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  1. D

    1st date tonight

    I'm going out with this new girl for the first time tonight. I was racking my brain trying to find something fun and action filled, then I decided to just do what I thought would be fun. I decided I'd just want to get dinner and a movie. My plan is to build killer rapport during the dinner...
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    Girl Constantly Checking Cell Phone

    i dont see the problem? Did you guys even read the bible? "The goal is to find a girl that you love and that loves you back (without either settling)" -pook Be like the eye of a tornado.. calm as can be despite everything thats going on around you. So what if she is texting other...
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    no subject

    "One pitch, one at bat, one play, one situation, think 'small' and 'big' things result, tough at-bats, lots of walks, stay up the middle with men on base, whatever it takes to 'keep the line moving' on offense, 27 outs on defense, the Mets know you're better than they are," I may be biased as...
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    The quote that made me biggest DJ people around me have ever known

    ok it might be a bad analogy but im sleeping with 2 girls right now that most guys would pay to be with; while you are "correcting" posts on this forum instead of using this site for what its supposed to be used for.. you may speak "witty" and "tough" behind a keyboard but in my book your still...
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    The quote that made me biggest DJ people around me have ever known

    u guys are like women lol.. this forum is like the wwe you have ur pooks, anti-dump, adonis who are your stone colds and the rocks, and now you have a bunch of morons on here except a few like killerpete who are ur randy ortons
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    The quote that made me biggest DJ people around me have ever known

    great quote and good post my favorite is "you can only eat an elephant one bite at a time" to the guys posting about his "spacing" and correcting his spelling.. why are you even here.. we don't need spellcheckers we're talking and learning about important stuff
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    Shed the Mask

    great article but this quote contradicts itself
  8. D

    Amazing quotes

    ive been catching up on some james bond movies and found this site to be helpful to improve everyones c+f game:
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    Heres what I think about Body Language

    nice post.. i agree body language is not just important, but VITAL to attracting people. Stone Cold Steve Austin said it best "when your walking to the ring you're sending a message to the other guy. If you're shufflin your little feet with your head down staring at the ground everyone is...
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    DJing Pook-Style Part E - Uniting Dream and Day

    Incredible post. This is the key to being yourself. Living through your imagination is how you be yourself. So many posts on here saying be yourself be yourself but none of them tell you how.. this is how. Throughout my day I am constantly using my imagination to visualize things as I want...
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    My Laws to Live By!

    how r u doing on these I really liked this idea
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    Modelling your idol helps control your frame?

    i personally do this alot. If Im ever nervous or unsure what to do, i just model someone that I view as a role model. At the same time, as pook said, "imitation is suicide", so i guess your screwing yourself out of experience but i personally prefer this way
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    my message to afcs

    the best chance you have if you want to rise to the top is to give yourself up to loneliness, fear nothing, and work hard. One thing you'll discover is that life is based less than you think on what you've learned, and more than you think on what you have inside you from the very beginning.
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    DJing Pook-Style Part B - Desperation

    haha i loved this part, its scary when you think about how rare DJ's are and how sad the rest of the male gender must be. I see it every day at work guys giving the girls all of their attention every second, being really "nice" and changing their ENTIRE personality, just to have the girls come...
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    DJing Pook-Style Part A - Patience

    Great idea I almost did this same type of thing with Pooks posts but you are definately doing him justice. To this day nothing can come close to pooks posts imo so looking deeper into them will be a great thing
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    How to fight back at jealousy :

    that was probably the best article ive read on fear/jealousy/insecurity
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    Sex with the Ex

    I have sex with my exes all the time, I don't believe in burning bridges unless I have to walk away. It seems like shes implying it I recommend letting her chase you a little bit though.
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    My favorite DJ movie ever

    I've seen and studied them all.. fight club swingers bond tigerland cruel intentions blah blah Go out to bestbuy today and buy "the legacy of stone cold steve austin" for $20. This guy is my DJ role model. I know most of you are saying "he's a wife beating lunatic and an...
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    Don Juan Boot Camp starting now! Signup closed

    I just started the bootcamp like 2 weeks ago by myself but I'll wait for you guys. I've been on this site for 5 years and I like to think I have many of my bases covered as far as being a DJ goes, but I now want to master approaching as it seems to be the best way to meet new girls. Being on...
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    Modeling your game after role models..

    thx for the replys guys interesting stuff