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  1. L

    Getting jacked/ripped would eliminate 85% of the problems on this forum..

    I'll just offer another perspective here from 49 years of being on this earth. I used to be a gym rat when I was in college. The ONLY reason why I worked out was to get laid. Nothing else. After college when I got into my first LTR(8 years). I let myself go and gained weight. After that ended...
  2. L

    Is omission deception?

    I see this as an fwb situation and nothing more. OP got too invested and too early(his mistake). Also know that anything that comes out of someone's mouth on plate status should be taken with a grain of salt. Bottom Line: You my friend, invested too much, too early and had high expectations...
  3. L

    Russian OnlyFans tramp defenestrates herself because she wanted to start a family

    This thought had also crossed my mind. :up:
  4. L

    Russian OnlyFans tramp defenestrates herself because she wanted to start a family

    So I take it her "boyfriend" didn't wanna wife up this gal and start a family. Either that or he was too beta and was deemed unfit to start of family by her. Sounds like she had some mental issues. Nothing about being lonely but everything about either having too high and unrealistic standards...
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    I know I'll get shiit on for this post, but idc

    Personally, I would've ejected already. But OP, if you want to experiment with shifting the power back to you, I would let her reach out and make the plans and make all the effort. If she's willing to do that, I'd meet up with her but do not be sexual or escalate. I'd feed her breadcrumbs like...
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    I know I'll get shiit on for this post, but idc

    Guys, anytime a girl uses sex for power is when you eject or don't let her play her game. The fact that this girl went all the way practically to sex to shut OP down is a clear abuse of power and she knows it and knows she can get away with it. Not just in sex but she knows she can control...
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    testosterone supplements

    I never said anything about being overweight. When I had my sleep apnea, I was in great shape.
  8. L

    separation after 9 years of marriage

    AKA - Men love idealistically. Women love opportunistically. For the newbs reading this thread, always remember this. The only situation this isn't valid is when it comes to her children.
  9. L

    A latina colleague from work. Advise needed

    She is from a different country so her culture or the way she approaches situations might be different than the norm. You guys only recently met and slept together once. She probably views it as casual sex or hookup and nothing more. Quit getting emotional and being the girl in this. It seems...
  10. L

    testosterone supplements

    If you wake yourself up from snoring then I'm going to say that you definitely have sleep apnea. With that said, I used to have it too(for around 6 months) but no longer have it. Experimenting with sleep schedules, exercise routines, nutrition, types of pillow/mattresses combinations can...
  11. L

    I gave her an ultimatum, was I in the wrong?

    Nothing wrong with voicing your opinions and setting boundaries as others have said. If anything, guys should set boundaries upfront and remain steadfast. This guys, is our sh1t test to women on whether they comply or not. Better to find out sooner than later.
  12. L

    37 years old and skinny again

    +1 This should be emphasized because I see people doing it wrong all the time. No you should be fine. Walking briskly is fine. "Extreme Cardio" is when you're running 5+ miles or anything really strenuous for endurance purposes where your stress levels(cortisol levels) go up. This in return...
  13. L

    Transgender woman wins Miss Nevada USA title for 1st time, heads to Miss USA pageant - would you hit it?

    I give props to a good tuck job. I don't know how they manage to tuck their junk in a swimsuit. lol
  14. L

    Starting from scratch.

    It sounds like you got a plan but more importantly, you already got a state of mind to succeed in life and move forward. Good for you. :up: It's easy to just play victim by complaining and whining about things without setting up plan and goals. It sounds like you're on the right path by not...
  15. L

    Gave up summer full of fine chicks but I’m happy

    True to a certain point but guys can get away with it way longer than girls if they take care of themselves and also work on achieving greatness. I'm 49 and still can compete with guys in their early 30's for example. The difference is I chose to do stuff with my time wisely like building wealth...
  16. L

    Gave up summer full of fine chicks but I’m happy

    I will agree with this. It used to be a hobby for me too at one point. But at some time, you will outgrow this hobby once you've had your fair share of girls(if you are lucky) or come to your senses that women shouldn't be running your world and end up finding someone worthwhile. It is...
  17. L

    Gave up summer full of fine chicks but I’m happy

    This is what insecure guys do that have a lot of time on their hands. One of the reasons of being exclusive with someone is so you can save time on all this talking to girls bs and concentrate and allocate your time to more important things like making money, hobbies, etc. Why would you wanna...
  18. L

    Gave up summer full of fine chicks but I’m happy

    You've already answered it. You know through experience that at any time, you can get several hot chicks. Having this confidence is what abundance is about. It's the state of mind that you're in to know you can always do better if this chick doesn't hold up her end of the bargain by being a...
  19. L

    The "I'm Busy This Weekend, How About The Weekend After" Girl.

    Suggest to meet up on a weeknight. Generally I only reserve weekends for proven girls/plates and not 1st dates/meetups. Girl can already have plans which is reasonable. Also as @BillyPilgrim indicated, she might only go out on the weekends too. So if she already setup something before you...
  20. L

    Starting from scratch.

    That's rough. My guess is that she has been cheating on you more recently and fell for another guy. She didn't want to talk as eventually that info might've gotten out. Generally when things end abruptly with no discussion or weak explanation, it generally means there was another person in the...