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    reentered the dating word - rookie question

    I'm 47, in good shape, nice house, truck, money in the bank. Objectively the IOIs she was showing make sense. Haven't dated for three years, concentrated on other things. Low tolerance for BS. My informal goal would be 2-3 plates. Last woman standing that I like the most might be a ltr.
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    reentered the dating word - rookie question

    Thanks guys, I'm too old for this ****e. Mrgoodstuff, you have anything too add? Is my thinking on track? You had some good insights on my last thread.
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    Do you notice women being generally hornier and coming at you with the Coronavirus situation?

    I was talking to a guy before my work closed down. He's a shrink. Apparently people under stress shed their inhabitions. I asked why my dating prospects had improved. We had a good laugh.
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    reentered the dating word - rookie question

    So I ditched the attention whre from my other thread. I've seen five women this month. But it raised a question maybe you can answer. One these women is about forty, divorced, athletic. From what I can see, all her IOIs are high. We had our third date in two weeks last night. Constant IOIs...
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    fell for it

    Yes Die Hard is exactly right. I was caught off guard that I actually felt a little invested. She's free to do what she wants. Started setting up plates again, two dates this week. A little variety is the best cure. I'm not looking for a relationship here.
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    fell for it

    It's not the hug that bothers me, it was the realization this chick crept up on me. And yes living like a monk, has made me weak.
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    fell for it

    I need a real beat down! I was a member here for years after my divorce, played games with plates, learned a lot. The last few years I've focused on other things, new job, my kid, the house. Dropped out of dating, didn't miss it. Now the last few months I've fallen into orbit of the biggest...
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    What is the best way to invest money?

    Go buy an index fund. Max out your retirement and tax free accounts. Don't take advice from experts here or anywhere else. And never tell anyone about your money.
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    Fat women everywhere!

    Now imagine if you will if the average woman was more inclined to look after herself. How would the dating landscape change? I feel utter contempt for every fat lazy woman. Not just bad for themselves but bad for society. End rant.
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    How to message, use Tinder and Bumble properly.

    No get to the point. Text, meet, escalate. Before the next guy has time.
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    Blindsided Breakup

    Above times 10
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    Telling a girl to cut it out.

    She's a plate. Her actions matter not her words. Is she still banging you? Also...."send me the video without the pants"
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    So... here I am.. wondering wtf.

    Live for you bro. Who cares what she thinks? And never go back.
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    back in the game

    So if you live long enough life will challenge you. I was a member here for a few years and it really helped me. Then in 2015 my career grenades, and honestly it was really tough. Worked construction for a couple of years just to bring money in. Forgot about women, and just tried to rebuild...
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    My gf dumped me I was horrible what now?

    Yep, quick goodbye and go ghost. Do the humane thing.
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    Sleeping with lonely wife. Now what

    You came for advice and got it. You should take it.
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    Sleeping with lonely wife. Now what

    Eject dude. And next time the opportunity presents itself, because it will...remember these are real people's lives your fuking with. I personally hope you carry Miguel with you for a long time.
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    My kids and their step dad.....

    Somebody hits your kid, you call the police.
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    My kids and their step dad.....

    You're right it does kill your soul. Every dad I know hates it. But if he's good to them be grateful. Eventually he will get tired of her, and the novelty of the kids will wear off. Then he will probably split. Your job is to always be there for them, be a good dad...period. its a tough row to...
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    Realizing Just How "Alone" I Am

    I had one upper wisdom tooth pulled last week. Not impacted so a simple pull. Took two Advil, ton of freezing. Drove myself home, raided my sons freezies. Not so bad. Good luck w the procedure.