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  1. B

    Almost falling asleep during boring lecture/speech?

    You've probably incorporated that block of time during the day into your sleep schedule as 'nap time.' It's always that class because that class it at the same time of day. Get more sleep at night.
  2. B

    "Date rape"; look out!

    Does anybody else find this alarming?
  3. B

    girlfriend is becoming quite afc lol

    And why can't you tell her? The idea is to never show her too much affection. Since the type of guy this website attracts tend to always show WAY too much affection way too fast, the rule gets butchered and becomes 'never show affection' - but this is as damaging as showing too much. When she...
  4. B

    Sticking to your own race/nationality?

    It's a bit complicated than that, but I wont get into it. Suffice it to say that my dad is NOT white, nor is he Mexican (any more than a Cuban is 'Mexican'). Where my family has been since they came from spain in 1600 is today in northern New Mexico.
  5. B

    Later guys, time for me to become a full time scholar again

    Wow you're just full of hate aren't you? Lighten up man, it's a freakin message board! :p
  6. B

    If I go she will probably think im weird, right?

    You're way too aware of what she's going to think about you, and it's hurting your game. What do you think about you? Is it weird if you go? Then don't go. If you don't think it's weird, then do go. Let her reach her own conclusion, and make sure to let yourself reach yours. Your plan to text...
  7. B

    Sticking to your own race/nationality?

    I can relate to how you feel very easily. With a father who is hispanic, and a mother who is white, I managed to fall directly in spot in between the two that can never really belong to either. I have dark hair but light skin. White friends will tell me I'm too hispanic to be white, but hispanic...
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    The "ideal" Guy Most Women Want

    This is certainly true, but it warrants some analasys. There are 3 traits here I'd like to point out, and those are 'seems mature', 'dominant' and 'bold'. What about these traits stick out to me? These are all social skills. I'll elaborate. It says Women prefer men who 'seem mature'. Well, what...
  9. B

    The Growing Lack of Personal Responsibility.

    Nothing has changed in the past 10,000 years!? That's absurd! The entire world has changed, and it's man that has changed it. Human nature may be the same, the but the environment we live in is completely different. Modern life presents challenges to mankind as a whole and individuals that have...
  10. B

    Meeting women on the train, is it doable??

    A woman on the train is stationary (relative to you), has no shopping agenda, is sitting down, probably bored and in a much more favorable position to be approached. I'd put a train on the top 3 for places to approach.
  11. B

    Engineers and geekhood?

    Who gives a crap what everyone thinks engineers should be. It's not like becoming good at engineering will make you a geek. Look at it this way - with an engineering degree, you'll be a respected professional who makes more money than 90% of the world's population. You'll be able to afford to...
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    The NON-JUAN Post for 04-24-2006: ARE YOU A NON-JUAN? TAKE THE NON-JUAN QUIZ!!

    Well it makes me laugh, and that's justification enough for it to exist. Beyond that, it's here to help the extreme AFC. I love Mr. Non-Juan for making me smile at least once a week. What do you do to make me smile? Huh? That's right. Nothing. :D
  13. B

    Any ****atoo owners?

    If you want a quiet pet, don't get a bird. Get a snake. Snakes never talk. Too high maintenance? You could also consider a tarantula - you only have to feed a tarantula twice a month.
  14. B

    Height in Guys vs Body Mass in Girls

    I'm 5'8" and I get girls just fine, but thanks for the concern Short, average, whatever I am I'm dead sexy :up: EDIT: Algright for the nit-pickers. According the The US Department of Health and Human Services, the average height for males in the age group of 20-29 years, as of 2002, the last...
  15. B

    Questions on getting back with ex.

    The good news here is that she obviously still has feelings for you. She is going to need to make a decision - does she still love you enough to want you back, or have things gone past the point of reconciliation and it's time to move on? You will have to make a similar choice. But right now...
  16. B

    Questions on getting back with ex.

    One more thing - and I think this is too important to be ignored. It's time to start actively pursuing other girls. Now don't expect to be getting into another relationship. Just be meeting girls. Flirting openly. Do the single thing, because guess what it's been 3 years since you could...
  17. B

    Questions on getting back with ex.

    Alright, so what's the best way to simultaneously get over her while at the same time improving your chances of getting back together? By walking away! You will never get over her if you are seeing her constantly. You can't put her in the past until she really is just a relic of the past -...
  18. B

    Questions on getting back with ex.

    She made her bed, let her sleep in it A month ago she dumped you. She said she didn't want to be with you. It's time you started enforcing her decision. It was, afterall, HER decision. Why isn't she sticking to it? Who cares! Time to make some decisions of your own. It's time to give up...
  19. B

    Questions on getting back with ex.

    So the next question is, if you are being lead on and mistreated, how do you fix it? I'm sure your first instinct is to jump in with what is the obvious question "How do I get her back?" Well there is no answer to that question, because it's the wrong question. It's time you started thinking...
  20. B

    Questions on getting back with ex.

    NewMan broke the ice for me a bit here, but I really have to tell you that what you need to do is radically different than what you have been doing. Why is that? Because you are her doormat right now. Look I know this is a hard situation. You are obviously very in love with this girl, and you...