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  1. D

    COVID September 2020

    You know not of which you speak. Ad-hominen arguments are lame enough, but when you so completely mis-characterize the object of your argument, it's an entirely new level of pathetic.
  2. D

    COVID September 2020

    So sorry I triggered you this badly snowflake. Actually, maybe I'm not.
  3. D

    COVID September 2020

    One needs to look no farther than the RNC to witness the message of "be afraid!!!"
  4. D

    COVID September 2020

    Well then, excellent! I can now get away with murder! After all, if I shoot someone on 5th Avenue, the Death Certificate will merely list the organ failures from the piece of hot lead the splintered through their body. Hell, it might not even list "gunshot wound" as the cause of death. It...
  5. D

    COVID September 2020

    And if somehow there turned up a pointless, shock-jock photo of what you describe, I have little doubt that Covid-deniers would just claim it to be a Photoshopped fake. Because really, unless you are physically there, how do you know there are really dead bodies inside? And how do you know...
  6. D

    BRACE YOURSELF - invasion on November, 2020

    You proposed a solution without defined terms, I was just asking for clarification. As for what I'm playing... a layman, who understands that expertise is real, and that I would not presume to possess the skill set to out-wit a PhD with a pithy four-word refinement to their methodologies
  7. D

    BRACE YOURSELF - invasion on November, 2020

    Kinda like... the scientific method? But of course in medical research, those things in practice aren't quite that simple.
  8. D

    BRACE YOURSELF - invasion on November, 2020

    Care to define "full spectrum of scrutiny"? Love how when a scientific theory is disproved through the introduction of new evidence, it's reason not to trust science. When a mystic is proven wrong when the doomsday-prediction-du-jour doesn't pan out, it's "well, let's hear the next prediction!"
  9. D

    BRACE YOURSELF - invasion on November, 2020

    The easy answer to the above question is: "No". Unless you think that NASA researchers are the same people in charge of giving out Public Health Policy Recommendations. And I truly hope that you are aware enough to not believe that fallacy.
  10. D

    The Mask Lie

    Or an attention-a-*****-whack-a-doodle. Take your pick....
  11. D

    Are most of the people you grew up with married, have children or both?

    I haven't done thorough research, but I'd guess that most of my high-school compatriots fit into the 50%-divorced category. The 50% that managed to survive their marriages past 20 years seem to be locked in. The rest seem to be adrift. If I had to do it over again---as much as I love my...
  12. D

    The Mask Lie

    Well, no other sheriff in the country is quite that paranoid. Fear, fear, fear. Be afraid, ye government sheeple. And surely there is no other solution like... perhaps... if identification is an issue, lowering the mask long enough to make said identification. Yet another sheep driven by...
  13. D

    The Mask Lie

    Got anything to back that up? And if so, why is he one of the few (if not the only) sheriff in the country to be so paranoid?
  14. D

    The Mask Lie

    Pot Kettle Black
  15. D

    The Mask Lie

    Fake news.
  16. D

    The Mask Lie

    The same could be said of those that support a ban on masks, which based on your earlier post, you appear to be in that camp. Works both ways... if you are so against masks that you believe that it is ok for a government entity to arbitrarily forbid wearing them, then you've got some deep...
  17. D

    The Mask Lie

    Yet another case of a fascist state seeking ever more control of the sheeple.
  18. D

    Home workouts suck donkey balls!!!

    Yeah, when my boys were in grade school we got a Wii Fit to try and help my youngest with his obesity problem. The Wii Fit, if I remember correctly, was more of a structured exercise tool than a game. So there was very little that engaged him and his participation fizzled. This time around...
  19. D

    Home workouts suck donkey balls!!!

    I'd never thought I'd get this desperate, but my home workouts were simply not working. And while road cycling is great cardio/calorie-burn, it's still not enough. So my GF is a moderately-active gamer, owns a Nintendo Switch. and got a recommendation for the RingFit game. Which is...
  20. D

    BRACE YOURSELF - invasion on November, 2020

    After seeing enough of these threads and the direction they head, I'd be in favor of banning religious and whackadoodle conspiracy-nut discussion, right alongside the politics ban.