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  1. Aesthetix29

    Got the hots for my friend

    Hey bro, this is the other side of the coin .... sometimes I think I stand a chance ... I might just have to make a move and see what happens ... at least I will know right. Its like I get the vibe she wants to be something more. 3 weeks a go she asked me to Alton towers theme park ... her...
  2. Aesthetix29

    Got the hots for my friend

    Yeah I was also thinking this ... this is what I meant by saying the ship had already sailed ha ha ... cheers bro
  3. Aesthetix29

    Got the hots for my friend

    Hey, It’s been a while since I was last here but I currently have a situation where I’m not sure if I’m reading the signals correctly. I have a female friend of about 18 months, we met on a dating app ... dated a few times got a little bit physical and then things just dropped off, most...
  4. Aesthetix29

    Not too sure what’s going on here ...

    Okay so after reading the replies, clearly some mistakes have been made here mainly down to me not knowing what I want or wanting to commit ... I’ve messaged her saying that I’d like to talk too her next time u see her .... of course this has sent her cogs spinning ha ha ... but I just need to...
  5. Aesthetix29

    Not too sure what’s going on here ...

    What you think she’s holding back because she likes me ? I know she wants more ... I think it’s a relationship she wants, oh I got a death grip hand job 2 weeks back but nothing since. Weird Danny.
  6. Aesthetix29

    Not too sure what’s going on here ...

    Hi, it’s been a while ...... Met this girl just after Xmas ... we started texting .. met for drinks multiple times now ... it’s been around 5 weeks ... me personally isn’t looking for something too serious ... she wants a relationship. Thing is it’s been almost 5 weeks now and we’re not...
  7. Aesthetix29

    Girl thinks she hurt me by breaking up with me?

    This guys in denial ... listen if she dumped your ass, then it was for good reason and nothing will change her mind. Been there pal. Although if you really want her back then tgeonly way would be to improve yourself.
  8. Aesthetix29

    Do I have a chance

    No not yet ... when you say it's me, What do you mean ?
  9. Aesthetix29

    Do I have a chance

    okay I'll cut a long story short there's a girl (been friends a while) always kind of had sexual chemistry when out etc... anyways I took her on a date in November which went well.. and none of us really pursued it afterwards .. last week I commented on a fb post of hers and she messaged me...
  10. Aesthetix29

    Social anxiety

    Thanks for the replies guys ... I don't have mental health issues .. its more than likely I had these issues before but they've just been amplified massively .... I will be quitting today, so wish me luck. It's the familiar settings and faces that act as a trigger for me. Tough week a head :(
  11. Aesthetix29

    Social anxiety

    Hey SS'ers, So I've had a bad few years after my longest relationship .. and somehow fell into the cannabis trap, and I've used this almost everyday for the last few years ... I used this drug as a crutch. But as of late I'm sure I've abused this recreational drug and it's messed me up. I seem...
  12. Aesthetix29

    Hey! Back after a year away

    hey Guys/Girls, Been away for a year or so ... so looking forward to catching up on people's threads ;) Dan
  13. Aesthetix29

    Business Idea

    Hey bro, 1. Have a van - (once dismantled there very compact and lightweight (aluminium). 2. My family are mostly builders and have lockups... but could always rent one. 3. Laws are quite good with tower scaffolds .. you only need to be pasma trained to erect/dismantle the scaffold and because...
  14. Aesthetix29

    Business Idea

  15. Aesthetix29

    Business Idea

    I'm currently back at home .. so won't end up on the streets ... I ain't rushing and am just speculating at the moment ... just in a bad place at the moment! Need to get out of this hole. I'm also thinking of going back to college to learn a trade .. maybe plumbing. As I have recently been...
  16. Aesthetix29

    Business Idea

    If I invested all 15k I could get around 25-30 towers .. but then it's storage .. to start I'd like to start with around 3-5 towers ... but I will have to get pasma trained and would have to look into insurance in case somebody falls off or has an injury and tries sueing me? I just checked HSS...
  17. Aesthetix29

    Business Idea

    Would love it if someone else could shed some light on this please .... I'm currently unemployed, and spending my saving like wildfire, currently have £15,500 left ... so was thinking of buying maybe £4K on youngmans boss aluminium tower scaffolds (around 4 6/7M towers ... if it doesn't workout...
  18. Aesthetix29

    Business Idea

    Hi, I'm looking to start my own business and have deceided to go with - Tower Scaffold Hire, the reason being that there's a huge demand for scaffold hire for one off jobs where it's only needed for a few days or weeks only. But to start I may just buy 8 x 7M height aluminium tower scaffolds...
  19. Aesthetix29

    Confused by the post-first-date

    You did nothing wrong, date went well ... she is just broadening her horizons, you will not be the only bloke she's going on dates with. Don't chase, I made this mistake more times than I can remember and it only ever worked against me, I would say maybe spin more plates .. and be alpha! I...
  20. Aesthetix29

    Mary Jane

    Thanks guys for your input, I almost crumbled last night but didn't and this morning I'm so happy that I didn't. But it does effect everyone different but for me being off it is the best route ... people are in denial with this drug and make excuses to smoke it, I however do not ... I know I've...