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  1. R

    Quagmire911 Lifting Journal

    good stuff. you trying to make mass gains this time or just focusing on strength? you play much golf?
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    German volume workout

    hey effort, I am just going to do it for 3-4 weeks to get some quick growth and then will go back on to heavy weights to shock the system. this is how im doing it: Monday chest and back Wednesday legs...
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    German volume workout

    well actually started it last night, and I would say I am fairly sore today, but nothing too bad. what does that matter?
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    German volume workout

    10 x 10 german workout, anyone heard of it? was think of starting it for a few weeks to give my body a change of routine! anyone here did it? btw its recommended by anthony ellis and iron addict
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    Question re losing weight

    In fairness he didn't ask if you could help him gain 25lbs on his benchpress! He asked if for Diet suggestions on how to cut fat! I would say to eat 5 or 6 small meals a day, low in carbs high in protein and keep up with the weight training and do intense cardio on off days! But I am not the...
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    Eat up for Thanksgiving

    i know, but I found it rather amusing after just reading the same article on Iron Addicts a few hours ago
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    Quagmire911 Lifting Journal

    rock climbing sounds, cool! theres a good facility for it in my university Gym, might give it a try some time
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    Stallion's Fitness Journal

    Ha, he can try but I would put up a good fight!:D
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    my workout....

    sorry stallion, was just in a bad mood :D I know what your saying but in know way does the OP need 3 protein shakes a day to loose weight! He in no way stated that he wanted to bulk up, if however he wants to gain muscle, which he probably should by any mean then by all means go for it!
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    bicep-most useless?

    yeah arm wrestling is mostly shoulders. After a night out I played arm wrestle for like a half hour against my brothers....couldn't feel pain at the time because I was pissed but the next day I couldn't move my shoulder
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    Eat up for Thanksgiving

    PLAGURISM ALERT!!!!!! way to steal iron addicts ideas
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    I Need Your Opinions

    no, that would be annoying for the normal members and there is a link at the bottom of the forum anyway!
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    Stallion's Fitness Journal

    still massive room for improvement with your physique, maybe that routine will help you get there
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    Creatine ...Is it healthy ???

    Certainly the most important point in your diet is to eat six meals a day and get your recommended protein and calorie intake, but yes if used alongside it should help you get to where you want to be! Supplements undoubtedly help if used properly with a good diet and routine
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    my workout....

    **** up stallion, im sick of you posting in and telling everyone to follow that diet just because effort made it! Thats is not the only way to eat, it is one way but not the only way! Clearly this person doesn't need 3 protein shakes a day to loose weight! you are following a very god diet and...
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    ProDJ26's Workout Log

    good diet! i aim to get something like that too!
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    Glutamine and recovery...

    im thinking of starting taking it too along with creatine...may as well give myself the best chances to get bigger and better since my genetics are ......very average!!!
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    Fugly's lifting journal...

    interesting routine...good luck with your journal
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    Rippetoe workout journal

    havent posted here in a while as I have been busy! As I said before I am finished my exams on 24th and will put in more effort as I am under alot of pressure atm! However I am still keeping up with my training, and am maintaining my weight gains but will look to bulk up even more in due time! I...