Has anyone seen the Netflix show 13 reasons why?


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
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Its a drama centered around a girl who commits suicide. She leaves the tapes with a trusted friend who mails them and tells them how they were a reason she committed suicide

watched both seasons (I know I know) It has all the archetypes

It such a liberal male bashing show it was sickening to watch


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
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Its a drama centered around a girl who commits suicide. She leaves the tapes with a trusted friend who mails them and tells them how they were a reason she committed suicide

watched both seasons (I know I know) It has all the archetypes

It such a liberal male bashing show it was sickening to watch
Really? The liberals wanted it banned for promoting suicide.


Senior Don Juan
May 17, 2006
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Its a f*cking show. Nothing more. You have the ultimate power to turn it off. Not everything is a vast political movement....


Senior Don Juan
Dec 12, 2017
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Yes, I've seen it, both seasons. Personally, I think it's a great show. My thoughts are that every teen should see it eventually, but you need to be in a healthy state of mind to take it. Watching 13RW while you have severe depression is not a good idea! If you're already 18 or older, you should be able to handle it. But if you're still in high school and suffer depression, you better stay away.

I never interpreted any of the show's incidents as particularly male bashing. Rapists and school shooters, are usually males. That's just how it is. Society doesn't hate them because they're male, they hate them because they're rapists and school shooters. Furthermore, the show gave multiple examples on high school girls and guys alike and the damage their gossip can do. Women and girls aren't out there beating people up (again, usually), but their tongues and their text messages/posts can have just as much of an impact.

While 13 Reasons does add some drama/glorification aspects, at the end of the day you can't deny that our real schools in America - and society at large - suck just as bad.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
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Its a f*cking show. Nothing more. You have the ultimate power to turn it off. Not everything is a vast political movement....
Its not that serious its kind of interesting. The acting is just bad IMO and they make all the women seem like victims and all men and sex hungry rapists horn dogs


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
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Yes, I've seen it, both seasons. Personally, I think it's a great show. My thoughts are that every teen should see it eventually, but you need to be in a healthy state of mind to take it. Watching 13RW while you have severe depression is not a good idea! If you're already 18 or older, you should be able to handle it. But if you're still in high school and suffer depression, you better stay away.

I never interpreted any of the show's incidents as particularly male bashing. Rapists and school shooters, are usually males. That's just how it is. Society doesn't hate them because they're male, they hate them because they're rapists and school shooters. Furthermore, the show gave multiple examples on high school girls and guys alike and the damage their gossip can do. Women and girls aren't out there beating people up (again, usually), but their tongues and their text messages/posts can have just as much of an impact.

While 13 Reasons does add some drama/glorification aspects, at the end of the day you can't deny that our real schools in America - and society at large - suck just as bad.
I thought so, but there is some dialogue in there that promotes male bashing. Especially when the black girl was saying how women don't put themselves in bad situations? The main protagonist asked "Why do women go to this clubhouse" after all the rumors, and incidents that have happened there. So when a women goes there and gets raped, is she at least partially responsible?
She implied that men make bad situations....and the main character has a savior complex


Senior Don Juan
Dec 12, 2017
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Men and women alike make and enter bad situations all the time. I'll have to agree, Clay's savior complex does get a bit ridiculous at times. I'm not sure which is more annoying, that, or his ongoing obsession with dead Hannah which made him ***** and whine when he found out about her relationship with zack


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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Its a drama centered around a girl who commits suicide. She leaves the tapes with a trusted friend who mails them and tells them how they were a reason she committed suicide

watched both seasons (I know I know) It has all the archetypes

It such a liberal male bashing show it was sickening to watch
I posted about it ages ago.

She screams when captain beta tries.

She sits back quietly when the jock pounds her. She enjoys it but plays victim after. Its classic leftist jargon.

Women are capable of saying no but, regret and not getting the ring is rape.

A black YouTuber vids all sexy times. White bishs gurgling proteins. Yeah, try and claim rapey then.

I bet there's stupid enough to try.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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Men and women alike make and enter bad situations all the time. I'll have to agree, Clay's savior complex does get a bit ridiculous at times. I'm not sure which is more annoying, that, or his ongoing obsession with dead Hannah which made him ***** and whine when he found out about her relationship with zack
It goes to show, women are hypergamous at teen and it only goes up despite SMV going down.

Its pretty dark. The show is rapey on more occasions like the pooper broom scene lol

Finally, if she can scream at captain beta, she can say no to the jock. Instead, she got into a rapists hot tub semi nude and had herself a great time.

You can't rape the willing.

No police report. No charges. Did not happen. Do not want to hear about it.

I know far too many false accusations growing up when a slut goes slumming. Rep ruined so she creates the victim narrative.

Female logic.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Its a drama centered around a girl who commits suicide. She leaves the tapes with a trusted friend who mails them and tells them how they were a reason she committed suicide

watched both seasons (I know I know) It has all the archetypes

It such a liberal male bashing show it was sickening to watch
It's one of the type of shows that I watch on my smartphone when I'm stuck in a traffic jam. It's weird watching it this way because I find at any point on the show it still hooks me on to see what is going to be revealed about what character next. I could segment an episode, watch 15 minutes, and then continue to see another segment 2 weeks later and it's like I don't forget anything or need a refresher.

I started watching the first season since September last year and I'm now at the second last episode of season 1. At this rate, hopefully I'll watch both seasons before the end of next year (or the following year). By then they'll have season 3.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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The best part of the series (spoiler alert) is when Hannah told Clay to leave and he listened to her and then she (yes and no) blamed him for the suicide afterwards for not sticking around forcefully and staying with her. I mean you sort of grow with the Clay character, and if you are a nice guy, and respect women, you are going to identify with that protagonist and you are going to feel him through the TV-show. That particular scene of that series hit me to the core because I identified with that "nice guy" and would also have left if she told me to leave. I wouldn't see that it was a veneer and she really wanted me or loved me all that time and knowing potentially that my actions are so important it could have saved her life by dissuading her from killing herself? Problem is I'm too much like Clay and I'm not going to fight to get into the heart or gut-level issues, I'm too respectful and nice, like Clay is, or just lose it and lash out. It's a show that just grows on you. I guess it depends what character you identify with. The show sort of sets itself up through the eyes of Clay. Anyone else identify with any of the characters?


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
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That show (surprisingly) isnt a white mLe bashing sjw fest.

The black counsiller, asian chick, black chick, asian dude, gay dude all get plenty of shade thrown at them.

In fact you could say the white male protag is just portrayed as a young stupid afc nice guy.

Anyway, the show wasnt bad imo i found it surprisingly watchable.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
Reaction score
Men and women alike make and enter bad situations all the time. I'll have to agree, Clay's savior complex does get a bit ridiculous at times. I'm not sure which is more annoying, that, or his ongoing obsession with dead Hannah which made him ***** and whine when he found out about her relationship with zack
He's a realistic portrayal of a clueless AFC with oneitis.

This site is filled with stories of guys who would react exactly the same in that situation.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
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The best part of the series (spoiler alert) is when Hannah told Clay to leave and he listened to her and then she (yes and no) blamed him for the suicide afterwards for not sticking around forcefully and staying with her. I mean you sort of grow with the Clay character, and if you are a nice guy, and respect women, you are going to identify with that protagonist and you are going to feel him through the TV-show. That particular scene of that series hit me to the core because I identified with that "nice guy" and would also have left if she told me to leave. I wouldn't see that it was a veneer and she really wanted me or loved me all that time and knowing potentially that my actions are so important it could have saved her life by dissuading her from killing herself? Problem is I'm too much like Clay and I'm not going to fight to get into the heart or gut-level issues, I'm too respectful and nice, like Clay is, or just lose it and lash out. It's a show that just grows on you. I guess it depends what character you identify with. The show sort of sets itself up through the eyes of Clay. Anyone else identify with any of the characters?
I was 100% clay during my bpd experience 3.5 years ago which ended up me on this site.

The dudes got bad oneitis for a ****ed up chick who seems "different" on the surface and could be "the one" if he can just "make her happy"

But even though he's everything she claims to want, somethings just "missing" so oh no i went and ****ed a bad boy jock instead, whoops and it's all your fault mr nice guy cos.... reasons.

Yup been there, done that, had the breakdown to prove it.


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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The if you are a nice guy, and respect women,
Respect women?

Respect is to be earned. I've met maybe a handful of women I "respect." Most aren't respectable so,why in the **** would you respect it?

Is Hannah, the character in question respectable?

Watches a rape. Goes to a rapist party. Gets semi naked in rapist hot tub. Enjoys sex but then plays victim. Oh and kills herself.

She is the biggest attention *****. A disgusting character many girls aspire to be like.

Respect lol you crack me up.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
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Yea the show grew on me I was Clay when I was younger to, some of those people didn't belong on those tapes, clay being one of them


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
My daughters like that show and I've seen most episodes in the first season, binge watching it with one of my kids when she was home sick. It's an R rated version of Beverly Hills 90210... with suicide story line, which is interesting. It's a soap opera for teenage girls.

It's not what I would normally watch, but it's not horrible. They are over the top with political correctness, which doesn't really add to the story and I found distracting. The only character in that show that I find compelling is the suicide victim. The rest of the characters really don't have any depth, accept for the gay guy who takes on the role of circulating the tapes. He is definitely not archetypal, but the actor portraying that part really isn't that good, and he doesn't really sell it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2018
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So Cal
This show sucks. So many better options on television to waste your time with.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Respect women?

Respect is to be earned. I've met maybe a handful of women I "respect." Most aren't respectable so,why in the **** would you respect it?
It depends how you are brought up and what your experience is like. Clay appears to have come from a good home with decent parents and probably lived a sheltered life. Sometimes you are just "good natured". It's not a matter if women themselves are respect-worthy or not, it's how you are wired. If you have to change who you are because someone brings out the worst in you because of how they are behaving then it doesn't show a strong character. Clay appears to be strong at least that way throughout the TV-show.

Deezedbrah said:
Is Hannah, the character in question respectable?
To Clay, yes she's respectable. To the bad-boy jock, not much so. To most people, probably not. Clay is wired in such a way that he respects, values, loves Hannah. She got damaged and gave him mixed signals.

Deezedbrah said:
Watches a rape. Goes to a rapist party. Gets semi naked in rapist hot tub. Enjoys sex but then plays victim. Oh and kills herself.
Lets take the argument she enjoys sex and plays the victim. That is not how the TV-show went. If you saw that particular episode then it's a matter of social media shaming. People can do their business but when you start taking secret smartphone photos and sending them to everyone in the same class then it's a type of rape. Hannah never signed up for that. She went to a party that happened to have a rape occur, but she didn't go to the party knowing there was a rapist there who intended to rape someone for her entertainment. That's a big difference. This is a high-stress situation. Just like if you are a by-stander witnessing something. Some people may react and intervene, others may dial 911, still others may just pray, or do nothing about it at all. It doesn't mean they agree with what is going on. If she goes in a hot-tub then obviously she's going to take off some clothes. So, while I may understand what you are saying, I think I can understand why Clay would like her still and, yes, respect her. I would be rooting for her and Clay to be together, at least a short term relationship with lots of nice make-out sessions if she didn't take her life.

Allot of times you'd think that Clay should have just aggressively throw caution to the wind and just french kissed her. Sometimes I have that feeling, but like Clay there is a block and you don't end up doing it. You just can't. However that character acted this "Clay" guy really resonated. How many opportunities to just start making out with her.

Deezebrah said:
She is the biggest attention *****. A disgusting character many girls aspire to be like.
That's unfortunate since that would mean many girls would also commit suicide. Don't see how a suicide girl who writes letters, makes tapes, or video-blogs blaming other people for her death is a model citizen.

Deezebrah said:
Respect lol you crack me up.
It's because you must have a side or a past where you may have identified with Clay or dealt with women that way. Then you got burned badly once or twice, took up the red-pill, and then don't see how you could have been that way in the first place. You sound rather bitter as well. It's great the red-pill is working for you? For it to work, then obviously you can't respect women. So you think respect is just for blue-pillers?


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
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West Coast
In season 2 they're really legally correct for some reason. If you ever wonder why it may not be easy to just 'sue someone' or 'put them behind bars' despite evidence, that season pretty much sums up attorneys.