I need a major opinion from guys out there please..


Master Don Juan
Oct 19, 2006
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Me and my girlfriend of three years broke up for no reason other than we just felt we were both still too young and we wanted to have fun being single. I had sex with other girls and she had sex with other guys. Maybe with more than five different guys. Who knows? We still love each other after a year or so or maybe three. We're really happy together and now we're ready to have a family.

Given that you were in my situation would you still get back with her regardless of the number of guys she slept with?


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2004
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You're both not ready to have a family.



Master Don Juan
Oct 19, 2006
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romangod said:
You're both not ready to have a family.

I'm saying when the time comes..


Master Don Juan
Oct 19, 2006
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Guoy Darko said:
How old are you and her?
I'm 22 now and she's 19.


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2008
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vagrant said:
I'm 22 now and she's 19.
Just cuz you feel older or are expecting to feel ready in a few years doesn't mean ti's going to happen. if it were (and i use this term loosely) "Real Love" then you both wouldn't feel you're missing out on something.

Don't get attached, don't elope, and don't get married until you're both ready and committed. (and by that i mean BOTH of you. Not you wanting to settle down so you can stop the 'hassle' of gaming chicks)

go out, have fun, and focus on improving your own life, 3 years can make a world of difference in self-improvement and you may find that you can find someone better (in whatever terms you want to hink of)

Don't settle for anything less than happiness, otherwise you have only yourself to blame for the agony.


Master Don Juan
Oct 19, 2006
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Aragon034 said:
Just cuz you feel older or are expecting to feel ready in a few years doesn't mean ti's going to happen. if it were (and i use this term loosely) "Real Love" then you both wouldn't feel you're missing out on something.

Don't get attached, don't elope, and don't get married until you're both ready and committed. (and by that i mean BOTH of you. Not you wanting to settle down so you can stop the 'hassle' of gaming chicks)

go out, have fun, and focus on improving your own life, 3 years can make a world of difference in self-improvement and you may find that you can find someone better (in whatever terms you want to hink of)

Don't settle for anything less than happiness, otherwise you have only yourself to blame for the agony.
I know exactly what you're saying but my question really focuses on I guess is if her past experiences with other guys should even be my main focus.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2008
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would you want to get back with her if you could meet 5 hot girls each night you went out that liked you?

think about this

to answer the question yes of course go with her, she is a sexual person just like you. dont judge her for this


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
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It doesn't it matter how many guys she slept with as long as shes not sleeping with them now. Unless her hole got a little loser, then we might have a problem.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2008
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Check back in another 5-10 years. That's when you'll be ready to settle down. You have a lot of growing up to do still, as does she. At 19 she's still in her slut phase and needs to get more ****s inside her. Once she hits 24+ that's when she should be ready for a serious relationship, otherwise you risk hearing "I need some space/a break" as the grass is greener hits her.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
"We're really happy together and now we're ready to have a family."

You'll be divorced and hating eachother within a year and you'll damn any kid that you two have together to live a life of pain and shame.

And I don't say that because of my general distaste for marriage but rather because if you two really loved eachother and were really head over heels in love with eachother at that she wouldn't of felt the need to go bang other guys.

From reading your post especially that little line about you wondering out loud as to whether 5 guys was all she banged I get the strong impression the breakup to go fvck other people was more her idea than yours and I'll believe that even if you come back and try to tell me that oh no the breakup was mutual so yeah you can save that reply for someone whose retarded enough to believe it.

As for the youth, the being young excuse as to why she had to go and bang other guys you can throw that right ontop of the pile with other excuses such as "well I was drunk which is why I banged so and so" or "I made a mistake" etc.

The point being that excuses are just that.


Almost no excuse is ever valid.

Excuses are evasions of people simply not wanting to take responsbility for their decisions and what they have done consciously.

So youth is not a valid excuse of her wanting to go and sample other c0cks it was just an excuse to do what she wanted to do more than commit to you for life.

Strange c0ck was more important to her than creating a loving union with you or loving you and thats something you should and probably will think about every day of your marriage should you be stupid enough to go through with it.

There have been people out there (though rare in this day and age) who get married at 18 and stay with their partner for life as being in a committed union with the one they love was more important to them than going and fvcking other people.

This girl's first priority wasn't you but rather having other guys slap her face and ass with their c0cks and bust loads all over her body and jiggle around the head of their c0ck on her tonsils and maybe esophagus even.

Think about that sh!t when you say "I do" and slip the expensive ring on her finger. :)

Think about her deepthroating someother guy and loving every inch of it while her mouth strains and her eyes tear up.

"Given that you were in my situation would you still get back with her regardless of the number of guys she slept with?"

Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
why do you NEED to have a family with her?

what is the benefit to you, at 22 unexperienced years of age, to have a family??

The Tom Leykis show is off the air now, so you will have no one to go to and complain when in 4 years you find out that your 23 year old hor of a wife wants a divorce AND wants all your money to support the 2 children that you two end up having "in order to build your family"

you cannot go and have families with young college-aged american hors, you can only have fun with them and have sex with them for as long as her expiration date isnt reached, do not even think about a family with one of these sluts, you WILL end up hurt and depressed


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
The Logical Player said:
why do you NEED to have a family with her?

what is the benefit to you, at 22 unexperienced years of age, to have a family??

The Tom Leykis show is off the air now, so you will have no one to go to and complain when in 4 years you find out that your 23 year old hor of a wife wants a divorce AND wants all your money to support the 2 children that you two end up having "in order to build your family"

you cannot go and have families with young college-aged american hors, you can only have fun with them and have sex with them for as long as her expiration date isnt reached, do not even think about a family with one of these sluts, you WILL end up hurt and depressed

I'll be damned. I didn't know the show was going to end. I just started listening online the end of last year. That frakking sucks!
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
Nutz said:
I'll be damned. I didn't know the show was going to end. I just started listening online the end of last year. That frakking sucks!
It actually ended about 5 weeks ago due to the radio station he was working for being idiots, but if you google "myprops tom leykis", you will find 1000+ shows of his from the last several years


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
22. you know nothing of life or the world. Trust me. Wait till your at least 30 to start a family. Focus on your education, earning money and sleeping with attractive girls in your 20's and let some woman drag you to the alter kicking and screaming in your 30s(mid to late 30s when you are very very financially stable). Take it from someone who didn't do it quite that way.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2008
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The Logical Player said:
It actually ended about 5 weeks ago due to the radio station he was working for being idiots, but if you google "myprops tom leykis", you will find 1000+ shows of his from the last several years
I saw on wiki the station changed formats. I didn't realize they were ending the show though. I figured another studio would pick him up much like how Howard Stern hopped from station to station.

I've found his myprops shows before. Good stuff for those looking for older shows since his RSS feed only goes back about a month and a half or so.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Nutz said:
I saw on wiki the station changed formats. I didn't realize they were ending the show though. I figured another studio would pick him up much like how Howard Stern hopped from station to station.

I've found his myprops shows before. Good stuff for those looking for older shows since his RSS feed only goes back about a month and a half or so.
Leykis will be paid by CBS for the next four years as long as he doesn't try to get out of his contract and take another radio deal with someone else.

He is currently considering all his options before deciding on any one thing.

So yeah even though the show is off the air he's basically being paid for free due to the contract so its understandable if he's got to think long and hard about whether he'd want to end that sweet of a deal to go on the radio again immediately somewhere else.

He's also explained that the format change wasn't a result of bad ratings as the ratings were good but rather the financial difficulties the station was experiencing regardless due to the bad economy.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2008
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Perhaps an online radio deal will be the loophole needed to get him back "on the air". I'd rather see him go to Sirius and follow Stern or something like that. I'd reactivate my subscription in a heartbeat if I could get him in my car for a change (or stream online at work again).
Mar 2, 2009
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vagrant sounds like the thousands of guys who have called Leykis with their guuuurlfriend problems over the years, and he's going to learn his lessons the hard way, because there is no way he is listening to any advice, his AFC mind is already made up


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
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vagrant said:
- Me and my girlfriend of three years broke up for no reason other than we just felt we were both still too young
- I had sex with other girls
- she had sex with other guys
- would you still get back with her regardless of the number of guys she slept with?
She asked us the exact question about you, wondering if she should get back with you regardless of the number of girls you've slept with.