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  1. R

    Girl wants to get to know me better before meeting

    If a girl online responds to your proposal to meet up with "I'd like to get to know you better here first" -- that means she's either not interested in you, or not on OLD to meet people (which is common). Because what happens if you comply, and continue the online chat "getting to know each...
  2. R

    Home workouts suck donkey balls!!!

    Jump rope is great. I relied on it for cardio under quarantine, and it's now in my normal cardio routine (gyms reopened where I live). I am considering getting a Cross rope, one of the weighted ones. I did a lot of burpees too, 20 burpees with a 1 minute rest, 5 sets. Great for inclement...
  3. R

    Young women vs Older women

    Unfortunately it’s very difficult to take this option away, legally, if she stands to benefit financially from divorce. The enforceability and legal effectiveness of prenuptial contracts are highly overrated. A good divorce attorney can easily throw it out, and they all have diminishing...
  4. R

    Basic meals that have all the nutrients we need on a daily basis

    Organ meats are rich in vitamin C, and all parts of the animal were eaten by sustenance hunters. It's also important to understand that our Paleolithic ancestors died of old age at 35, so whether their diet was "healthier" as paleo-dieters claim is something we should be very skeptical about...
  5. R

    Basic meals that have all the nutrients we need on a daily basis

    Cabbage and onions are very, very cheap and very, very good for anabolic production. Those are my staples. A head of cabbage will also keep well in the fridge for weeks. I always cook them with ginger and garlic. Chicken quarters and thighs are usually the cheapest poultry cuts in the US. I...
  6. R

    Think I got cucked today

    Being "cucked" is appropriate to describe a situation in which your wife is openly engaging in sexual relationships with other men, with your knowledge and reluctant, tacit consent. I hardly see how this situation qualifies as you being a cuckold. It's important to understand that this all...
  7. R

    Pick up in the gym

    As far as "gym pickup" goes, it sounds like you did well. I think the key here was capitalizing on the IOI. Physically touching women who are on the treadmill in order to interrupt their workout and make them remove their headphones to get hit on by a stranger is usually not a good recipe for...
  8. R

    Young women vs Older women

    I’m 36, in that age cohort. I prefer dating women closer to me in age. Not only are women in their 30’s easier to deal with, but I can more easily relate to them. My last two girlfriends were 2-3 years younger than me, both childless. My issue with dating a single mother would be my inability...
  9. R

    Young women vs Older women

    Haha no, my school days are long behind me. And I’m not sure any school offers a course that studies the posting habits on So Suave. Rollo Tomassi relies heavily on the appearance of erudition to give his viewpoints and arguments legitimacy. I’m doing the same.
  10. R

    Young women vs Older women

    This forum is largely rooted in the attraction philosophy of a man who writes under the nom de plume "Rollo Tomassi," the Godfather of the Manosphere. ("Rollo Tomassi" originates from the neo-noir movie LA Confidential which is based on James Ellroy's novel of the same name) Rollo Tomassi...
  11. R

    She got offended by questions on first date

    One possible theory is that Asian women in western societies tend to internalize racist self-loathing and usually go to some measures trying to delete their Asian-ness and conform to European culture and beauty standards (dying their hair blonde or wearing colored contacts, exclusively dating...
  12. R

    Cold-approach of waitress/bartender

    Yeah this is unfortunately usually the answer. Getting girls in elite echelons on SMV requires you to be preselected. You can either accept that, or hope someone on SS has magic beans to sell you. If the hot girl in question is busy working at an establishment that hired her because she is hot...
  13. R

    Do woman want intimacy and emotional connection?

    A lot of "hookup culture" is a social construct under which modern women feel pressure to conform. Post-feminist attitudes dictate that a woman can be just like a man -- be strong, independent, and sexually liberated. The reality is, women aren't wired to be promiscuous and "spread their seed"...
  14. R

    Do woman want intimacy and emotional connection?

    The answer in bold underlined italics. They're usually not on Tinder looking for a partner. They're looking for, in the following order, validation, a quick fling, and perhaps a partner if the fling develops into that. Remember that female mating strategy is dual-faceted. They mate with...
  15. R

    Author claims that the roots of the Incel meme is PUA

    The term is actually spinster.
  16. R

    Being Funny

    Nothing is more insecure, approval-seeking and low-value than the guy who's always trying to make everyone laugh. It's downright cringey. Your own sense of humor is a function of your overall attitude and outlook on life. If you find a situation genuinely funny to you, and make some wisecrack...
  17. R

    Hideous women from Tinder gives crabs to 139 men

    Does everyone else know this article is completely fake and made-up, or is the joke now on me? There is no woman in Mississippi who banged 139 guys on Tinder? There is no class action lawsuit? None of these people exist? This never happened?
  18. R

    She got offended by questions on first date

    She shows up to a date, expecting to have a good night out flirting, laughing, being playful, and hopefully escalating into something more... Instead, her date is Canadian Immigration and Customs Enforcement, who promptly subjects her to an interrogation about her ethnicity, national origin...
  19. R

    Plate situation [experts only]

    I'm not an expert, but my take. You're spinning 2 plates, tops, if sex with them has occurred more than twice. The other 5 are prospects who seem to have middling or low interest. Definitely not plates. A woman having plans that don't involve you, essentially a stranger who has little...
  20. R

    Hideous women from Tinder gives crabs to 139 men

    Guys— seriously?? This is Weekly World News. Same tabloid that runs the Batboy headlines, or “Elvis found alive in Anarctica!” There is literally an article on this website about a half human half chimp baby complete with a badly photoshopped picture. I know we’re all chomping at the bit for...