oakraiderz2 said:
I didnt say anything about "full development." Its in the process of developing into a human, but hasnt yet done so. The face the the brain and nevers havent developed, its pretty hard to say that its a person even though it has no sense of self. Mind AND body are lacking. How can it be human without a body for the "mind" to enter into. You cant compare a 3 day old bundle of cell lacking a brain and spinal cord to a 1 year old child with cognitive fuctions and the ability to feel pain. I get what youre trying to say, but the burden of proof is on you to prove that a bundle of cells are aware of existance. Stop being so preachy and get your FACTS straight. Im sure your against the use of stem cells as well. F*ck those people with brain injuries and spinal cord injuries, let them fend for themselves, right? Cells are cells, you kill cells everyday. But f*ck it, its better that a woman drinks while pregnant than has an abortion right?
This issue has very serious consequences for the whole nation so I need to speak out.
The 3 day old bundle of cells that you refer to, although it may not be viable, is the very beginning of human life.
From the very beginning of conception, it has a human soul.
It may not yet be able to feel or perceive, but it's already part of the human race and deserves to be treated with
it's God given respect and dignity that God has endowed on the rest of the human race which is created in his image and likeness.
When other human beings advocate "killing" or "aborting" another human life, we as a society tread a very dangerous path, because
it opens loop holes in the laws of human societies that whoever comes into power can abuse the weak or voiceless.
I'm very sure that you, the OP and others that brush of this "bunch of cells", "zygotes", or what you wish to describe this brand
new human life, take for granted, the human rights that you now enjoy without persecution.
These rights were fought for and established through the centuries by the church founded by Jesus Christ, The Catholic church.
She declared through the teaching of our Lord that every human being has a God given right to life, respect and dignity, from
conception to natural death.
The arguments you advocate is not unlike that of nazism, marxism, paganism and the rest of the ideologies as that of the enemies
of the church and humanity.
If it was not for this teaching of the natural law we would still have human sacrafices that would be legal like what the Mayans
used to do, and the child sacrafices that pagans offered to the devils, which unfortunately, is deceptively called abortion in
modern times.
Did you know that the nazis were not only trying to wipe the Jewish nationality of the face of the earth, but also the mentally
retarded, the handicapped, the disabled elderly and other underdeveloped persons which they referred to as "useless feeders" in
order to bring about their super human race?
They also advocated eugenics which is the self direction of human evolution in order to create babies with specific traits such
as the color of their eyes, hair, skin, personality and so on.
The battle still goes on today and many are deceived by the arguments on behalf of the enemies of humanity.
You can see it playing out now in our own nation.
The President elect makes me wonder if he even knows right from wrong. If he can't even protect the rights of an innocent child,
what makes you think he can protect you?
The very first principle for any life form or organism, is self preservation.
The enemies of humanity, coming as wolves in sheeps clothing, will disrespect human beings created in the image and likeness
of God, starting at the beginning of human life (abortions and embryonic stem cell research), and at the
end of human life (euthanasia), and pass laws that will make it easier to terminate any innocent person, at any stage of life,
through legal means, thereby easily bypassing any opposition.
As a member of the Universal Catholic church I do not oppose adult stem cell research, since it does not harm any innocent life,
and has the most successful results as opposed to embryonic stem cell research, which destroys a brand new human life.
As for the death penalty, it serves a purpose, but in my own opinion, mercy and forgiveness should come first and if there is
no other way to stop the evil and to protect the common good, then should it be applied, but very rarely and only to the most
extreme circumstance.
Again this teaching comes to me from Our Lord through His Church, who is the Divine Authority on human morals and ethics.
The same way we have a Supreme Court that is the Authority on interpreting man made laws.
All human beings, from their mothers womb, belong to God who searches them and knows them, who forms them and knits them together
with his own hands, who gazes on them when they are tiny shapeless embryos and already sees in them the adults of tomorrow.