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  1. S

    South Carolina officer charged with murder after shooting man in the back

    That's the difference. This is a true "Michael Brown" story and the cop is being charged with murder. Occasionally cops (of both sexes and all races)have shot people (of all races) in similar unjustified situations. A black cop shot a white guy in a similar situation, no one cared and the cop...
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    Mindy Kaling’s brother got into medical school

    Just watch Jaylan spin liberal lies and try to deny what affirmative action does. He was wealthy and a 3.1 wouldn't get a non-black or non-Hispanic male consideration for many undergrad programs let alone consideration at prestigious medical schools. The bigger problem I have with...
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    Pothole Destroyed Tire/Can I Make A Claim?

    Yes, usually, you can contact the city and make a claim. Just don't expected the city to agree to pay the claim or a lawyer to take your case or win. The city will likely falsely claim they didn't know about the pothole or didn't have enough advance notice to fix it. It'll be hard to prove that...
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    Mindy Kaling’s brother got into medical school

    By pretending to be black :crackup:. Mindy "Kaling" as most know is the fat Indian girl on the tv show The Office and now has her own show the Mindy Project. Well he is as black as some American blacks and his family did live in Africa at one time lol. If I could just claim I'm Amerindian for...
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    While Fox News Racks Up Ratings Victories, MSNBC Primetime Show Hits Rock Bottom

    MilkShake, FairSnake err FairShake is another a denier of facts even scientific facts that don't fit his liberal narrative. In any matter, the "white" person just has to be in the wrong. Has to! has to!! has to!!! :cuss:
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    Religious Freedom Act

    What this really is about: 1. Does the 14th amendment require states to issue marriage licenses to marry the same-sex, relatives, multiple people, children, animals and inanimate objects (corporation are a person)? 2. Does the 14th amendment require states to recognize any such marriages in 1...
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    Frat suspends Clemson students over

    Clemson is a public university. Sorry, the news story isn't very clear but I think the university only suspended the frat not the students and the frat had suspended the students from the frat previously(?). But the principle is the same. The frat shouldn't have just folded to PC and shouldn't...
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    While Fox News Racks Up Ratings Victories, MSNBC Primetime Show Hits Rock Bottom

    Well if what Embers says is true (not saying it is), then republicans and "right-wing conservatives" sure do present a liberal, left-wing viewpoint. Who knew? I'd hate to see a real liberal, left-wing viewpoint. What would that be like, Jaylan lol?
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    While Fox News Racks Up Ratings Victories, MSNBC Primetime Show Hits Rock Bottom

    Yes we do because there was even an unnecessary court trial. We do? Trayvon should've minded his business and went home then. Hahaha that's not what the evidence in the trial suggested. Why would you believe that? It doesn't even make sense. Because black trumps "white" hispanic perhaps?
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    Religious Freedom Act

    Good luck with that catering to possibly less than 1% of the marriage population when gays can already get wedding services without paying more at plenty of other businesses, religious freedom law or not. Whether or not civil rights activism is mostly a hoax, gay rights activism surely is. By...
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    Frat suspends Clemson students over

    "racially charged" party off-campus way back in December. So infringe free speech expression because of the black protected class sacred cow and PCism. OU was allowed to get away with it. Now they're all going gung ho enforcing PC. Without free speech, you have nothing...
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    Religious Freedom Act

    That's reasonable. Though the old west wasn't just free because it was nearly lawless, only dangerous because it was lawless. I've seen statistics that you're more likely to be a victim of violent crime in a modern day city than the old west. This country was mostly free and safer even in the...
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    Religious Freedom Act

    If gays want gay marriage licenses to be a constitutional right and sexual orientation to be a protected class, then they should do it through the legislature and amend the constitution. That would at least be democracy. Despite the elites being onboard the gay agenda and the massive...
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    Religious Freedom Act

    Like I said on page 1, the 14th amendment and the commerce clause are horribly abused nowadays. It was reinterpreted starting around 90 years later to grant citizenship to nontraditional immigrants and even illegals' babies, as a basis for mass immigration, affirmative action etc, and now 140...
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    Religious Freedom Act

    All the Indiana law does is provide a defense of burden on religion in a lawsuit brought by either private or state. Even if the Supreme Court declares sexual orientation a protect class like race and religion, which wouldn't surprise me, they'd still have to balance religious rights and gay...
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    In light of all the recent racial threads, time to tool on Kentucky a little bit.....

    Police depts. and other state agencies are purging officers all over the country for non-PC private email even. These people are being acting against by the state and supposedly have civil service protections. There's no free speech anymore just PC speech. It's only 'di(e)versity' when it's...
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    Religious Freedom Act

    But you suggest and imply the law was intended to allow discrimination against gays and say the governor was not giving the right or honest answers. Some of us explained why that is not the intent . Why not just come out and say what your personal opinion is so no one gets the wrong inference...
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    Religious Freedom Act

    This is entirely irrelevant. Obama's executive orders are not necessarily constitutional and do not apply to actors that are outside the federal government. I know you're a communist and think Obama should be the dictator, but that's not how it works.
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    Religious Freedom Act

    That case, said that IF a state legalized same-sex marriage the federal government had to treat the marriage equal per the fifth amendment. There's nothing about protected class being applied to gays. And private bakeries and wedding caterers are not the federal level. I don't believe a state...
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    Religious Freedom Act

    That was my point, genius. Religion is a protected class but gays and the KKK are not. Gays, or for that matter heteros, bisexuals, pedophiles, non-sexuals etc, are not a protected class, genius. But even if they were, as you correctly said religion IS a protected class. So how can you justify...