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  1. Shrubber101

    Chaser Effect after sex

    I have the same thing although I don't really see it as a problem. My nob can be red raw from shagging but after my girl has gone home ,the next day I always have a good old wank. After that though, Im usually good untill I have sex again. I have no idea why I get the urge either. It is weird...
  2. Shrubber101

    Pink or red Rose Bear for Valentine's day?

    Ive made it clear to my girlfriend that I don't do valentine's. I told her it's for afcs that are trying to buy a woman's vagina for the night. That's just my oppinion of course and Im sure other guys do it their own way but it just feels to me that the whole thing smacks of desperation and of...
  3. Shrubber101

    So just watched Birdbox on Netflix

    In sick of being preached to. My daughters school has posters saying "some people are gay. Get over it!" It's insulting to presume that I have a problem with it in the first place. Most people don't give a toss any more. I have no problems with race or homosexuality but I do have a problem with...
  4. Shrubber101

    How in the world is Tess Holiday so freaking popular?

    I'd f***k her right in her knee folds.
  5. Shrubber101

    So just watched Birdbox on Netflix

    Can everyone please stop being triggered! You're making me trigger! I need to go to my safespace. Im actually hyperventilating right now. Where's my echhinacia oil. I hope you're all proud of yourselves.
  6. Shrubber101

    So just watched Birdbox on Netflix

    I knew it was going to be **** and only watched it because girlfriend reccomended it and wanted to see just how bad her taste in movies was; seeing as most women have appalling taste in movies. I wasn't disappointed. I pointed out the fact that there were no positive white male characters in it...
  7. Shrubber101

    So just watched Birdbox on Netflix

    Never seen so much unashamed liberal, feminist, anti white male propaganda. Most of the characters were either women or ethnic minorities and the few white males that appeared were all portrayed negatively cos white men are evil obviously. All the women were of course strong and independent and...