crazy. Good things: -took the lead from her little by little -she started to become warmer, more affectionate and caring - strated to submit more Bad things: - gave me the cheek suddenly, she...
  12. S

    No contact works but is a dangerous tool

    She has an emotional connection with you but not yet with the new bf. That's why she keeps meeting and connecting with you.
  13. S

    Stomach Noises

    Yes, happened to me for a few months. It went away by itself. The bacteria inside have changed (antibiotics, change in food regimen, etc). Use probiotics from the pharmacy to restore bacterias.
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    Comment on text response timing

    Sounds like made up bull**** to me
  15. S

    Disasterous date sequence - post-mortem analysis for next time?

    She apologised after. We shall see this weekend.
  16. S

    Any particularly good cologne that you have found women especially love?

    I will let others respond to the point. My experience: I buy different expensive colognes, use them depending on season, period of day,etc. Woman uses very strong cologne, drowns out mine, useless :))
  17. S

    Reasons a woman only meets up once?

    Corect since time immemorial. Man sets up a firm date. Woman accepts -means she is interested Man sets up another date. Woman accepts - she is still interested. if woman rejects or postpone without counteroffer - she is not interested. Corey Wayne has an expression for this,”women vote with...
  18. S

    Girl gone cold because of my platonic friend

    Yes. Do NOT apologise!
  19. S

    Disasterous date sequence - post-mortem analysis for next time?

    I can relate since I had a very similar experience a short while ago ( sex talk over text but very cold in person). When I thought like you and escalated on the next date, I almost got rejected. Corey Wayne says that you should move slower than the girl, meaning calibration before escalating.
  20. S

    Girl gone cold because of my platonic friend

    If you apologise she will put you through misery for a year, remembering this incident to make you chase and serve her