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  1. Aesthetix29


    She's just replied 'haha I'm busy anyway xx' Followed by 'First day off in 9 weeks' Yeah sure it is ha
  2. Aesthetix29


    I've basically just told that if she wanted me to drive down today then that's not going to happen .. Too short notice. Which it is .. Can't see her contacting me back as I'm sure it was a test, but I'm not a mug either wanting me to drop everything when I have plans for today ... And there was...
  3. Aesthetix29


    Here's the reply .. She says 'okay I'm free today' and then not for the next 3 weeks' no counter offer - also seems like a test. (Just so you all know, I do have other plates.
  4. Aesthetix29


    Right quick update ... So after a some small banter I said that we should meet for drinks and to do something, she's literally replied saying 'yeah okay, but she's off today but then not off for another 3 weeks' surely this is BS. She either wants to meet me today or she's genuinely not interested
  5. Aesthetix29


    This is what I thought exactly .. Just going to be short with her .. In all honestly I'm not even bothered .. Was just curious to find out what her game is? And she's never ignored me .. Always very receptive and quick to respond. I think she does like me, it's just that we've dragged this on...
  6. Aesthetix29


    I might just reply saying ' who's this ' ha
  7. Aesthetix29


    She will definitely go out for drinks .. I asked her this a few weeks back and she was like 'yeah sure' but I just got the impression that she wasn't that interested so just fvcked her off ... I Think she's just curious to what I'm up2 or who I'm with
  8. Aesthetix29


    Onay so it's been weeks and not heard anything off this girl .. And about an hour ago she texts me saying 'Oiiii you' Not replied as of yet .. But considering it's been weeks without hearing anything I guess whoever has been feeding her ego lately has dissapeared or something .. Is this why...
  9. Aesthetix29


    Any members here that are plasterers by trade ?
  10. Aesthetix29

    Help .. Feeling depressed

    I get what your saying buddy .. But we have nothing like that where I live ( Manchester UK) but I am trying .. Just applying for jobs left right and centre but everyone wants experience and qualifications. Can see me being in this situation for a while, I'm off out shortly with a few mates so...
  11. Aesthetix29

    Help .. Feeling depressed

    Not fapped for 4 days so far ... Going to see how long I can keep it up. Should I take a small break to clear the head ?
  12. Aesthetix29

    Help .. Feeling depressed

    When you say it like that .. It makes sense, and yes it's like my mind is in complete overdrive at the minute and I'm also having the most vivid and realistic dreams ... Never used to dream on bud! As for unemployment pay (jobseekers) I looked at this when I was first made redundant and believe...
  13. Aesthetix29

    Help .. Feeling depressed

    It's not a lot believe me! I'm trying to keep positive thoughts pal. Cheers WOULD JUST LIKE TO THSNK EVERYONE FOR TAKING THE TIME TO HELP A BRO OUT.
  14. Aesthetix29

    Help .. Feeling depressed

    Thanks buddy means a lot ... I really am trying my best, it's like the last 25 years are a haze due to being blazed all the time. It's weird how stopping smoking it makes an effect ... It's like when I was on it I didn't give a f**** and now I'm off my minds gone into overdrive and emotions are...
  15. Aesthetix29

    Help .. Feeling depressed

    Bro doesn't work like that over here... I just need someone to give me a chance ... I can go back to college but at a huge cost ... I was in the same job for 13 years and I got comfy and last year got made redundant! Screwed me over big time. And this is the predicament I'm in now! And that's...
  16. Aesthetix29

    Help .. Feeling depressed

    I would just like to thank all that have responded ... Here's the thing ... I have my diet dialed in now .. My gym is monthly so will sign up on the 1st next month .. In the meantime going on runs to strip some unessasary fat .. I have also quit smoking bud now in which has made a big impact on...
  17. Aesthetix29

    Who's this text

    She just texted me again saying 'Hello... ' due to me not replying yesterday
  18. Aesthetix29

    Who's this text

    Bro I agree ... She's probably jumping on some new D ... But it is and was all my fault. It was just moving too fast and she was way too into me.
  19. Aesthetix29

    Who's this text

    It was more like 3 weeks than a month .. And I'm not too fussed what she does, I mean I think it's pretty obvious she knew who I was, but you're right she's hurt because she liked me way more than I liked her .... She was cool but definitely wanted more than what I did. I had to back off a bit...
  20. Aesthetix29

    Who's this text

    I have banged her loads of times .. And I'm pretty sure she knew it was me .... She was very clingy and definitely wanted more, I just wants a plate.