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  1. C

    Weekend Plans

    Really, man? That wasn't even obvious! :rolleyes: Not really, just because it was an exception of a weekend; some may get frustrated instead of pumped. Many others don't care. My weekend: Saturday - from the morning up till 2AM, non stop work on my thesis. Sunday - bicycle ride, football...
  2. C

    To a MOD

    why should the above posters use their brains and realize that what you're saying is correct?
  3. C

    What desk do you guys use?

    do you like fingerprints and obvious dust on your table? If not, then don't get a glass table top or you'll have to clean it constantly. And a sliding keyboard top is a horrible limitation. I'm pretty sure you'll start to hate it. Get a big, spacious, brown, manly table which can fit your...
  4. C

    Modesty equals weakness?

    In books and movies the modesty is appreciated. However, in real life people don't think so highly of the modest ones and the actions and words of the arrogant ones weigh more. As a formerly modest man I can attest the above; the moment I changed my attitude to 'this is me, this is what I...
  5. C

    Why would anyone move and disconnect all contact with everyone they know?

    I too have pondered this idea. Still do every now and then. Toxic people, the expectations everyone has from you, living a boring life, stupid comfort zones, they all keep you in a rut and make it harder for you to become what you want. Such a major change forces you to move forward. It's...
  6. C

    would you?

    O my God, so many words per minute! aaaaaaaaa! I'd do her! :D
  7. C

    Power - An Interesting Psychological Observation

    YES! I had the same experience 2 weeks ago (I think it was then)... ... but I didn't make the moves :o and that girl went back to her home town the next day. When I thought "I should kiss her now" that feeling of power vanished. :( Gotta Make The Moves!
  8. C

    Instead of writing same thing on each thread, I will put this here.

    Propellers for the 2nd post, Falcon. Are you sure this is some kind of a 'rule'? She may want to get more attached just because she fvcked early, wouldn't she?
  9. C

    Just had some time to think...

    For starters, do anything but waste time with stupid activities (eg: computer games) Make the "future you" proud! :) I most feel sorry for the missed opportunities with women. Sometimes (eg: when I see/read about boys that are highly successful with girls) I start to wonder and imagine...
  10. C

    Bucharest, Romania

    Is there any (aspiring) DJ in this part of the world? I think it'd be fun to hang out, push and encourage each other. :yes: Cheers!
  11. C

    Justin Beiber

    He's a kid doing his thing for whoever likes it. Good for him! Hope he's happy! Now I'll go back to my own life.
  12. C

    Homeless DJ...

    How the hell is he a DJ? No proof of him being smooth nor of him getting women; he's not successful. Is he a leader? I wouldn't vouch for it... Etc. He just had a "badass" pic of himself turning on women and you're now presenting him to be some kind of Supermale. Pff..
  13. C

    How many lays have the So Suave crew had?

    As much as I try to let go of the past, it's a bit depressing to see that some younger dudes/girls have had nice sexual experiences in highschool. :o I'm happy for you, man. Really! But for myself I wish I had amnesia and forget about that sucky past. I feel like I've missed on things and the...
  14. C

    How many lays have the So Suave crew had?

    I don't freaking get this. Let's hypothesise like this: - she fvcked 2 throughout highschool - about 4 in college - she went on summer vacations and that adds 2 more - 2 more at parties, clubs or some other dudes who she met in various places and had brief relationships with There are your 10...
  15. C

    Tyra Banks on "Womanizers"

    I watched the first 10 minutes and I can't stand any more of it. Maybe I misread those girls' reactions, but I think that many of them would jump Ahmed's bones. :rock: Edit: The end of that clip with D!ck Masterson is Brutal :crackup:
  16. C

    $750 million dollar pvssy

    I remember that some ******* sponsors withdrew their support soon after the story appeared. Dumbass hypocrites! Note to self: don't ever buy anything from them.
  17. C

    $750 million dollar pvssy

    She deserves all his live's hard work because he put his dyck in another woman?? Wow! Nice thinking! Opportunistic bytch! Dude, please! These things you can find all over the world. Let's see: America vs. Finland, Sweden, Germany, Spain, Canada, Japan and the list goes on. And you find...
  18. C

    I have a huge crush on the lead singer of La Roux

    You have a crush on that girl who looks like a teenage boy with a weird haircut? :o
  19. C

    Are DJ´s digging their own graves?

    Wow, you catch fire quick when people don't fully agree with you! :)
  20. C

    Are DJ´s digging their own graves?

    Do you know what's funny? That that "good" girl that could pass as wife material may not have had such a "good" past as you may think. Anything could have happened that you'll never think or find out about. But having such high expectations is silly anyway. It's the same kind of delusion...