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  1. W

    Recommended Job Skills to Master?!

    Good point. Care to elaborate?
  2. W

    What to engrave on ipod for gf of almost a year?

    Number one is pretty cool. Simple yet meaningful.
  3. W


    Be weary of the street fighting classes. A lot of those times, moved are practiced in a safe, preplanned environment to mimic a real-life situation. Problem is they're not real at all. I would suggest sticking with boxing and judo. Why? Both are going to make you feel pain. You'll...
  4. W

    Creative Business Name Ideas

    A good business starts with a good name. I recently interviewed for a sales position in a major litigation copying firm that is trying to currently change its name. Its current one is too limiting. But as you can imagine, it's a big job. Many millions need to be spent in order to effectively do...
  5. W


    You said it yourself. You need to start training. In what? I suggest boxing and judo to start off with. But really any striking w/grappling is good. Thai boxing or boxing would be the best. Mix in some grappling...judo, sambo, brazilian jiu-jitsu, or wrestling. Things to stay away...
  6. W

    Entry Level Sales Position

    You're right on. I'm dedicated to being successful.
  7. W

    Suits: What to buy and what to avoid

    Went to the Macy's 16 hour sale the other day. Bought a jacket over 50% off by Polo. Originally was $365. Got it for $145. Fits well and looks good.
  8. W

    Gf on vacation

    This is good for you. Don't worry about her cheating. if you're worried it means that you don't have enough productive things going on in your life to get your mind off this. I was like that when my gf left for THREE MONTHS. Now I have so many things on my mind--starting my business...
  9. W

    Suits: What to buy and what to avoid

    I have a couple entry-level sales interviews this week, and need to get a good-looking suit. Problem is I can only spend around a couple hundred bucks for one. Ideas? Went to JC Penny's and they looked pretty crappy. I'm thinking of some outlet stores...
  10. W

    Entry Level Sales Position

    Thanks all. I'm definately motivated to reaching my full potential in this field and will work hard doing it. Sales is the nuts and bolts of any business-oriented field. It makes sense to jump in and see what it's all about.
  11. W

    Entry Level Sales Position

    Little about myself. I'm 19. I'm a university student, but am taking a break and working full-time for a while. The reasons are many-fold. I began to feel like I was stagnating in school, not having a solid direction because I had no reference points to base the different directions on...
  12. W

    I have bad credit but I want to buy a car

    I feel you man. I want to buy a new motorcycle but can't due to credit. Priorities first.
  13. W

    Guy tried to start a fight with me outside of a football game, did I handle it right?

    Shouldn't worry too much about it. You acted out of instinct. Learn to calm your emotions in times like this. We've all had times where we have had to "back down" or at least ignore a situation in some form or another. A year ago, I got in some sh*t with a crazy black guy in the stadium. He...
  14. W

    How can you tell if your girlfriend is cheating?

    You don't need to care. If a gut feeling of any sort arises, move on.
  15. W

    Regaining power in a relationship.

    Stop it already. It's over. You made a vow and broke it. Don't let it happen again. Cut it with the msn sh*t.
  16. W

    Which muscles turn girls on the most?

    It really depends on the girl, but many go for a lean, well-defined appearance. Don't focus too much on prioritizing your training though. Just focus on the bigger muscle groups and you'll be fine.
  17. W

    messy situation with the gf

    I was f*cking a girl who had a bf. She became distant from him. Then she broke up with him. Point is that there's a problem here. Stop ignoring it and talk to her about it straight out. Maybe it can be fixed. Maybe it can't. Either way you need to approach it because she will definately not.
  18. W

    The best way to end a LTR

    Precisely. What you think you did "right" was probably just not being a totally great partner in the relationship. That's expected though since you already thought it was dismal. But good job for getting a FB!
  19. W

    Making money on Black Friday

    Since I really don't have anything to this holiday weekend, but would love some extra cash, I'm thinking of camping out this Thursday night at Best Buy in order to buy a good deal of hugely-on-sale goods, in order to resell them on Ebay. Anyone tried this before? Any opinions?
  20. W

    Regaining power in a relationship.

    Right on. Blatant truth right there. My gf is away till mid-December, too. She's been gone since September. This past month I've been going through some sh*t, go in some trouble with other chicks, and basically it went from me calling her 1-2 times PER DAY to me barely calling her or...