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  1. Obee1

    Blood test revealed pre diabetes

    All pretty solid advice. If money were an issue, in order of efficacy and bang for the buck, Berberine should top the list. That's not counting cinnamon and ACV which are food and easily added. Berberine has been put head to head with Metformin in several studies and it holds it's own with less...
  2. Obee1

    The more we learn about Cholesterol, the more weight learn we have been wrong on both sides

    Make sure you tell the Doctor you're just asking for a friend, otherwise he may want to test use for an intellectual disability.
  3. Obee1

    The more we learn about Cholesterol, the more weight learn we have been wrong on both sides

    Don't even bother BackInTheGame78. I was hopeful for a spirited debate with facts and evidence. The pretentious pseudointellectualism is astounding. I'm going to take Mark Twain's advice on this one if you know what I mean. I appreciate many of the topics you post. Keep up the good work.
  4. Obee1

    The more we learn about Cholesterol, the more weight learn we have been wrong on both sides

    Correct! And it's being proven in RCTs on a frequent basis now only to be "unscientifically" explained away like you do below reference the UCLA study. If these studies disagree with your world view and you don't have data to refute them, than just make personal attacks on the doctors and...
  5. Obee1

    The more we learn about Cholesterol, the more weight learn we have been wrong on both sides

    First, I would like to apologize to followers of this thread. I’ve been at a conference a didn’t realize EyeBRollin’s misinformation, in response to my thread, has stayed here for this long with no rebuttal. I’ll do my best to keep it short. If anyone needs me to produce any research to back up...
  6. Obee1

    The more we learn about Cholesterol, the more weight learn we have been wrong on both sides

    Agreed. There is a small but growing group of doctors and scientists, including cardiologist such as Dr Nadir Ali that believe cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease, but more a symptom. Dr Ali is proving his hypothesis every year with his own patients as he has many on keto, low carb...
  7. Obee1

    Powerlifting diet

    Maybe you could clarify some things first. Powerlifting is a sport. Muay Thai is a sport. Are you training to compete? Or are you lifting weights and kickboxing to exercise and get into shape? Are you needing to gain muscle weight and lose some fat? I ask this because I'm a college powerlifting...
  8. Obee1

    Back Strain

    Hey Murk, sorry to hear this. These things can bring on mild to severe states of depression. As far as the injury goes, I've learned that most of the time it's a gradual worsening of the vertebrae meaning the space was narrowing and slipping while putting heavy loads on it over a period of time...
  9. Obee1

    How bad is the Testosterone crisis in men? The average 22 year old today has lower T levels than the average 67 year old had in the 1960s

    To feel the results really depends on how low you are and to what degree your body regulates SHGB. The higher your SHGB the lower your free testosterone. Your free T is where a lot of the magic happens. On average you would start noticing increased T around day 4 in terms of energy, memory, and...
  10. Obee1

    How bad is the Testosterone crisis in men? The average 22 year old today has lower T levels than the average 67 year old had in the 1960s

    That is when it is appropriate. Too low is just as harmful as too high. Did you ball or combat sports? I've found head trauma and low T go hand in hand.
  11. Obee1

    How bad is the Testosterone crisis in men? The average 22 year old today has lower T levels than the average 67 year old had in the 1960s

    And if you find it's low don't assume or go running to the men's clinic to get put on TRT. Once you go there you're pretty much in it for life. First try making sure you get 7-9 hours of sleep. Lift weights. Eat meat. Stop carrying your cell phone in your pocket. Get sunlight everyday. Don't...
  12. Obee1

    Metastudy review of 192 studies determines lighter weights and more reps builds more muscle than lower reps and heavier weights

    Couldn't agree more. On a "slightly" different topic but related to studies, in 2020 a paper was published in Nature by 9 researchers showing the high probability to catch cancer early by analyzing the microbiome in blood and tissue. The study...
  13. Obee1

    Metastudy review of 192 studies determines lighter weights and more reps builds more muscle than lower reps and heavier weights

    I really love reading these studies so thanks for posting BackInTheGame78. As I've discussed before however, I hate it when the media takes it upon themselves to skew the findings with their lack of curiosity. The author basically tells the reader that this study of studies has finally put this...
  14. Obee1

    Backyard fight sport event. I got scared.

    There cannot be courage without fear.
  15. Obee1

    Mental Health Issues (Family)

    I'm familiar with some of the processes but in another State. I suppose they are somewhat similar. If the police make contact with him during one of his episodes and he is judged to be an immediate danger to himself and others, they would take him in to police custody and take him to the...
  16. Obee1

    How to gain mass as a skinny guy

    I promise you I mean no disrespect. I speak to you the way I speak to my son who is a couple years older than you. I'd take a bullet for that guy. I believe your heart and intentions are in the right place but my point is that the words we use when we speak to ourselves and others mean...
  17. Obee1

    How to gain mass as a skinny guy

    I think I may have identified another issue that is keeping you from making the gains you want. I've read a lot of solid advice in this thread some of which you may not of wanted to hear or are inconvenient. I'll ask you though; does your words below sound like those of a man committed to making...