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  1. S

    Rioting in London

    Danger, While I agree with you that currency debasement caused by fiat money printing is nothing more than an invisible tax on the middle and working class.....the success or failure of a nation does not hinge on its monetary system or lack there of. Currencies fail because the underlying...
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    Where are all the quality ladies?

    posted in wrong thread...
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    Bantering through text - a thin line between creepiness

    And that is why I never banter over texting.....its just too easy for something to get misinterpreted or taken the wrong way. Plus once she has your messages its permanent unless she deletes it. If you text something retarded/creepy/offensive rest assured she and her friends will be having a...
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    I finally got some answers and understand why I get rejected

    Jariel, Add me to the anti-clown crowd. Being too smiley, laughing and joking all the time, trying to be the "funny" guy, always trying to have the perfect suave/****y/teasing response to everything will at best, cause people to not have much respect for you, even if they like you. At worst...
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    Rioting in London

    Danger Are you advocating .gov intervention of interest rates by abolishing usury? Isn't enforcing a "gold standard" another form of .gov intervention? In a true free-market, wouldn't we be free to use whatever currency we want and charge whatever interest rate the market will bear?
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    Rioting in London

    Danger, I'm just presenting the facts as I see them. My belief is that capitalism (corporatism/free-markets...whatever you want to call it) has an internal contradiction that cyclically leads to crises, and that, ultimately leads to its demise....which is essentially what happened in 2008...
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    Stop The Self Improvement

    I agree as well.....just getting physically active in something whether it be gym, sports, etc. will help.....but it need not be a full-time endeavor. Most of us have jobs, school, friends and family. Planning 8 meals a day and chugging protein shakes daily will burn anyone out who simply wants...
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    Stop The Self Improvement

    I agree Atomic....I've seen way too many smoking hot women with guys who were not the pinnacle of physical achievement. Not saying that they were morbidly obese or rail-thin, but these guys had, for the most part, normal average bodies. It never hurts to stay in good shape but its not the...
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    Female self esteem issues

    I don't think this is really big news. Someone with low self-esteem will seek external validation through others. For women, its usually attention/sex from men. But I don't think all women who give it up readily suffer from low self-esteem. Correlation does not necessarily imply causation...
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    Are males who buy sex disgusting?

    How can any guy here be against paying for sex? Look at all the posts that deride women as "sluts" and "cheap" for "giving it up" too easy. But then these same guys turn around and bash women who at least get something of value (money) for sex as "dirty" But then its perfectly normal and ok...
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    Where are all the quality ladies?

    The good thing is it only takes one woman out of the 3 billion+ on this entire planet to provide you that sort of companionship. Everyone else is just background noise until you meet that person. It's not a matter of if, but when.
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    Where are all the quality ladies?

    I didn't judge him.....I even said myself there's nothing wrong with having different standards for who you date and who you just f*ck. It is still hypocritical for him to lament the lack of "quality women", not because he now wants someone with LTR potential, but because he's upset now that...
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    Where are all the quality ladies?

    I agree with Jitterbug. Why do you expect a "quality woman" to just fall in your lap anyways? I'm not saying there's anything wrong with having different standards for who you f*ck and who you date, but I do find it a bit hypocritical for you to complain about the lack of old-fashioned quality...
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    POF hitting a new low?

    POF, or any dating website for that matter, are nothing but sideshows filled with fat, shallow, stupid, and emotionally unbalanced individuals. Quit taking a bunch of social retards on the internet so seriously. Stop bottom-feeding and go out in the real world and you won't encounter all this...
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    Rioting in London

    Not buying correlation exists between the size of government and level of corruption.
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    Rioting in London

    How is this a false premise? Government intervention has been a venerable American tradition since its founding. -By using "seized wealth" in the form of taxation, in the 1800s government funded the construction of thousands of miles of canals, providing some 70 percent of all investment...
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    Rioting in London

    Remember the value of the money you hold is a factor of the market in which you can spend it, consider the following extreme example. Option one: I give you 3 billion dollars, but you need to live in a small facility on the moon, no people, few businesses, but your are very rich in a sense...
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    There is no excuse Warren buffet is begging gov Interesting article. I'm not in any suggesting Norway's model would work here.....but it does at least question the long-standing belief that low taxes on the rich is the ONLY way to national prosperity.
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    There is no excuse Warren buffet is begging gov

    I think Danger is more worried about the definition of "rich" these days, a valid concern. A single man earning 125000 a year is considered rich by the government even though that sort of income will afford you a solid "middle-class" lifestyle in somewhere like SF or NYC. The working...
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    "American women are the devil"

    x2 My girlfriend even comments how guy acquaintances she knows gossip more, backstab more, and cling more than her female friends do. All of her friends, who aren't even that great looking or have amazing personalities have guys desperate to get with them. Men are now the new women..... I...