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  1. S

    In light of all the recent racial threads, time to tool on Kentucky a little bit.....

    Well I'd say we don't really have racial threads, we have threads about freedom and equal application, and a few Marxist dissenters. It's the same ol' sh!t, "Free speech for me, PC speech for thee". Of course if someone else said it, they'd be totally ran out of sports. Some are considered...
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    Religious Freedom Act

    I'm trying to understand why you think this would somehow be wrong and unlawful discrimination in the first place even without the religious freedom law? Religion IS a protected class per the 14th Amendment. Being gay and having a gay marriage is NOT (yet anyway) a protected class. How can...
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    Religious Freedom Act

    Yes, it was mentioned in the link I posted but I only partially quoted the story. It was in 1942 under Franklin Roosevelt's years of meddling. What I find hypocritical and ironic is nowadays local, State government and even private corporations meddle with interstate and sometimes international...
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    Religious Freedom Act

    This is absolutely true because a KKK meeting is protected under the first ammendment and being gay and getting married is based on 1st amendment rights too. But hey the KKK has to eat too to promote interstate commerce under the commerce clause, so I guess businesses should be forced to let...
  5. S

    While Fox News Racks Up Ratings Victories, MSNBC Primetime Show Hits Rock Bottom

    Absolutely, I happen to watch Sinclair programming Embers speaks of and the local news leave alone national never presents any conservative content at all and mostly sticks to a liberal narrative content. And I don't need to mention ABC, NBC and CBS non-news programming. OKay I'll concede that...
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    The Wall (Warning)

    In general, women especially their skin doesn't age as well especially with sun and weight fluctuation. Light complected blondes worse under the subtropical sun. They're specialized for northern climates, whereas most whites are general specialized for both climates. I'm not a big fan of really...
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    Religious Freedom Act

    Yes it was already disputed above, leaving aside why should a private business be forced by the government to knowingly service gays in the first place. Did you watch the video or read the links? Ever heard of the concept of don't ask, don't tell? And private businesses aren't even in the...
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    Religious Freedom Act

    See that's the thing, Congress and the Supreme court used (a new and broader application of) the Commerce Clause to justify the constitutionality of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Every private business became subject to the Commerce Clause and progressives and Marxist could decide whatever they...
  9. S

    For Jaylan and The Pro Black Scooby Doo Gang

    I saw a news report a few days ago about that. It's funny to see a black guy like TJ Sotomayor tell it like it is though. Don't expect group activist like Jaylan to actually watch it. All you'll get is a bunch of liberal spin and deflection as usual. The fundamental difference is some want to...
  10. S

    Religious Freedom Act

    This, except gays don't have the universal right to marry just yet although they act as if they already do. Also the law, which is based on a federal law in I think '92 that Clinton enacted, is to protect a business from being punished by the government or paying out in lawsuits for being a...
  11. S

    Islam: religion of war

    I'm not getting into your revisionist history debate. Many of them were Christian but my point is they always kept the church and state separate. What's really dirty is for to try to claim Christian principles excused slavery and "racism" and "sexism" when it's just the opposite. The framers of...
  12. S

    Islam: religion of war

    The US has been Christian since it's beginning in 1600 and has kept religion and church separate. It's progressives that insert their morals and beliefs into the government and constitution and enforce their morals on everyone else especially since the '60s.
  13. S

    Islam: religion of war

    Some people don't know history and how Islam began. Islam from its beginning in the late 600s was spreading by conquest through out the middle east and N. Africa. Then the muslims began invading Europe (no the Europeans, white people or the non-existent US didn't make them do it). In 732...
  14. S

    Well, one more life ruined under a feminist state

    In general there's always a hysteria and rush to judgment whenever a male is merely accused of doing something to the favored sex, or against the favored sexual orientation or one of the favored races. Often times the supposed victim lied or it was some kind of hoax.
  15. S

    While Fox News Racks Up Ratings Victories, MSNBC Primetime Show Hits Rock Bottom

    Embers rattles off all these ABC, NBC, CBS affiliates and proclaims they are "conservative" owned. They all present the news with a liberal slant and spin for the most part. Since when does simply being a business or corporation make you conservative. Walmart, Apple, Google etc all on board...
  16. S

    Islam: religion of war

    Look, the point is whether or not a country outside the middle east meddles or not in that region it's going to have upheavals and islams going to continue to be the religion of conquest as it always has been. No one else is fundamentally to blame for how that region is but the people and...
  17. S

    millennials find homosexuality more acceptable than casual sex

    We already been through this. It was not "fighting words". Just because you think a semi-private video that a black student group released can constitute fighting words doesn't make it so. If that were the case rap music wouldn't be free speech. You were shown constitutional law that dispelled...
  18. S

    Islam: religion of war

    Here we go again. "Why is islam the religion of terrorism and conquest?" Cuz of the west. "Why does anyone do anything bad or anything bad happen?" Cuz whites.Islam has always been that way since it's founding in 700ad. The only thing you can do with it is to contain it. Which was the policy...
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    millennials find homosexuality more acceptable than casual sex

    No, fact is a state university can't have a code of conduct rules that infringe on a student's constitutional rights such as free speech. It's not necessary to face criminal charges for a state actor to infringe on rights. Any adverse action taken is infringement. I know you don't believe in...
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    While Fox News Racks Up Ratings Victories, MSNBC Primetime Show Hits Rock Bottom

    Oh so you admit that the left has a monopoly on all the rest of the media. Not just cable, but ABC, NBC, CBS etc. sounds like the solution is more right leaning media. :crackup: You must not watch ABC, NBC, and CBS national news which influence their local affiliates and not to mention major...