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    Miss Katherine Webb.

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    Confident Persistence vs. Nexting

    At 33 my threshold for dealing with bull$hit is next to zero, so I agree.I just wonder if I'm torturing myself by chasing away lays too early.
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    Miss Katherine Webb.

    I'm all about Latinas and Asians as well, but would do unexplicably dirty things with this broad.LOL
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    Confident Persistence vs. Nexting

    I would say I have been schooled in basic game tactics since about 27. And for the most part, many of my abilities with women have improved somewhat. Incidentally, part of that has to do with status and progression in career, and partly with learning to communicate better. However, in the...
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    Miss Katherine Webb.

    Sweet.Baby.Geezus.Hottest.Chick.Ever.Wonder how crazy she is?! LOL.:crackup:
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    So Suave Trainee.

    Favorite one by far is when he said hurry up, it isn't going to suck itself! LMFAO.
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    So Suave Trainee.

    LMFAO. My personal favorite: Do you like your eggs, scrambled, poached, or fertilized? :up: :crackup:
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    the it's not my fault delusion

    Don't bother giving women the same rational regard you would at least offer any man in the expectation he will respond in kind. I wasted a lot of my time and breath trying to reason/debate/argue with women over the years. No longer haha. Nor do I play the blame game with them anymore. These are...
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    Get off the damn couch!

    Ok.It's 1:30 in the morning but tonight was badass and I have to share this story.So I go out tonight, sitting at the bar, beautiful brunette comes in and asks me "anybody sitting here".I was waiting for my friends to show, and chat this little cutie up.Now mind you, I do not go out very often...
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    What has growing up meant for you?

    Growing up for me has meant evolving in my career and as a person.More money to do the things I enjoy, although the caveat is more responsibility.I feel like I have more knowledge of women and playing the game, albeit more baggage as a result of employing said tactics.I also find that the roles...
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    On the verge of breaking off engagement

    Google BPD and put that crazy ***** to bed.Been there, done that got the tshirt.The only reason we put up with it is because most BPDs are generally physically attractive, off the charts in the sack.That's why normal people don't generally compare and you think you have found the love of your...
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    Confusing.(Mixed Signals)

    Exactly what I'm doing homie.I'm assuming she's already swung to another branch, and doing what I got to do.Just seems like this is a common trend.They assume we ALL like the chase when in fact, I next them if they act too flakey.Just wondering if I'm sabotaging myself un-knowingly too early by...
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    Confusing.(Mixed Signals)

    Go out with this chick a few weeks ago. Have a good time, good conversation etc.We go out to dinner, then out to the bar for drinks.Anyway, I act interested yet aloof at the same time as not to act overeager.Anyway.Chick follows up the next morning at 8am.I thought, hey great, she followed...
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    BPD ex.... 3 months out - need some advice

    All I can say is this is a very lengthy process.Shari Screibers site, along with extensive counseling sessions to assess why you are seeking out that kind of dysfunction to begin with.It likely roots back to childhood and your family.Become aware of it, and the flags to those kind of individuals...
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    Preparing yourself for a life without a woman by your side.

    Dealing with this as we speak. I too am dealing with this.I am 33, very professionally successful, and a decent looking guy.I'm no Beckham, but have had plenty of opportunities.I held off on LTR's for a very long time then had one that ended up being with a BPD woman, left me numerous scars.I...