Update(sort of):
So it's been a week now. Back then I answered her this: "haha ok I do have a Snapchat but I'm a bit lazy with that so I rarely use it.(gave my snap account). And I'm also pretty bad at
texting because I prefer to meet in real life, but yeah I understand so let's just take it easy and chat."
She replied: "Thank you! And thanks for understanding, sounds good!

Then she added me on Snapchat(she did follow me on Instagram before that) and sent me a selfie and asked how I was doing. So I sent her a selfie myself and we had a convo total of 3 snaps from each.
Next day I sent her a snap asking what she was up to and we had 2 snaps from each.
Day after that I sent her a casual atm snap to which she replied and we had 2 snaps from each.
Everytime she replied within 10 minutes.
So now it's been 4 days since we've chatted and that's because I have this thought in my head that she should initiate now and text me something because it's now been 2 days in a row that I've been the one starting the "convo" and that she would do it if she'd really be interested.
Am I over analyzing the sh!t out of this or is it because she's already got my invitation for meeting in real life and she didn't accept it so now it should be her job to put some more effort for this to work? Because I think the same way as you guys that if a girl is interested she will make it clear. Although I do
NOT agree that a girl wanting to get to know better before meeting is a synonym for an attention wh0re or disinterested, because some people do need to get comfortable, especially those shy or insecure ones nowadays when their social life and interaction is 99% online.
https://www.sosuave.net/forum/threa...ell-do-anything-to-make-things-happen.237993/ Interesting points from our women as well.