...Except hes RIGHT.
Even think about it for a second. If you want to listen to "music" just because it "sounds good" .. well something that rhymes just sounds a LOT better than something that doesnt. So the guy still has a point.
What one single band(whose members are still alive) do you wish would come back?
Fvckin cool band. I just love them. You can even dance to the music(sorta :P).. and its rock! soooo good.
Your music doesnt have to be impossible to play on guitar(or watever...
Hey guys!
Sheez i havent posted ina while.
I have to admit ive gotten REALLY off of my diet this past week. I havent been eating fatenning foods.. i just HAVENT BEEN EATING.
I took a week off from lifting because i was tired physically and mentally. And i was reallly sick of eating.
i think my chest looks bigger (when my "tits" arent shrunken lol..ehh..wtf do u call those anyways on a guy. I mean in the middle of each chest.. do you call em tits? LOL)
Fri Feb 25: Workout
Military Press in rack: 5x3, 25x7, 25x8? (cant tell if its a 4 or a 8 lol.. looks more like a 8)
Seated DB Shoulder Press: 30x6, 30x5
Standing Lateral Raises: 25x5, 20x7 when i was using 25... my elbows were lower thanmy wrists.. so i think i was...
what the hell?
How can you not like Deadlifts?
Well i guess i can understand. I kinda like them because of how intense they are. To me they are the most intense exercise ( moreso than squats)
Weds Feb 23: Workout
Squats: 10x3, 80x6, 80x6 (probly ccoulda got another rep on that first set... but i forgot i had a safety)
Hack squats: 0x3, 20x8, 20x8
Seated Leg Curls: 50x5, 50x4
Straight Legged Dead lift: 70x8, 70x8
Smith Stainding Calve Raises: 60x10, 60x10...
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