Look man i dont want to clash egos here, your adivce is note worthy and spot on, but the problem here is he can waste countless hours/days/weeks/months trying what you suggested, i know i have done it.Hawke said:Lmao, i love your reply. Really i do... and i don't speak from text book none sense, i speak from having had to deal with seeing countless of my friends go through depression and suicide attempts. I don't get pissed off often, but don't you dare even try to think that i have no experience with this.
The world isn't perfect, and i have no idea where you get the idea i thought it was. Or where you got many of your assumptions... i'd ask you to explain, but that's off topic, and the topic of this post is FAR more important.
Instead he should use the time to seek out professional help for the girl, go with her if she requests it.
First port of call is the doctors, they are trained for this stuff.
Second port is a councillor.
The councillor will get to the route of the problem, it is the route where the issue lies not the outside source.
Only a trained professional can hope to dig into the armour this girl as made.
Tell her, you want to help her and the best advice is from a professional, if she does not want to know, then be very careful where you go from here!
Trust me on this ok.