Went in and did some testing today. More specifically I was using the parameters outlined in the Poliquin thread I made a day or two ago. Also tested some other stuff. Here it is:
Close grip bench (about shoulder width)-This will be roughly 90kg. I didn't go in and do it but it should be around this if not a little higher. Doesn't really matter, I know where the weakpoints are anyway.
Behind the neck press-55kgx1-I don't think I would have got 57.5 and definitely not 60. The ratio Poliquin gives is between 64-66% of the CG bench so as a minimum it should be 57.5. Using the 66% and if my CG is really 95, it should be at least 62.5. So basically I am a little behind on the overhead pressing. It will therefore feature in my routine.
Seated dumbbell press-I didn't actually do this today, but Poliquin says the weight used on each dumbbell should be roughly 29% of the CGbench. My best is 20kg 1x12 1x8. I would be able to do 22.5x8/10 for a set and I should be doing around 25-27.5x8. So again, I am a little behind and will work on overhead stuff.
Scott barbell curl-I did 40kgx1 here and missed out on 45kg. I should be able to do around 42.5 and I don't know whether I would have got it. So I need to make sure and include some bi work in.
Reverse curl-EZbar+25kgx2-Not sure how much the Ez weighs. I have read it is around 25lbs which is 10-12kg. I was meant to get around 27.5-30kgx1 on this, so I passed easily.
Single-Arm External Rotations-8kgx10-Meant to be able to do 8-9kg for 8reps. Did 8x10 and probably could have got another 5-10 reps. So I passed this quite easily as well.
Incline barbell press 45 degrees-80kgx1-This was a challenging rep. Probably would have made 82.5x1. Should be able to do around 75-80, so I passed this one.
The other one on the list was chins and I was meant to be able to do around 75kg. That is around bw for me and I can do that for at least 10 reps so that Is an easy pass.
Lat pulldown-100kgx1-Pretty near my max, and this was the most the machine went too. This suggests I would be able to do a chin with 25kg or so extra for a rep, which sounds about right.
That was the upper side of things complete. Basically my overhead stuff is a little behind so I will need to bring that up. I also want to include incline I think and bring that up a little and will include some bi work as well.
I have also been looking a lot into quad/ham strength ratios etc. I couldn't really find an exact figure from anyone with decent knowledge, however Poliquin said this: You should be able to front squat around 85% of what you back squat. From what I gather a figure lower than this shows weaker hamstrings as that was what the column was about. So I did front squats for the first time:
Front squats-95kgx1 100kgx0-Now I know I can get 115kgx1 on the back squat so I should be able to do at least 97.5x1. However taking certain things into consideration: I should be able to do higher than 115 on the backsquat, progress has been really **** because of bad form. I think my hamstrings were lagging behind but I think they are catching up. The above suggests they are still have a little way to go but aren't too far off.
I have decided that I am going to drop back squats for the time being and go with front squats. I know I can hit ass to grass without any problems and maintain an arch, something I can't do without going really wide on the back squat. I was originally going to switch to a wider stance for the BS, but I have decided it will be beneficial just to drop them for at least a phase and see how I get on. From what I gather there is very good carryover from one to the other. I will need to work on flexibility some more to be able to hit depth properly and maintain an arch/neutral spine. I have been doing a lot of dynamic stuff and mobility is coming on really well. Recently I have been getting some lower back pain with back squats and it was because of the rounding at the bottom of the lift. I am also recovering from lordosis so I think it would be beneficial in this regard as well to switch things up. And also just in general the change should get things going again. I felt really good with the form and if you use bad form the bar falls forward and you can't do it anyway which is good. The only thing was that it is nigh impossible to breathe whilst doing these. Apart from that I am quite excited to give them a go.
Then moved on to finish off with some GHR negatives:
1x2-And then: Out of know where on the third rep without thinking about it I didn't use my hands and did a half positive. I kind of stopped in shock and flopped back down onto the bench. I then put my mind to it and did:
GHR's 1x3-
Out of know where! Very happy with this.
Then did 1x5.
Then I added 2kg to my chest and did 1x3 just for kicks
Well there you go. I have been doing glute activation after mobility drills and I think the big difference today was that I incorporated my glutes in the movement properly. This felt really good and I was very pleased.
After that I finished off with some mobility drills.
Well I think that is enough for just now, this is beginning to turn into a novel so until next time...