You said that you are a nice guy that listens, and is fun to be around. Why not use those traits around women? No one here can honestly tell you how to be successful with women, so use the gifts that you have, and develop new ones.
You haven't really giving us your definition of self-destruction.
Everyone that frequents this forum doesn't come here as a completely flawed person. Some of us already have the social skills that are needed to succeed in life and with women.
Fight Club isn't as good as people claim that it...
I worked at a car dealership for 2 years, and the life of a car salesman is really sad. There were guys that were making real good money, but most didn't. One thing that I noticed is that even the sales managers lived a life of fear of being canned at any moment. It was always odd/ amusing to...
You do not love yourself, and you are not worth loving.
Do you really need someone to teach you how not to lie to others and yourself? You cannot be THAT pathetic.
The simple fact that you do not know what the word martyr means is proof enough that you should tell an adult, and not fk this byatch up even more than she already is with your 'help.'
What I was trying to say is...... only a child (14 year old) or a pzzy gives a fk about such things, and only idiots go around calling themselves pua's and dj's.
I agree:up:
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you... That simple concept can prevent alot of trouble like getting shot (which I wish for anyone who touches another person's spouse)
All state funded colleges where I'm from are forced to have their students take a writing exam in order to receive a degree. The majority of students that fail the test are blacks and non-natives. I started tutoring this one asian chick and ended up closing her. Manipulation is life.
I have to...
"I don't wanna be a playa no more..."
Age: 26
Option: B (that's what I have right now)
I refuse to go into protection mode. My heart is strong and can take heartbreak.
I would teach any child I have everything that I know about life. It doesn't matter if I have a son or a daughter, they will both learn the 'game.'
I will try to make sure that my daughter has extremely high standards and doesn't take shyt from anybody. I will lay the game out to her like this...
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