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  1. R

    Rippetoe workout journal

    cheers dudes..I shall keep you posted after tomorrows session
  2. R

    Rippetoe workout journal

    Hey guys, posted on here last week with another journal plan but somehow i was locked from replying on it so im going to have to start another one! As of tomorrow I am going to start the mark rippetoe workout for beginners.. Rumors are that it puts muscle on fast as long as you eat like a...
  3. R

    Most effective area of self improvement

    Improve your physique! Simple but in reality it's one of the best tips out there! IF your fat chances are you have no chance and if your skinny then you ill probably get overlooked too often! do yourself a favour and hit the gym! You cant change your face but you can change your body :cool:
  4. R

    Quagmire911 Lifting Journal

    yes, well answered quagmire! gigitty gigitty
  5. R


    there is protein in peanut butter dufass
  6. R

    Rampage work out journal (anthony ellis guide)

    i think its about 15lbs increase now, but yeah id say a little of it is food/ bloat i rarely have an empty stomach! thanks for input so far..will hopefully start journal on monday as I am in a bit of a dilema at the min. Im not sure whether to keep this workout for another few weeks or go for...
  7. R

    Quagmire911 Lifting Journal

    hey quag..just wondering how much weight you have gained? you have been on this journal for a while but dont seem to mention your weight gains recently!?
  8. R

    Rampage work out journal (anthony ellis guide)

    Going on a bulk-up scheme so thought I would share it with you guys online. I dw/l anthony ellis programme and i am going to use one of the regimes he laid out! Here it is: Mondays: (Chest shoulders triceps) Flat Bench Press (4 sets: 2x10 of medium to heavy weight and then 2x of 4-5 reps...