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  1. touma.akagi

    How does one date on a tight budget?

    Surprisingly, I've never seen anybody bring this topic up! I myself don't have a whole lot of money and I'd love to hear your thoughts
  2. touma.akagi

    Post the Worst Dating Advice you could follow.

    Generally any advice that tells you to be insincere and go out of your way to be something you're not, is horrible advice. If you're a funny guy, who's struggling with game, then trying to be a stiff will just be, well.... a creepy stiff with awkward conversation. And this was advice I recently...
  3. touma.akagi

    Twelve Common Things Guys Do To Screw Up With Girls

    "- He can disagree with others without offending them." Ha! Not in 2018 when everyone's a little ***** who gets offended by any little thing and feels the need to make a flagrant ****show of it.
  4. touma.akagi

    Has anyone tried fasting? How effective was it?

    If so, how long did you do it and what was it like?? I'm a little curious about it and think I may try to undertake a fast of my own. The fact is that I'm 20 years old, a slight bit heavier than I'd like to be, and for the past year or so been finding myself always hungry, tired a significant...
  5. touma.akagi

    Has anyone seen the Netflix show 13 reasons why?

    Men and women alike make and enter bad situations all the time. I'll have to agree, Clay's savior complex does get a bit ridiculous at times. I'm not sure which is more annoying, that, or his ongoing obsession with dead Hannah which made him ***** and whine when he found out about her...
  6. touma.akagi

    article: The Ugly Truth About Getting Out Of The ‘Friend Zone’

    True, it's not just impossible to go from friends to lover like so many black and white posts make it sound. It's not black and white. It's just that for a relative beginner with not that many 'skills,' it's best to just not try. Or if you are trying, don't make it obvious.
  7. touma.akagi

    Is asking for a # considered to forward these days?

    If you ask for the number, then she knows you mean business. Either she gives it to you or she doesn't. If she doesn't, then she's probably a waste of time.
  8. touma.akagi

    3 Masculine Principles You Can Apply TODAY to Become More Alpha

    "Don't act goofy, childish, silly, jokester and all that bullsh** with women" Lol. So you're saying we shouldn't try to be who we really are? Cmon man. If you're naturally funny just be that way. If you're trying too hard to be stiff then that's actually a turnoff. So is any attempt to cover up...
  9. touma.akagi

    article: The Ugly Truth About Getting Out Of The ‘Friend Zone’

    I've learned to act like there is no such thing as the friend zone. If she doesn't like you then she's not your friend. Furthermore you'll learn better ways to not to give her the opportunity to friend zone you. Aka not confessing, or saying "I love you," having enough options or enough of a...
  10. touma.akagi

    Has anyone seen the Netflix show 13 reasons why?

    Yes, I've seen it, both seasons. Personally, I think it's a great show. My thoughts are that every teen should see it eventually, but you need to be in a healthy state of mind to take it. Watching 13RW while you have severe depression is not a good idea! If you're already 18 or older, you should...
  11. touma.akagi

    I just found I'm testosterone deficient

    Ditch the ADD medicine. In fact, remove those meds from your house and/or destroy them. So tired of hearing all these young guys my age saying they take anxiety meds and such, when I as a matter of fact took none such medicines yet overcame similar problems. Your body is conditioned to need...
  12. touma.akagi

    Is there a reason to get married?

    I think a lot of people intend to be married some day and have a better family than the one i grew up with. But if you don't want it, that's fine. I want to get married someday, but I won't force anybody else - future children included - to do it if they don't want to. If you ask me, it sounds...
  13. touma.akagi

    Porn has the potential to turn you into an impotent homosexual

    When I was a child, a rainbow was just a rainbow and nothing more. God how I wish the homos hadn't claimed it as their banner....
  14. touma.akagi

    Am happy with my life but get no results. A dilemma

    3 or 4 dates a week? Lol, with my education being as demanding as it is, on most weeks I won't be able to fill that number. On Saturdays though? Hmm, I guess maybe three dates all on the same Saturday could work... Well that's the thing. I've settled my life more or less, and don't have...
  15. touma.akagi

    I hate how you guys tell people to take care of themselves and dating automatically follows

    This is probably the best summary of this entire forum that I've ever read.
  16. touma.akagi

    I hate how you guys tell people to take care of themselves and dating automatically follows

    He did do it for himself. He's not necessarily angry that bettering himself didn't get him results, he's merely pointing out that a ton of men push getting your **** together as the means of getting women, and that it fixes itself through self-improvement, and that he has lived the proof that it...
  17. touma.akagi

    I hate how you guys tell people to take care of themselves and dating automatically follows

    I wholly agree. Friends into Lovers by Eric Edgemont puts it something like this: "The women in a man's life are a byproduct of his success in life." I misquoted, sure. But yes, That is B U L L S H I T. I'm in a similar situation (albeit earlier on the walk of life) where I'm happy with life...
  18. touma.akagi

    Am happy with my life but get no results. A dilemma

    So what I want from you, the audience, the readers of this site, is this: read the following. I want concrete answers to these questions that I can begin using right away. I want advice that works for most men on most women most of the time. I don’t want bull****, or some complicated thing about...
  19. touma.akagi

    Am happy with my life but get no results. A dilemma

    I'm in an awkward position right now. I've been lurking these forums on and off for quite a while, before deciding to sign up, trying to figure out how to get successful with girls and women around me. I started browsing in eighth grade and continued through high school. (There even used to be a...