Stealing is stealing. What is not cut and dray about that?
You are stealing something that was created for the purpose of selling it. You are stealing someones created product.
Let's say you and your band made a song. You set up a website to sell it for .99 cents. Your song becomes...
I disagree. Stealing is stealing in every part of the world. Stealing is stealing if you did it in the past, are doing it in the present or will do it in the future.
It seems that stealing has not only become commonplace but it had come to be acceptable social behavior
The internet when it was first concieved and used was meant to be an information sharing tool among scientists and professionals.
It's growth since it's inception has been geometric...
Sounds about right.
I don't have to "start a fire" It's already raging. It's a real sticking point that the company has been trying to resolve.
Well, it's not really relevant since it's just a simple change in proceedure. I'm actually surprised no one thought of it!
Ok, at...
Actually I want the same least a 5 million dollar cut. I realize that this will probably not happen. Like you I am a realist but I have a hefty splash of optimism
I am trying to optimize my idea. I want someone to look at it and say "Brilliant! of course. Why didn't we think of...
I understand your pessimism. I am more of an optimist. I am trying to make this work in my favor.
You have to have the courage to try and possibly fail rather than sit back and not try at all.
Not trying is a sure way to fail. Azanon, I am so sorry you feel powerless.
In any case we...
No it's not an industry wide problem
50 million is the number that the company says that this problem is costing them per year
This is the route that one of my buddies suggested. This would probably be the best way to go.
How do I present an Idea that would save my company 50 million dollars?
My company has a restocking problem. Their approach to the problem is the same as it has been for 5 years. It is not working. I have a solution that would cost the company almost nothing but would resolve the issue.
Don't forget the Illuminati and their alliance with those aliens from Alpha Centauri.
Did you know that the Barbie doll was a propaganda tool of a right wing off shoot of the KKK?
Good to hear you are getting better though.
Keep taking your meds.
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