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  1. K

    Paid gig, not for me.

    Are there others like me ? I am just out of a five year LTR. Been a month now. Was feeling horny. Spent $250 and learnt my lesson. Rollo says that genuine desire can't be negotiated. It's even more of a no brainer that desire cannot be purchased. Long story short : **** didn't rise to the...
  2. K

    Waking up feeling tired/drained/hungover

    Sleep apnea , nocturnal hypoglycemia , B12 deficiency, dehydration, depression ....could be anything.
  3. K

    Signs Your Woman is Cheating....

    Speaking from experience: 1. Stopped initiating sex. While it happened, acted dead. 2. Wouldn't allow me to caress her *****. 3. Wouldn't touch my ****. 4. Turn her head away while I tried to kiss her long and deep.... 5. Didn't linger in bed after sex. Went to the bathroom immediately for a...
  4. K

    How to remove neediness with women

    I must add, Sparta said it well in the last line. It doesn't pay to be a nice guy. Let the world think you are a mean *******. Better that than being a nice guy.
  5. K

    How to remove neediness with women

    Been there, done that. Don't be too hard on yourself. We men are programmed to want to provide for and protect the women in our life. So, in an LTR / marriage , once we think we have a woman we love, it comes narurally to us to pedastalize them. It's sad that the other sex sees that as...
  6. K

    sexual dysfunction

    It's all in the mind...a cliché I know, but true. I'm 55. I used to meet a lady once every week for sex. I took care not to masturbate whole week long even if I felt horny midweek. Let the sexual hunger peak. Then , one hour before the rendezvous, I took 50 mg. Viagra and 30 mg. Depoxitine...
  7. K

    To keep employing silence and distance here or respond?

    Maintain silence. Look for a fresh arrangement. Just my $0.02....
  8. K

    No real motivation to meet/date girls anymore

    Wish I was in this state as OP's. I'm 55 and still horny. Just got out of an LTR but can't get myself to stop looking for feminine intimacy. Maybe it's the social conditioning where we men have been taught over years that unless we have a fulfilling relationship , physical and emotional , with...
  9. K

    Half your age plus seven rule.

  10. K

    Half your age plus seven rule.

    I have noticed that of late, I don't take interest in girls in their twenties. Can't explain why. The youngest I'll go after is 35. I read the above rule somewhere. Is there a biological, social , anthopological basis to this rule ? Caveat : It's not that if a hot 26 throws herself at me, I...
  11. K

    What is the equivalent of "make-up" and glam for men?

    Good shoes. Good watch ( without overdoing it e.g. Rolex ) , good cologne, moisturised skin, clean shaved, good fitting clothes.
  12. K

    article: FDA Approves First Erectile Dysfunction Gel That Doesn't Require a Prescription

    Saw a video where Viagra etc was discussed. One of the commentators said that for Viagra ( and others) to be really really effective, you need to start on statins. The theory is those will clear up the blood vessels , thereby making Viagra much more effective. Not sure if this has been...
  13. K


    Sleep is extremely important for me. Just after Covid ended, I set a new routine. Dinner at 6.30 pm. Sleep by 9.00 pm. Wake up at 5.30 pm. Daily. Minimum variation in timing. I work out in the morning. I find this routine has helped me a lot in staying in shape and have minimum health problems.
  14. K

    Poll: Your longest LTR, how long did it last?

    You You literally hit the nail on the head here ! I was in a LTR which recently ended. I always held the frame. Easy because I started with her purely f9r sex. She was eager to please , aggreeable and fun for EXACTLY five years. Over these five years , I gave her expensive gifts, exotic...
  15. K

    Have you ever received a heartfelt apology from a woman?

    Agree ! Apropos my post about my LTR acting funny some time back, I had a talk with her about her increasing lack of interest in pleasing me with simple things which she wouldn't. Ended up with a massive argument. Till next time she showed disrespect and when I categorically told her that such...
  16. K

    Feeling stuck with young kid.

    She stood by you when you were down, good human, good morals, cleans and cooks and is good looking. I'd suggest - talk her to get back in shape by joinig a gym. Heck , both of you can join and workout together if possible. Get your financial ducks in order and talk her out of the second kid...
  17. K

    Falling interest levels in LTR..confused.

    Good, solid advise and that was the gameplan. I had planned to stop the walks and severly reduce the phone calls. And for future sexual encounters, cunnilingus was off the table. However, on Monday morning India time, while planning for the Tuesday rendezvous for sex , I decided to do some...
  18. K

    Please help

    I am going through the exact same thing. Five year LTR, woman is 55 , same age as me. Doesn't make anywhere near what I make. Not as smart as I am ( even though I say so myself ! ). Was warm,affectionate and happy to please me till now. Last four months , has started acting funny. I posted on...
  19. K

    Falling interest levels in LTR..confused.

    The only thing I can possibly think caused the lack of respect is familiarity. As the adage goes..familiarity breeds contempt. This is not my first rodeo obviously, but in all my previous relationships, I was a blue pilled , eager to please guy. For no reason but social conditioning. They all...