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  1. F

    Infinite Improvement [Journal]

    Thanks for the examples, I just need to continue improving my escalation game. I mean, its great to know when she is interested and all, but there is still some responsibility on me to not say something stupid or something that might scare her away. But, I digress, I approached a girl on the way...
  2. F

    There must be a way

    They probably envy you. I know in my position, I am happy with my family, friends and where I'm going in life. I knew some people that I THOUGHT I was friends with, but they just do the whole polite routine with me and if I ask them where they are going when they are going out, they just say...
  3. F

    10 Myths About Introverts

    I wonder if any guy here would admit to being an extrovert. All I see are guys saying they are introverted. Are guys naturally supposed to be introverted or is it the "we were all bad with women because we were introverts" theory on SS? Either way, I was and still am an introvert, but I can...
  4. F

    Young Guy tries Pickup

    This exactly sums up what was going on in this vid. You seem to find amazing value in getting phone numbers instead of getting to know the girl. Are you going to take her phone number out to dinner or something? Funny vid though.
  5. F

    Kiss Close Rejection First Date - Where did I go wrong, how can I improve?

    1. That's up to you. As far as I see, there's nothing wrong with asking her straight up, as anyone can ask a question like that. But then she will see you in a light that you want to be her bf instead of him. 2. *Answered already* 3. Noooooo. :nono: Just play it cool. If her friends...
  6. F

    Alpha friends

    They should be able to feed off of each others' energy. If one is trying to outshine the other, then the other will just try to up his game to compete. It should be seen as a way of becoming better, not ego.
  7. F

    My Thoughts on Day Game

    Well I approached a girl today and got her number, but then I was like "that's a weird number." and she was like "Yeah, it's a fake number." It SOUNDED like she was joking, but hell, fake numbers happen so often, she could be telling the truth. I didn't text her yet, mostly because I don't want...
  8. F

    My Thoughts on Day Game

    Oh wow, this thread came back from the dead. Thanks for all the replies regardless if you agreed with me or not. The one thing I would love to do is to pull women using cold approach, believe me when I say that. I've tried cold approach on my first official plate and we are still seeing each...
  9. F

    When women say "maybe"

    Lmao, or maybe she was planning to say no in the first place. If a girl truly liked you, why would she jeopardize it by giving iffy statements?
  10. F

    When women say "maybe"

    Ok, I am going to make this as simple as possible: If you have dated her before or invested a good amount of rapport with her (you have to be sure you did) then her "maybe" is a genuine maybe. If you got her number off a cold approach or you don't have enough rapport with her, then her...
  11. F

    Recent Videos: More "Aggressive" For U (new camera mod.=amazing) took girl home,etc.

    Damn dude, I got to grab some balls and step my game up. I can easily get to the point where she is isolated and talking to me, I just got to go in for the kill instead of going into safe-game mode and saying "See ya later!". Good stuff :up:
  12. F

    Strongly considering banging my professor

    Morality question! If you can do it very discreetly, then that would be JAWSOME!!! But, if you get caught, you just ****ed your professors life up by getting her fired... Don't think about yourself all the time. Her cons weigh a lot more than your cons.
  13. F

    Infinite Improvement [Journal]

    I try :l Most of these women seem very, very cautious to meet guys, even if they like them. I can't shake this feeling that all women secretly hate men. ----------------------- I wish I could transition that onto a lighter note, but I have once again had a run in with another low interest...
  14. F

    Cold approach is the telemarketing of the dating world

    You can talk to anyone you want at any time of the day you please, but she is going to see a "stranger" when you walk up and start talking to her. The girls that aren't as easy to crack will take some warming up to first. As far as I can see, cold approaching works if she is rather easy or she...
  15. F

    Cold approach is the telemarketing of the dating world

    Cold approaching is used to get the worst case afc immune to the fear of rejection. It is not really effective to actually get women. I've been over some of this stuff before...
  16. F

    How do I respond to this?

    If you don't want our advice, just say so. I hate it when people ask for advice, then completely ignore the answer they get back because it's not what they want to hear. I still think she will just be wasting your time. Only thing I see she is good for now is just a good effing. Her religious...
  17. F

    If you really knew me..

    There are women who actually go through this sh!t. But, if you're attractive and put sympathetic videos on the internet... *switches to jeff foxworthy voice* YOUUUUU MIGHT BE AN ATTENTION WH0RE.
  18. F

    Is it wrong that I sometimes feel like instigating violence, beating up a girl's bf

    Well, I am TECHNICALLY a virgin and I also hate the super high expectations of women... but you have to realize, women are fickle. Do I feel bitter about women's expectations? Of course. Do I feel the need to act in violence? No. You can't start having emotional breakdowns just because you can't...
  19. F

    Do you guys actually enjoy being around women?

    I try to see the good in them... The girls that I'm friends with find me attractive and tell me so. I feel like if they did not find me attractive, they would not want to spend time with me. Knowing this only makes me not want to trust them. Basically, they might seem cool and interesting at...