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  1. T

    Why do you guys care so much about sex and women?

    you think a breakthrough could never happen? I really wish Supreme would do a Dasaniwater-style show on ElStud or Luke Skywalker, there is always a chance for these nerds to be saved.......why do you think its impossible to help these guys out? (by that way I do agree with your post 100% lol)
  2. T

    ElStud gives more tips from what he's learned in the game.

    i am not calling you anything Elstud, I am stating the FACT - that you are a creepy virgin. Girls talk to you because you are the retarded kid that everyone is obligated to be nice to (I am not making this up, the PROOF is in all of the field reports you posted over the last 2 years). In the...
  3. T

    Volume of Phone Calls

    dude you are either making threads about issues with this "guuurlfriend" or you are making threads about gaming other women - you obviously are not 100% happy being committed to her, so stop lying to yourself, stop following the rules that society has set forth for you, and DO WHAT EVER THE HELL...
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    ElStud gives more tips from what he's learned in the game.

    why would someone who wants to succeed with women take advice from a creepy virgin?
  5. T

    Lift Pick Up: Ethical Question...

    you can do whatever you want, there's no law written that says you cant always be gaming new chicks and hooking up with them PLEASE, playa, get out of your AFC mindset edit: Luke, shut your virgin trap up, and dont be giving people advice here you creeper
  6. T

    Why do you guys care so much about sex and women?

    is it just me, or does anyone elses computer crash the second that Luke Skywalker and Elstud interact???
  7. T

    Volume of Phone Calls

    I am glad you are actually trying to make a valid point, but your argument still falls apart despite your logical attempts: A man can choose who he cares about, whether it be his best friends, the women he is sexing up, his teachers, his pets, anyone. Caring is a CHOICE, not an obligation...
  8. T

    Volume of Phone Calls

    and just to point something else out, THIS THREAD (and the last 5 threads slickaz has started), is a perfect example of the bullshyt that comes with comitting to the modern westernized woman, as opposed to just playing her like a fiddle and having fun with her ON YOUR OWN TERMS, NOT ON SOCIETY'S...
  9. T

    Volume of Phone Calls

    total absolute AFC mindset - you are not OBLIGATED to care about anyone, where in the world did you get that from??? is there a LAW written about needing to care about a girl that you are f*cking? and I say "guuuuuuurlfriend" to put emphasis on the patheticness of the word and to make it read...
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    Volume of Phone Calls counting how many negative threads youve posted about your GUUUUURLFRIEND ever since you decided to commit to her - at least 5 how are you benefiting from this commitment? you are already starting to sound like a...
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    In a marriage, is it ok to....

    why are you asking us whats ok and not ok? are you THAT big of a p*ssy? your biggest mistake is asking for marriage advice from people who can barely even talk to a girl by the way :) but i'll help you out real quick, since I know what I'm talking about: 1) absolutely not, do not sound...
  12. T

    Why bother getting married anymore??

    does anyone here know any one who has gotten married between 5 and 10 years ago, and is still HAPPILY married?
  13. T

    New Member Looking 4 Guidance!

    this is some big time gayness - exchanging these love letters and talking about all of these feelings, without even ever having sex OR kissing you are both delusional morons, and you can't be helped because you and your "boyfriend" are the type of people who will never follow the advice given...
  14. T

    "Sexually Invisible?"

    Luke has been twice as active on for the past 3 years, his username there is Luke Skywalker, and he has posted some absolutely creepy GOLD on that site, far exceeding anything that he has posted here. He gets coddled and accepted over at because it is a perfect site...
  15. T

    "Sexually Invisible?"

    JESUS ****ING CHRIST you idiotic nutty virgin!!! I want everyone to notice that Luke DOES NOT TAKE ANYONE's ADVICE, and just does as he pleases, like the total nutjob that he is people like Luke are beyond help abort thread
  16. T

    I need a major opinion from guys out there please..

    vagrant sounds like the thousands of guys who have called Leykis with their guuuurlfriend problems over the years, and he's going to learn his lessons the hard way, because there is no way he is listening to any advice, his AFC mind is already made up
  17. T

    "Sexually Invisible?"

     Maxtro (and all others who are having major struggles with women), doesn't it motivate you and make you feel better to see clowns like Luke posting this crap? I mean does it not encourage you to be a better man and to stay as far away from being like Luke (and ElStud) as humanly possible?? I...
  18. T

    "Sexually Invisible?"

    good news: Luke will lose his virginity to his mom. bad news: Luke will have a son and a new brother, who will troll these forums for years to come after Luke is gone
  19. T

    I need a major opinion from guys out there please..

    It actually ended about 5 weeks ago due to the radio station he was working for being idiots, but if you google "myprops tom leykis", you will find 1000+ shows of his from the last several years