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  1. C

    Feel like **** right now

    A 5' hotdong or bigger? :whistle:
  2. C

    My amazing weekend (with field reports)

    Nice weekend! Congrats! I love the tit grabbing part :) A good thing to remember, lol.
  3. C

    Why have the last 10 years gone by so fast?

    YES! I see that I'm not the only one who's feeling like this. The last three years... I can remember a lot things like they were yesterday. :) Maybe myself, you and all the others who feel the same should have more happening in our lives. Haven't we become drones doing A, B & C...
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    Bonehead question about computer processors

    Would buying the quad core kill your wallet? If not, maybe you should get it. Why? a) 4 cores doing a job finish it faster that 2 cores of the same kind doing the same job. (Multithreaded applications don't bother with the number of cores. It's the Operating System's job to handle the...
  5. C

    Rate this Venezuelan chick!

    Hot body, but the faceee, I honestly think she's on the ugly side. Of course I'd do her. :) LE: Oh, the rating: 6.20 for the face which rises to 7.53 as overall impression.
  6. C

    How do I get a car to talk to me?

    Desdinova was referring to the red led scroller, which is not an extraordinarily hard thing to do. Meaningful interaction? Check out ALICE Bot. It's really cool. or if you wish to pay for an advanced version & other things...
  7. C

    FR: Results come from where you least expect it

    You did awesome. Keep on rollin'! :)
  8. C

    How do I get a car to talk to me?

    @desdinova: that KITT thing shouldn't be very hard to do; I'll be lurking around waiting for pics if you promise to will actually build it :cool:
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    Wife beaters, the ultimate AFCs? [merged]

    If you actually live in this world, you should realize that there are situations where even a woman should be slapped and where turning your back and leaving does not solve the problem. So please, drop the insecurity, not being a man etc. bullshyt and start thinking a little. There are...
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    Beginners guide to becoming WEALTHY

    Oh my God, DonJuan11, you are so pessimistic!
  11. C

    how do you get a gf to get an abortion?

    You didn't answer my question regarding the abortion of highly malformed or retarded kids. And here is my challenge to you: For just six months, not a whole life, go rent a place to live in a bad neighbourhood. After doing this be sure not to bring over your commodities (like a computer...
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    how do you get a gf to get an abortion?

    Man, I'd really like to meet a pro-lifer in real life and beat him up in the head like there's no tomorrow. Here's a possible future, you idiots: a) she keeps the baby, neither of the parents are financially secure, the kid grows in hunger and lacks most of the things a kid usually needs...
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    Edge - Improve Your Surroundings, Improve Your Mood

    Well said! I started doing the same things a while back and they certainly make a difference.
  14. C

    Winter BC WEEK 1

    I'm back from a date with a classmate of mine. I know she's interested, she knows I'm interested. We hit it off pretty well. Conversation flowing, lots of EC, teasing etc. etc. etc. I'll just cut it to the point: I didn't escalate to a kiss. Pretty awkward towards the end of the date, since the...
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    Winter BC WEEK 1

    I am doing bad. :( I have lost all my nerve these two last days and I feel stuck inside my head.
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    Winter BC WEEK 1

    It was a beautiful winter (autumn!) day today so I went to ride my bicycle and get the juices flowing. All the "HI"-s were said from upon the bike. (which could be easier for the very shy guys) Said hello to a couple of fellow cyclists. Saluted some older men (50 years old or more), each...
  17. C

    Whats the best way to deal with this

    Guess what I have seen tonight, on my first night out ALONE. I have seen many hot chicks and plenty on guys alone as well! You are not the only one doing this and doing it definately doesn't make you a weirdo. Just have a good time, neverminding you are alone. :) I really have to train...
  18. C

    Winter BC WEEK 1

    I missed the registration for this BC, but I'll post anyway. If you don't want me to post then sue me :D OK, so I started week 1 today. Total HI's: more than 15, but since I didn't count them, I'll only take into consideration 15. I arrived to the university very early and just sat alone...