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  1. P

    Harshly and unexpectedly rejected in the midst of success.

    females are ****ing crazy bro. They dont know what they want... I would not be surprised if she contacts you again.
  2. P

    Go Charlie Sheen:From IMDB

    He spent close to a million dollars buying random girls cars. Yah hes a real pimp that we should follow.
  3. P

    How to approach in this situation (cliffs)

    Guys i didnt know she was interested until it was too late. She gave me eye contact for 5-6 seconds then started looking at her phone. (honestly now that i think about it she was probobly nervous/had love self confidence) I assumed she wasnt interested. By the time she looked up at me and...
  4. P

    Opposite of Approach Anxiety???

    Lol i am kinda like opposite from you guys... its easy for me to close after a girl is talking/reacting positively to me. For me its hard to make that first move and go in and start talking to that HB9/10. Right now i have no porblem approaching 6/10s and opening them but it takes real balls...
  5. P

    How to approach in this situation (cliffs)

    I am not new to approaching girls but i have never been able to approach girls when something simillar happens. I am sure many of you experience this and was wondering if anybody knows best way to approach. So today i am about to leave school from the library had a killer headache. Its...
  6. P

    Real talk with my Mother

    Nope the one that makes the money has the control in the relationship IMO.
  7. P

    FR: College day game.

    i thought u was quitting cold approaCHING
  8. P

    Am I an ugly dude (pics included)

    NO WAY man You are not ugly AT ALL ... I promise i am being honest. I would say you are 8/10 atleast (no homo)
  9. P

    I finally figured out what is wrong with me. A day in prodigy746 life (LONG READ)

    First of all thanks for reading man, i know its a long read. I think you might be onto something, i have asked girls out and for their numbers many times and i have succeeded every single time because of one thing. I am 24 and still never been rejected. I do not ask until they show me like...
  10. P

    I finally figured out what is wrong with me. A day in prodigy746 life (LONG READ)

    This is gonna be a long read but i am SURE some of you will be able to relate and IT MIGHT CHANGE YOUR LIFE. I have been single for past 2+ years, not because i cant get a girl or because i am antisocial but because i dont care enough to get a girl. I am not braggin, when i think about it i...
  11. P

    I feel disrespected

    that guy is not your friend and i would recommend you get better friends.
  12. P

    Stripper Won't Take My Money!

    now i am curious to know how much you spent there.
  13. P

    How to delete account?

    i have no idea but why would you want to delete it ??
  14. P

    My girlfriend tells me her ex would last many hours in bed

    better yet, make her go make you a sandwich ???
  15. P

    "I've had a crush on you for years"

    ahhah strong misc presence in this thread I saw that thread Anyway come at me bro you mad ? i aint even mad forever alone forever calzone etc etc ... misc rules.
  16. P

    I want to improve my look for the New Year, pics included

    lol THIS!!! As soon as i saw him, i was thinking dumb and dumber haircut lol. Also you are kind of chubby start working out brah. go on forums and you might actually become a misc brah.. come at me bro i aint even mad. only some special people will...
  17. P

    Got slapped last night.

    lmfao that is all
  18. P

    I was reminded why I NEVER will get married

    Paragraphs , man use them ... it hard as hell to read this. But sucks for your friend man. Women are getting crazy in USA man, i am not gonna lie. Marriage is pointless in this time and age.
  19. P

    You guy's get bored AFTER the chase?

    Yup i understand this. Happens to me all the time, when a girl is throwing herself at me i am like shes not hot enough or i dont want her. Fast forward 1 month later she got a bf and i start looking at her and all of a sudden i want that ass or i think she is hot. I hate this about my self.
  20. P

    Help me save my 1.5 year LTR!!

    First of all, you are 18 man (Very Very young to be even worrying about a LTR) Chances of you marrying this girl is about 1.5-2%. You are young, you shouldnt be stressing over this. It seems to me she got all the control over the relationship and she is bored. She knows she has you in the...