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  1. D

    Will you take the covid vaccine?

    Whataboutism. You're not wrong that if alcohol could be banned then there is a good chance that there would be positive effects. The USA had the political will to do exactly that 100 years ago, though it didn't stick. The best that society has been able to do, at this point in time, is to...
  2. D

    Tinder is 90% full of Attention Whoares

    Agreed. But as a busy entrepreneur who is co-parenting two adolescents in the midst of a pandemic, I don't exactly have the time or opportunity to go out on cold-approach sprees.
  3. D

    Will you take the covid vaccine?

    It says that society cares enough about the common good to enact laws that demonstrably reduce the incidence of harm caused by alcohol-related driver impairment. Just because it doesn't reduce it to zero didn't make it not worth doing. And you're the one coming to that conclusion, not me...
  4. D

    Tinder is 90% full of Attention Whoares

    The whole thing right now has reached Dumpster Fire levels. I used to say that "I swipe when I'm bored." These days I might do ten swipes and just close the app out of revulsion. I see three categories: Snap/Insta catfishing, <5's that I wouldn't even consider meeting, and an occasional card...
  5. D

    Will you take the covid vaccine?

    Deflection. My analogy would be just as valid if you substituted cannabis for alcohol. Driving with impairment is driving with impairment, regardless of the source of that impairment. We know enough about how Covid19 spreads to know how to slow that spread, which is what matters right here...
  6. D

    Will you take the covid vaccine?

    Again, you're conflating lack of control with the inability to reduce risk to zero. Here, I've got a nice bottle of gin for you, pound down a few and go out for a drive. After all, you can't 100% control whether or not you're going to be in a traffic accident, so why not? Chances are even...
  7. D

    Will you take the covid vaccine?

    This runs exactly like conversations I've had with clinically delusional people I've known. Basically that their mind has been opened to the truth, and other people's minds are incapable of seeing it. I asked for credible evidence, and you give a mix of "don't wanna" and Jack Nicholson. Nice...
  8. D

    Will you take the covid vaccine?

    Don't conflate the inability to reduce the risk to zero with not having control. Behaviors in a pandemic do matter, and do have consequences. How many outbreaks that were verified by contact tracing does it take before a reasonable person acknowledges this? Victim-blaming. Nice one.
  9. D

    Will you take the covid vaccine?

    Who's telling people to be afraid? Is advocating for drunk-driving laws fearmongering? After all, drunk-driving laws are more about protecting the non-driver (especially people outside the vehicle), is that driven by fear? Or, just maybe, to protect the common good? Do you look both ways...
  10. D

    Will you take the covid vaccine?

    Oh come on, you're no fun. You want verifiable details? Plans for world domination never, ever get beyond the level of a PowerPoint, didn't you know that? I'd say we're dealing with more of a People's Judean Front rather than the People's Front of Judea, you silly, silly person!
  11. D

    Will you take the covid vaccine?

    You're not afraid? Your words and actions speak otherwise. You are afraid and paranoid. You will find fault in any source that contradicts your worldview, and subscribe only to ones that do, Paranoid rant, unless you can specifically identify, with credible evidence, exactly who this...
  12. D

    Will you take the covid vaccine?

    Fear is good, when it is healthy. You are correct that information has been weaponized. You are on the wrong side of that war, and you are being manipulated by fear and paranoia. As for snopes, I at least attributed my source. Both times. Not that it would matter, since I have no doubt you...
  13. D

    Will you take the covid vaccine?

    Why are you so afraid?
  14. D

    Will you take the covid vaccine?

    Gosh, you seem so afraid. As for the first: The second sounds really scary doesn't it? Makes it sound like you're screwed if you're injured by a vaccine. But, not really...
  15. D

    Will you take the covid vaccine?

    You're correct, this guy is a fearmonger who doesn't even get his facts straight.
  16. D

    Will you take the covid vaccine?

    I guess the devil only speaks English? Because in Latin, "Lucifer" means Venus.
  17. D

    Will you take the covid vaccine?

    Well, then by this logic I assume you've chosen to opt out of modern medical care entirely? If not, then I'm guessing(?) you're ok with not having services available to you for some non-Covid medical emergency because we just let this thing "run the course" and overran the hospital capacity as...
  18. D

    Will you take the covid vaccine?

    Nobody wants to be chipped, especially without consent. And hundreds of millions of people believing something doesn't make it true. Where's the evidence that chipping has been happening, or is even feasible?
  19. D

    Will you take the covid vaccine?

    If you really buy into the BS that is the vaccine "chipping" you, what makes you think you're not already chipped?