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  1. M

    Brunettes seem to be harder to pick up than blondes

    I don't know about your Theory, but I also don't like the Pam Anderson, Bleached-Blond Bimbo look either.
  2. M

    not allowed to watch tv how can i dj this way

    Keep looking for a job until you get-one, then move-out. Parents are like that to varying degrees. I'm freakin 42 and my Mom still treats me like a kid! :(
  3. M

    How do I get-rid of this chick?

    I met the lady on and at first she seemed normal enough, but we haven't even had a date yet, haven't met in-person yet. But she calls me and emails me everyday! When she calls, she just talks and talks, and the only way i can ever get a word in, is if I interupt her. She just never...
  4. M

    Getting with a girl at work? good or bad?

    ALOT of people have met their wives & husbands at work. MY parents met at work. So this canned advice not to fish off the companies' pier is bullcrap. You simply have to think a little. If your co-worker, works near you and things don't work-out, it could get nasty. So you have to weigh that...
  5. M

    Asserting myself and saying "no" feels awkward.

    Yeah, anyone who presumes you'll pay, is not a true friend, but a leech.
  6. M

    Dumped the gf

    She swallows? Well Since you're done with her, can I call-her? :D Any girl that swallows is a keeper in my book! ;)
  7. M

    So I was going to worry, then I said yeah right

    Well kids...pure and simple. I love to drink.... BEER! And unfortuantely, as a result, I now have a Big Fat Beer Belly! Women claim that looks don't matter, but how often do you see a hot babe walking with a Fat dude? Very rare! When I didn't have this Belly, I used to get ALOT more tail! Now...
  8. M

    How do we turn the tables on them?

    Ever notice how women often have no qualms about putting you on the spot, as if they are intitled to your prevlidged information? You could be cuddling on the couch, watching a video, everything is going-well, when all of the sudden she'll just blurt-out of nowhere asking something like, "How...
  9. M

    Taxi Cab Confessions

    I am the King! I am the King of hesitating! I have missed-out on way too many opportunites because I hesitated! "he who hesitates, masturbates!"
  10. M

    Girl and Abortion

    I don't think Abortion is a good thing. However, I wouldn't hold it against the girl for making a mistake, if she sees it as a mistake. Many women who have had Abortions, now greatly regret it. I've made my share of bad mistakes, and will probably do so again before I'm through...
  11. M

    My "Tally" for this semester.

    I've been getting shot-down alot lately, but i know why it is. It's because I've been drinking way too much Beer and let myself become fat! When women say "looks don't matter", they are lying, pure and simple. I've seen MANY skinny guyz with Fat women, but very-few the other way around.
  12. M

    Months of contact then suddenly she won’t return my calls-How to have non-attachment?

    I used to have a gf, that whever we had a disgreement on the phone, she would hang-up on me. My attitude was, "I'm NOT gonna play this game by calling her back, and giving her control." So I just kept busy, went about my business, and she would always call-back and apologize a few days later...
  13. M

    Handling Insults...

    I agree! Smurfing! Please give me a freakin break! :rolleyes:
  14. M

    Picking up Women at Work...Questions.

    I'm an Engineer and I am contracting at a major company that requires that after working there for a year on contract that I must take 6 months off. So maybe I'll get a job at Starbux so I can hit on chicks there! Or maybe i could get a job as a bartender to hit on tipsy chicks!
  15. M

    DJing in England

    Don't get me wrong I DO think a Picnic could work with a Date, with just you and a sweetie, but I'm just saying it wouldn't really fly to invite a bunch of college peeps as if it was like a party or something. maybe that's fine in jolly olde England, but college kids in the U.S. would probably...
  16. M

    What do you guys think about this situation?

    Ask her out and see what happens.
  17. M

    HB 8... and a threesome

    If she puts-out, then just don't fall in love with her. just use her the way she obviously likes to be used. Give the lady what she wants! Doggie Style! :D
  18. M

    DJing in England

    :D That would-NOT fly in the U.S! can imagine somebody at a U.S. uni saying "Oh let's do have a picnic shall we?" :D College peeps in the U.S. are into Parties, not dainty little picnics with tea, krumpets and cucumbre sandwhiches! :D
  19. M

    Baggage Coming My Way

    Everybody has SOME baggage in their life! We live in a world where bad things happen to good people all the time. Just because a girl has had some bad things happen in her life, doesn't nessesarily mean she's a basketcase. Just be aware of her history, and cautiously proceed forward. See...