These commercials are clever, but all you need to do is look into the eyes of this herb-beta ad exec and listen to his milquetoast monotone voice to see the face of what passes for modern masculinity. This...
What you're describing is the Boyfriend Disclaimer, also known as a Proactive LJBF. The Boyfriend Disclaimer rejection occurs when a woman slips the information of her unavailability (due to the BF) covertly into casual conversation. I've covered this countless times with frustrated guys asking...
Your problem isn't about cheating or conflicts of morality. The problem is you subscribe to naive delusions like this at 25,..
Tiger Woods' mistake wasn't that he wanted to ƒuck a buffet full of women. Tiger's mistake was that he committed to marriage when he was too young, idealistic and...
Martinis are like t!ts, one's not enough, but three is too many.
Learning to sarge straight should come before sarging buzzed. Needing a drink to approach only helps you in a bar or a club, not many other places.
ARTS' is a textbook example of the male double standard. If you speak up and point out a uniquely male injustice, well, you're just not Man enough to take it. If you hold your tongue and take it, well, then you're just a pussie for not speaking your mind like a Man should. All of the...
I didn't say I agreed with this guy's take on prostitution as a viable substitute for sexual variety, but he does illustrate some very honest insights. On some level I think guys hate to confront the truth in this guy's premises - as a man you will always pay for sex to some degree, in some...
At the gym this morning I saw the latest installment for these ads on one of the TVs. This time, same couple sitting in the chairs, 3 girls in bikinis frolic in the surf on the guy's side of the screen. The guy checks them out, the girls move on, pan back to the couple, guy grabs a lime off his...
What's ironic is how the theme of the Corona commercials have changed up to these ones. If you're familiar with the previous ones, there were no real genders present, no dialog, just a 30 second shot of the bottle on a table in some tropical paradise with only the sounds of surf and some gulls...
The same motivators, the same impulses, the same prompts that make both of their vaginas tingle when they are confronted with a confident Alpha male displaying higher value work on both women. The only difference is the context under which those principles are applied. Both the drug...
Seriously. Go over to Love Shack -
Read the posts for about 3 days. Then come back here and tell us how bitter, misogynistic and misguided everyone is.
I think the main problem veteran posters at SS have is in dealing with absolutes. Either you see ALL women as conniving, duplicitous bar sluts or you don't. There is no room for questioning, and you really shouldn't make an attempt to anyway because you'll either never understand women, or you...
The Feminine Mystique
Perhaps the single most useful tool women have possessed for centuries is their unknowablity. I made that word up, but it's applicable; women for hundreds of years have cultivated this sense of being unknowable, random, illogical or in worst case, fickle or ambiguous. This...
C&P'd from The Spearhead.
You can read the whole thing here:
Explain to me again how it's men who're the Chauvinists?
There comes a point of conflict (or revulsion if you want) after a guy has been unplugged from the Matrix long enough where he begins to doubt himself and what he's seeing go on around him. All of the gender dynamics and the complex, but discreet, interplay between the sexes that's been such a...
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