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  1. S

    Don Juan Bootcamp

    Alex, the problem with following what is laid out in the plan is that people get lazy. People think to themselves, "10 hot girls, whatever I can just make that happen as I go throughout my day." Ya right. They will all forget about it and by the time the last day rolls around will say "fvck it."...
  2. S

    Don Juan Bootcamp

    I know what you're talking about. I always bail at this point. Haha lets make week 3 our b1tch!
  3. S

    Don Juan Bootcamp

    Ok some quick results. I got all my conversations with everyone, except for the damn mail man/ delivery guy. Couldn't find one (but I guess I never went looking for him.) Anyway, while selling tickets had a ton of conversations with hot girls, homeless guys, freestyle rapped with a few black...
  4. S

    Don Juan Bootcamp

    Sorry guys I have been extremely busy, I have had 4 concerts in one week and have not slept in over 48 hours. I have to make money and school as a top priority. I think I can get it posted tonight however.
  5. S

    Don Juan Bootcamp

    Alex like every other week I wear a tie to school complete with sick kicks nice pants and shirt. I always dress crazy and awesome I get so many compliments on my wardrobe, its a good confidence booster. I'll send u a picture of my outfit tomorrow, its got some crazy colors but still...
  6. S

    Don Juan Bootcamp

    Haha I made these people to have convos with and I'm sitting here thinking SH1T as well. Thank god I am selling tickets tomorrow, otherwise i'd be fvcked.
  7. S

    Don Juan Bootcamp

    Holy sh1t. What douche bag old people, haha. And way to go by the way, you took on all those problems easily and like an alpha! I too need to get my ass in gear and get this bootcamp finished.
  8. S

    Don Juan Bootcamp

    Hey thats awesome man, its good that you are working on being more outgoing! But the point of this exercise is to get you out of your comfort zone, and therefor you must go find STRANGERS. People you have never seen before, and have conversations with them!
  9. S

    Don Juan Bootcamp

    i too had a convo with an indian gas station guy today. same problem, but i didnt count it as a half. Its OVER 2 mins or nothing.
  10. S

    Don Juan Bootcamp

    I just see people throughout my day, you know. But on thursday I am going to sell tickets in the college town so I will get all my conversations then. Especially with the homeless and hot ass girl crowd.
  11. S

    Don Juan Bootcamp

    yes you can still join but you better turn it on you have to do 2 weeks in less than 5 days!
  12. S

    Don Juan Bootcamp

    Alright so the day after bootcamp started I went Frisbee golfing with 2 of my friends. We were golfing and were looking for my friends frisbee in the parking lot when these two older men walked by, like 50 years old. I started talking to them and found out that they have been going to the course...
  13. S

    Don Juan Bootcamp

    Hey E-sex its not too late at all. I too am a high school senior and you should read all the posts in this thread (if you haven't already.)
  14. S

    Don Juan Bootcamp

    Well I figure most people on this site are mostly white/hispanic or brown I guess. And a black person is a specific type of person, and as there are less of them than white people its more specific. Sorry to seem racist or anything, I'm not.
  15. S

    dj boot camp anyone?

    I have one going on in the high school forum. Check it out, it would be perfect for you. There is really nothing "high school" about it, except for the people in it. Join we just started week #2 today!
  16. S

    Don Juan Bootcamp

    WEEK 2 DAY 1! Okay Recruits, nice job on the first week! We have recruited more people and we WILL all finish this sh1t. Week #2 is all about conversations and perfecting your conversing skills if you will. I realize that for many of you this will be terrifying (I know it was for me the...
  17. S

    Don Juan Bootcamp

    Hey BYOB I hope this is a joke man. You don't need alcohol to be outgoing!!!! Alex just said he was going to stop and realized that he can be happy and outgoing without it. Please read the above two posts. When you use a crutch such as alcohol and then u dont have it when you really need it for...
  18. S

    Don Juan Bootcamp

    As far as my approaches and what not I reached the minimum a few days ago but I went out yesterday just for fun. At the gym I said hi to like 10 strangers, and as usual all were very receptive, had short conversations with most of them. I am very pumped for Week #2 because having convos with...
  19. S

    Don Juan Bootcamp

    Alex Nice work, you are really focused and tearing this bootcamp up. Today is the last day and I'm gonna post the instructions for next week sometime tonight. However, the shots before school thing is messed up bro. I know why you are doing it, because I was the exact same way. But instead of...
  20. S

    Don Juan Bootcamp

    No haha. I will look at them and as they are passing and do not look at me I will be like 'hey whatsup' in a silky tone? best I can describe it. Its not weird because I'm saying hi and high fiving lots of people I know in the halls, my goal is to not be like the rest of the world and pretend...