BuryYourDead said:
she sepcifcly told me its her boyfriend thats making her do it because she cheating on him with hid best friend and now they hate eachother anaperntly all they do is fight now...
I'm sorry, I missed this...
her boyfriend is making her do it? You mean, he's grabbing her hand, putting a knife in it and forcing her to cut herself? I doubt that!
This is exactly what I was trying to say. She is being selfish and passing blame here when it's HER fault! These people love to pass the blame. Oh, and DUH!! Obviously if she cheated on her boyfriend with his best friend he's gonna be just a little p*ssed off don't ya think??? That's HER fault too! She sounds like a total b*tch if she could do that to a guy and I sure as hell wouldn't give her any sympathy!
Now she is using you for sympathy and free councelling sessions and put a load of pressure and worry on you. That's no friend!! I'd steer clear of her completely if you want to know what's good for you!