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  1. K

    Seriously, WTF.

    Eccentric you already know which one you what to shoot for! Why are you asking us?
  2. K

    What to do about tension?

    jarobe you are your own worst enemy. Stop analysising and thinking.
  3. K

    Buying Drinks - What if this happens?

    Re: Re: Buying Drinks - What if this happens? :cheer:
  4. K

    how's this for an approach?

    No.... Why do you have to justify your action. Don't give away your power. Stick with:
  5. K

    Buying Drinks - What if this happens?

    You a rare indeed. Keep it up. :up: I am in the middle of my 2nd medium term stay in the UK from Australia. I have discovered to my shock that UK guys buy their women far too many drinks. This HB has gone out with a tenner hoping that her looks will get her drinks. Not all HBs will be like...
  6. K

    Seriously, WTF.

    Telling the "safe" rediculous story to you is easier than the story: I fcuk some random dude to get back at my ex.
  7. K

    Would you bang her?

    I'd do Spring Thomas....... but I'd be thinking of Tsecula.
  8. K

    FR: Being a man saved my relationship

    :cry: I love a happy ending. Gimme Five man. Hell, gimme Ten!
  9. K

    Quick Facts

    So you just made it all them up then? And while you were pondering your ponderings you missed another chance to get laid :p
  10. K

    Quick Facts

    ....and your source for these "facts" is?
  11. K

    What to do about tension?

    your like this big bear.... [:rolleyes:]Skywrighting? Maybe she could wear a sign that says kiss me you smuck?[/:rolleyes:] By your own admissions she is sending you positive sings all the time. When you want it to end! It sounds like you are using "freezing" out as an excuse not...
  12. K

    Workout Log Question

  13. K

    Workout Log Question

    When you are writing the reps x weight does the weight also include the bar?
  14. K

    Reached heavy kino, but not full-close - analysis and suggestions welcome (LONG)

    Cheers Alphathree. LMR, Patterns, ONS, LTR, physical contact escalation ???? Horizon picking up chicks is not a programming language. PS LJBF OK
  15. K


    There are plenty of girls to go around. Go find yourself other girl/s. If this other guys is what you say and she finishes it with him you will be a shining star and YOU can decide wheather she is worth it.
  16. K

    What to do about tension?

    Your situation reminds me of this:
  17. K

    What to do about tension?

    Are you still interested in her? Yes: Then do something about it! No: Stop worring about her.
  18. K

    Reached heavy kino, but not full-close - analysis and suggestions welcome (LONG)

    a) It wasn't. Showing respect is good. b) Stop thinking so much and putting pressure on yourself and her. Otherwise how are you supposed to enjoy yourself. You sound like a fun guy to be around. Put a end to that would be "lethal". PS Whats LMR???
  19. K

    Dont get frustrated at the gym

    Last night I saw some dude using a rack to do squats with a 5kg plate on each end. I blame the "Instructors". Its the gangs of slightly built young'uns that hang over benches that get my blood boiling.
  20. K

    Best poster of 2005
