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  1. R

    It's 2021, and the height-shaming is reaching catatrosphic levels

    And what about the 75% of the female population who don't have this ease and luxury? You see -- most men in the lower 75% can move themselves into the upper 25%. Male SMV is mobile. Women in the lower 75% are just sh!t out of luck. They have to make do. So a woman in the upper 25% is lucky...
  2. R

    It's 2021, and the height-shaming is reaching catatrosphic levels

    Ella Fitzgerald and Aretha Franklin are both prime examples of overweight, non-European, not conventionally pretty women who were wildly popular for their sheer talent and performing ability. Our increasingly beauty-obsessed media culture is why some vapid selfie-taking fvcking loser who looks...
  3. R

    It's 2021, and the height-shaming is reaching catatrosphic levels

    Hmm I dunno. Look at what happened to Lizzo, she was literally run off social media by haters for being fat. Some of it was truly cruel and disgusting, she didn't deserve any of that. I honestly felt bad for her. Our society is a patriarchy, it is male-dominant (as is nature) and women have...
  4. R

    It's 2021, and the height-shaming is reaching catatrosphic levels

    It's important to remember that non-aesthetic women are bombarded, everywhere they go, by negative reinforcement. Whether from the media, men in real life not paying attention to them, or men on dating sites, physical beauty standards are 100x more stringent for women than they are for men, and...
  5. R

    It's 2021, and the height-shaming is reaching catatrosphic levels

    I 100% agree. However, I don't think the train of logic you're following is the one I've laid out. Being a short man is considered less attractive on a superficial level because he is believed to lack strength and dominance over other men. However, in North NJ I routinely see men of Italian...
  6. R

    It's 2021, and the height-shaming is reaching catatrosphic levels

    Everyone knows that men under 5’8 face dating obstacles that 6ft+ don’t, but we all know short men can get attractive women. My most emotionally and sexually intense relationships were with women that wouldn’t make a dude’s d!ck stand at attention if he saw her on the street. Obviously, those...
  7. R

    Are you a boobs, legs or bum guy? Do you think it says anything about you?

    1. Face -- a pretty face compensates for a LOT of body flaws. 2. Indian ethnicity -- adds 2 SMV scale points ie. an Indian 5 is a 7 for me. 3. Ass/hips -- ass doesn't need to be perfect yoga tight, but shapely curves in the hip region is important 4. Boobs is lowest. In my experience, the...
  8. R

    It's 2021, and the height-shaming is reaching catatrosphic levels

    Do you feel like your medium height has been an obstacle for dating? Do you honestly feel like you are a "manlet" at 1-2 inches below 6 feet -- 6 feet being considered tall by 90% of the world's population? Don't mean to interrogate you -- just not sure why a 5'10-11 guy feels the need to...
  9. R

    article: I Kept Dating Through My Pregnancy—And It Was Surprisingly Good

    Yes. A man must create his value. A woman’s value is inherently between her legs.
  10. R

    article: I Kept Dating Through My Pregnancy—And It Was Surprisingly Good

    The truth of this statement depends entirely on one's definition of "decent" and "average" men. There is also no universal cut-off for "the wall" that is so commonly asserted on this forum, ie. "women after 30 are all used goods and worthless" etc. My point is that because all of these...
  11. R

    article: I Kept Dating Through My Pregnancy—And It Was Surprisingly Good

    Just proves -- there is no such thing as "The Wall" for women. Male thirst ensures saggy, C-sectioned women will have dating options well past their prime. Everyone here needs to stop kidding themselves that you're going to have the last laugh just because you're male.
  12. R

    Why are men shamed for using escorts/hookers? Isnt that the ultimate dread if a guy has used them?

    The only way a woman can feel actual dread about her relationship is if she knows her man is attractive and has options, in which case, the dread she feels is a function of her attraction for him. A man who hires prostitutes is generally perceived to be the opposite of an attractive man with...
  13. R

    Rotator Cuff Strain/shoulder tendonitis

    There are guys on this forum who seem pretty qualified to answer this, I don't consider myself to be one of them. However, I cut out military press precisely because it aggravated a past shoulder dislocation. I've read quite a few men's fitness op-eds which advise phasing out this lift. If...
  14. R

    how to get a hot chick with no stds to bang rawdog?

    To each his own. I’m not feeling the giant Viking-looking women.
  15. R

    Basic meals that have all the nutrients we need on a daily basis

    Most people eventually lose their tolerance for lactose, some sooner and some later. You'll notice that old people have trouble with it, for the reasons you described. Once of the reasons I stopped taking whey protein was because it would turn my face into a red balloon.
  16. R

    why do women on the rebound come on so strong?

    Women (and men to a lesser extent) who are on the rebound are seeking to bandage a wound and take some pain killers. A new lover will distract her from the pain, despair, and loneliness of the breakup. If she was dumped, a new lover will validate her attractiveness and soften to blow to her...
  17. R

    Is my text game that bad...?

    Okay, that confirms the first girl was likely simply looking for an IG fan. "We should grab drinks sometime soon" = "meh not that interested in meeting you." If you have plans on a coming weekend, simply tell her "Well, I have plans this weekend, how's next weekend?" Put something in the...
  18. R

    Is my text game that bad...?

    You're pretty unassertive, you blow obvious windows of opportunity to set a date with a time and place, instead opting to continue meandering, pointless, uninteresting conversations. First text chain (she was possibly just looking for an IG fan, but still, you weren't assertive and decisive...