Search results

  1. C

    Father banging younger women

    Actually: Work on yourself, don't wish to put your father down. ;)
  2. C

    Seeking Advice

    And that, WaterTiger, would throw them in the clown box. Have a look at what I quoted in bold. Does it resemble: "She tells me last night on the way home outraged and mad that one of her guy friends sexually assaulted her blablabla Go away you pervert! Leave me alone! blablabla" ? It does...
  3. C

    Seeking Advice

    How could you risk all these for a stupid thing a (drunk) guy did to your current gf? Furthermore, in the grand scheme of things, your current gf is just an unimportant broad. How could you possibly think to kick away your future for a random girl? Yes, go ahead and show him and everyone else...
  4. C

    Best girl getting book?

    No, no! Time for you to start doing!
  5. C

    A poll for the unsuccessful with women

    Probably, but how can you become the person you wish you'd become if you're being hindered by the depression of not being good at getting girls? Self improvement and macking go hand in hand. EDIT: I see at the University some strange guys, some hardcore nerds, some disgustingly arrogant or...
  6. C

    I cant stand this about my self...

    I have the same problems, lol. And I check every symptom of ADD, but I didn't get an official diagnostic. I'm gonna try exercising my will power for a while and if I won't record success I will go to the docs. It's a pretty sad condition, having ADD. As is being on treatment for your entire life...