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  1. Romanemp22

    Silence after good first date

    It was not like the moment we meet, it was more 40 minutes in that I touched her properly. Also I didn't thought anything wrong to text her the day later, some girls text me first after date some I text or call so I didn't give thought about it because it was never an issue before
  2. Romanemp22

    Silence after good first date

    I already went on a date with another girl this noon. I liked that girl from last night but I don't want to run after no one.
  3. Romanemp22

    Silence after good first date

    No i only sent one voice message and it was a chill one. She even said on date about some future plans which I even on date had suspicioun about, but I never encountered girl being really interested in me on date to go completely silent. It's cowardish behavior. Also she said that she's afraid...
  4. Romanemp22

    Silence after good first date

    Last night I went on a date with a new girl I've meet through Instagram. We texted for a few days and I asked her out. On date things went really well, she really expressed high interest in me and things I do, you know she did all the things girl do when she likes a guy like occasional touching...
  5. Romanemp22

    gf says if you dont want anything to do with me tell me, but dont ignore me

    Pointless thread, misleading info just like in the last one.
  6. Romanemp22

    Don't want to text or speak with gf on her bday

    Ahh sh1t I wanted to tell you not to text text that b1tch anything but you already did, I found late this thread. She answered you in the most b1tchiest way possible and I would hang up on her in that very moment, yet alone I wouldn't t text her happy birthday next day if she disrespected me...
  7. Romanemp22

    Ghosted out of nowhere...weird situation and cautionary tale...never assume you'll see a woman again no matter how well it is going

    I honestly wouldn't give two thoughts about it. So what if she ghosted, it just shows that she's a immature little girl and that's it I'm calling next two girls in line. She obviously have emotional issues and she showed you she's not worth your time. On to the next one
  8. Romanemp22

    I got caught cheating..

    Even if she "forgives" you things will never be the same because she would not trust you, she would be suspicious of every move you make and would make drama of everything so I say it's not worth it because the damage has already been done. Man up and own your mistakes and do yourself a favor...
  9. Romanemp22

    Is it Possible to Date a Low Interest woman?

    Just ask same question to yourself as the roles are reversed
  10. Romanemp22

    Ok, why did this girl ghost?

    That's probably fake account, by the way of texting and also pic seems very professional to me so probably fake. Keep searching further
  11. Romanemp22

    Would you date a girl who smokes cigarettes?

    No, I'm an athlete and I can't stand smoke and also I don't like when I smell cigars on girl.
  12. Romanemp22

    Megan Fox and MGK

    And guys who looked like that are labeled as sex symbols nowadays. What a twisted way evolution did on people..
  13. Romanemp22

    Cold Approach Success Rate

    Agree with Bigpapa, even if your speak is sh1t the girl will not care if she's attracted to you. She will follow whatever you say and do.
  14. Romanemp22

    Megan Fox and MGK

    Recently I've been seeing few yt videos, shorts about Megan Fox and Machine gun Kelly and what I noticed is how many people are calling them "handsome couple". By no means I'm not jealous of him in any way as there is no reason for it but the guy looks like a total train-wreck very least, so...
  15. Romanemp22

    2009-2014 era SoSuave'rs?

    That's what I like about SS, wisdom and experience of past times cannot be bought with money
  16. Romanemp22

    Help? no contact won't work.

    Depends on what effect did she put on aka how strong did it hit you but you can get over it in short span of time, at least I did when I dumped my BDP ex.
  17. Romanemp22

    Don't ever think a woman is out of your league

    Don't wait for confidence, grow it and work on it.
  18. Romanemp22

    Don't ever think a woman is out of your league

    If I'm not mistaken you are from Norway? I noticed that most people there have younger face even when they are grown but I don't think someone should feel insecure about it its a cool trait like something everyone have.
  19. Romanemp22

    My broken heart from 2 yrs ago is still a blockade to my game

    Don't do both, live in present because that's only what matters