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  1. Aesthetix29

    After first dates they don't initiate contact

    yes she bailed on me, nexted it
  2. Aesthetix29


    Honestly if it was a complete stranger I wouldn’t of put it like this but considering we kind of know each other and there was a little more to it than just asking outright but it was along those lines … I think that we both like each other but at the time just had other things going on and kind...
  3. Aesthetix29

    After first dates they don't initiate contact

    I asked a girl I’ve just recently become reacquainted with if she was free this weekend to do something … she said that she was working sat/sun which I know that she does but made a counter offer that she was free Friday … so we have agreed to go out then instead … I’m going to make it my...
  4. Aesthetix29


    Exactly this … my intentions are very clear to her at the moment, my plan here is to escalate the situation and become more sexual towards her
  5. Aesthetix29


    Recently I was out with the lads and crossed paths with a woman I was previously interested in, we said hi etc and couldn’t stop looking at each other … a few days later she messaged me saying it was really good to see me etc … so to cut a long story short, rather than just keep texting and...
  6. Aesthetix29

    Social Anxiety

    This is a weird one …. how to combat social anxiety around girls you like … I get the overwhelming feeling of anxiety when I’m in the company of woman I find attractive. It’s like I get brain freeze and I can’t think straight, this can be really annoying and I don’t even know where it’s come...
  7. Aesthetix29

    Breaking away

    Hey I have this female friend, which I had feelings for ... we would do things together all the time, things like long walks, days out ... out for drinks and even a theme park. With all this happening I tried too make my move and she didn’t really reciprocate, I took this as she wasn’t too...
  8. Aesthetix29

    Friendzone is a MYTH

    As it’s stands right it’s obviously doing more harm than good because everything time we go out I’m expecting more and the time I’m putting into this could be put elsewhere, but then on the other side we go to nice places and it’s good to get out and see new places and I enjoy it etc ... but I...
  9. Aesthetix29

    Friendzone is a MYTH

    I have this 1 female friend that I like and She knows it and plays on it all the time. Like we do things together and it’s just sad, for some reason I can’t break the cycle ... I’m like a proper simpleton .. she calls I run WTAF ha ha I really need to just break away from it and move on but...
  10. Aesthetix29

    Friendzone is a MYTH

    Bro this is exactly what happened to me ... I’d rather just move on, I made my move she went all weird on me, and expects me too just stick around and be her mate .. not happening. I mean we was doing all the things that couples do except the sex ... like even now she keeps messaging asking what...
  11. Aesthetix29

    2022 - self improvement priority

    So I’ve decided that it’s time to really strive for self improvement. Currently on day 56 no weed (still testing positive tho) I’ve stopped smoking cigarettes around day 60. Back in the gym from January, used to train a lot a few years back so I’m already putting weight back on quickly...
  12. Aesthetix29

    Keeps trying to initiate contact

    A while back I posted a thread about me being hung up on a friend of mine ... cut a long story short I made a move and she went all weird on me. Which is fine I took that as a thanks but no thanks, anyways I kind of pulled back as don’t really need more friends, not what I’m after. It’s now been...
  13. Aesthetix29

    Made my move

    Great idea ... I like the fact that I have tipped the scales in my favour and the boots on the other foot now. Feels good
  14. Aesthetix29

    Made my move

    When I say I called her out it wasn’t in an aggressive way, we had just been for lunch and as I was getting out the car I asked her .. that was on Sunday and today she reached out to me again .. There is also more history with this than what you’ve read in this thread.
  15. Aesthetix29

    Made my move

    Yep you could be right pal ... either way I’m aware to it now. So when she messaged before I just replied saying that I’m in work which I was ... and she replied saying that she just wanted to see I fancied going for a walk. Now this could be like you say purely for validation or maybe to...
  16. Aesthetix29

    Made my move

    AW ?
  17. Aesthetix29

    Made my move

    She said just replied after 2 days of silent treatment and this is what she wrote ‘ Hiya what younup to ? xx ‘ Is this just her trying to dangle the carrot again and see if I’m still hooked ? After calling her out on Sunday and her saying that she would text me later ... which never...
  18. Aesthetix29

    Made my move

    still haven’t heard back yet ha ha ... will probably get a text in a few days saying sorry been busy
  19. Aesthetix29

    Made my move

    Decided to make my move on a girl I’m friends with .. took a chance. We kissed she reciprocated but was shocked ... we’ve been out a few times since but nothing got mentioned about it .. so I called her out on it yesterday ... because at the moment she’s getting my time for nothing ... so I...
  20. Aesthetix29

    Decided to take a few month off for self improvement

    3/4 years ago I was in the best shape of my life ... and I became complacent and lazy ... so I’ve decided I need to get back where I was.... - joining the gym again in July - going to start tanning - get some fresh summer clothes and treds. - stop smoking cigs and weed ( currently on day...