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  1. J

    Getting huge in prison

    So I talked to a prison guard today for a little bit, and somehow we got on the subject of "300" which naturally transitioned to their workout/nutrition plans. He didn't seem very impressed, and proceeded to tell me about how the only thing that you need to do to get huge is sleep a ton and...
  2. J

    "I have a boyfriend"

    Me: Lunch? Her: "I can't...I have a boyfriend." Me: *snaps fingers* Should've known. Her: Why?! It's not ASSUMED.... That really made it worse. She kept trying to like, cheer me up or something as I was making my escape. She was probably lying too.
  3. J

    Getting looks

    That's pretty ballsy, but I think I know what you're saying, yeah. 3-second rule, right?
  4. J

    Getting looks

    Wait, I want to make sure I got this right. Are you saying that if girls are sneaking looks at you and/or staring, all you need to do is make eye contact back and they will approach and ask you out?
  5. J

    Become More Attractive to Women

    Sorry but this post is garbage. He admitted to being a KBJ in his first post and stated he couldn't find a GF, and then proceeded to lecture about how to attract women. Absurd. I especially liked the bit about how he advised someone to "get plastic surgery" to fix their problems. That's...
  6. J

    What do you think about this quote?

    Nobody? I thought this was a pretty cool way of putting things.
  7. J

    If a girl asks "do you have a girlfriend?", what's the best answer?

    Last time I was asked that I said "Define girlfriend." and it worked out. I'm pretty sure it raised her IL and maybe added some mystery to me, I dunno.
  8. J

    In A Mess, Never Experienced Anything Like It

    What kind of advice is this? Yeah, REAL men hit women when they start mouthing off. This would've been the best choice in this situation. Feed off of your emotions, hit the woman, wait for her to go get her Dad, enjoy jail for 6 months to a year with a domestic violence conviction on your...
  9. J

    What do you think about this quote?

    "Girls are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. The boys don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples from the ground that aren't as good, but easy. So the apples at the top think...
  10. J

    Saying From Stephen King

    Couldn't find it on Google...looks like he did make it up. Not surprising, since he's a brilliant writer though. Now, what does it mean? :p
  11. J

    The 7 most common mistakes shy guys make with women

    Will do. I have a feeling that among shy guys (and pretty much guys in general) what we want to learn most is how to bang the highest percentage of the world's population of HB 8's and above. Pretty straightforward, lol.
  12. J

    I've blamed my poor success with women on my looks

    You look fine, dude. Just gotta find the style that suits you. And in the first pic you have your arm around a hotter chick than I ever have, and I'm probably a good 10 years older than you. Your lack of success has nothing to do with your looks. Keep looking, heh.
  13. J

    tips for gettin' laid in college?

    Man I wish you went to my school, dude. You sound like you would be an awesome advisor.
  14. J

    The 7 most common mistakes shy guys make with women

    One of the best posts I have ever read here. Your advice and analysis really hits home. I may even try to read a trashy romance novel just to see if it helps me understand why women do what they do (since it's still a complete mystery to me.), lol. Even though your name references Lord of the...
  15. J

    How important is EC?

    I still have big problems making EC with people, especially girls. Just going into restaurants, walking down the street, school, parties etc. If I'm actually engaged with someone (as in a cashier at a store or one of my customers) it's not a problem, it's more just strangers that I'm not going...
  16. J

    Anyone else not gonna go out tomorrow night, simply because it's Halloween?

    Why did you copy my profile picture and paste it in yours?
  17. J

    Girls Stare and Approach, But Won't Talk To Me!

    Lol, I'd like to try that sometime.
  18. J

    Am I Gay?

    Personally, when I'm met with an attractive woman I find it difficult NOT to smile. In fact, the entire conversation I'm trying to resist smiling. But with chicks I'm not attracted to it's not a challenge at all. Are you the same way? Do you smile at certain guys but not others? If you...
  19. J

    Hollywood films women

    This seems like an Anything Else topic...but can you cite some examples? Pretty much every movie that I watch has the male lead as the protagonist.
  20. J

    The hardened heart gets a little harder

    An orgasm every three minutes, eh? Very impressive man. What's your secret?