Tons of bs in this thread. I say that respectfully by the way.
Which is why i meant outside of the western sphere in terms of geographic location...? I kind of disagree with the "average western women". Korean guys are a rage nowadays...
There are extremely attractive women in Asia and Africa as well ya know.
I've personally known someone who was a "natural" in Asia, it was crazy to watch him pick up girls. Like a magician. And he was lazy. If he was willing to put sincere effort, i dunno what he would be doing...
It was seeing him in action that got me here on this site, although he never studied game a day in his life.
The moment he first noticed he liked girls was the day he studied game.
And when he learned how to approach he refined his study of the game. Extremely naive to think that this man didn't observed his own interactions with women and left /added whatever didn't or did work.
If anything you should dig into your memory and LEARN from him instead of reinventing the wheel.
TBH, I think most incels/hardcore pillers consist of these types of guys because they are unattractive to the average western women regardless of how much money they have. These are the type of people to go pay for a consultation with AMS or something.
Domt know why this comment hits so wrong. Feels extremely prejudicial ALTHOUGH i kinda get it..I'll have ti figure it out yet
This is so true. White men tend to prefer White women, which is understandable. White men have become thirstier for White women in recent decades. There are some non-White men who seem to prefer pursuing White women to their own races/ethnicities too.
The #1 choice for a White woman will be tall White men who are fit/has bigger muscles.
Again a conclusion that is hard to disprove, or prove, yet it feels like cope. A hot dude=a hot dude. I'll be hardpressed to see a woman declone a top5 percenter because he's not white. Lets say that the non white top 5 percenter will tell you a COMPLETELY different story about white women..