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  1. TheKid

    She was lying about a dude, hard next?

    If you have to ask you know what you should do. Otherwise youll pay forward for not acting how you should. Dump her.
  2. TheKid

    Mental health of CC riders

    Women will blame their kids before themself. My 27 gf sister (whos younger [25]) has 2 kids to 2 different men. She blames my gf, their mum, the men and the kids for her having 2 kids. Ive never been so close to true female nature. The resentment, the hostility, the blame and contempt. And...
  3. TheKid

    What Are Some Signs Of A Time Waster

    Low effort from them. Block and delete.
  4. TheKid

    Girlfriend Werid Behaviour

    Your trust is already broken if you are posting on here.
  5. TheKid

    Some unexpected lessons I learned about women while owning a handsome dog.

    Ive dated both cat and dog women both have problems. Dogs give love Cats give validation Therefore women with dogs = looking for love (their interpretation of it) Women with cats = looking for validation. Cat women come with more problems because you loving them actaully pushes them away.
  6. TheKid

    Is it me, her or both (BPD girlfriend0

    Too much hassle. Prediction: you'll be in pieces in 6 months when she jumps ship.
  7. TheKid

    Do your female coworkers follow you on IG?

    Men being on SM is the entire problem. If every single man left SM and only women were on it, they would delete it in seconds. The more men that unplug from that wretched hive of scum and villiany the more power tips in our favour.
  8. TheKid

    How do you maintain frame in a LTR?

    To keep frame you just dont fall for them. If you get the girl you want, you will fall and lose. If you get a girl you not fussed about you will not fall, she will. You have to date down so you can be indifferent. There is no winning with the girls you want. Only heartache.
  9. TheKid

    I dont understand the swinger/ cuckold thing

    Its repressed, interalized anger and shame. Eg. Fear of not being enough.
  10. TheKid

    BPD co worker

    But the dynamic is set. He is her carer now. Is this guy gonna deny himself emotional fulfillment for this girl. Imagine the conquests he could go on if this leech wasnt eating his peace. The unreliability straight off the bat is a issue in trust. If your partner isnt relaible in return that is...
  11. TheKid

    I'm going to ask this question regardless. What is it in a woman that dates a guy and then turns him into her Dad?

    Every woman I know talks about comunication being a value of theres. But yet every single one of them I have been with I have caught slipping on details. They dont tell you the full story and when you find out they expect it to be okay, however if they catch me slipping details its a problem for...
  12. TheKid

    So tired of Snapchat...

    Its easier to control the interactions with her on sc. If you have her number she could be with her man and you call or txt and it gives her away. If she has you on sc she can delete the app, stop notifications etc. Its a form of control and shows the type they are. Game players.
  13. TheKid

    What Zodiac signs have you dated/your opinion on them

    Hate gemini to the point where ive just walked off if said ***** was one. My girl is sag takes a lot to break them in but i believe they are one of the only true ride or die types.
  14. TheKid

    Girl I've been Dating Has a Boyfriend

    What would she do in your position? Fuxk it all up, bang her untill she doesnt comply and then out her with a bang. Fuxk these hoes make them pay.
  15. TheKid

    Shyte tests and low interest

    Chase is a synonym for pursue, so to think they mean different is idiotic. Pursuing is chasing and chasing is pursuing. Period. They both mean to follow, there is no riggle room homie.
  16. TheKid

    Some opinions needed! Trying to figure out girls behavior

    You can do what you want and even if it gets you too talk to more women, you will end up with more dissapointment you wouldnt face if you just lived in the real world. Because you wouldnt be as thirsty or get led on and forgotten as much.
  17. TheKid

    Some opinions needed! Trying to figure out girls behavior

    No reponse is a response. If she not talking to you she communicating something... Dont ever chase, if they want you in their life they will. The more you ponder and stress the more youll hurt yourself. You dont have to do anything in this situation to get results. A) she eithers comes back...
  18. TheKid

    Fwb Starts **** Testing Hardcore?

    I think when she payed she may have disqaulified you? You said she was talking about feminist ****. Reading you post it sounds like it goes to **** after she payed for the food, that was the test. She wanted to look like a good girl but really wanted to be treated. Dont worry about her IF...